Golikova: the maximum size of unemployment benefits may reach the subsistence level

Golikova: the maximum size of unemployment benefits may reach the subsistence level According to the Vice Prime Minister, also planned to increase financial support for active employment programmes. MOSCOW, July 12. /TASS/. The government plans to increase the maximum size of the unemployment benefit to the subsistence minimum of able-bodied citizen. About it on air of radio “Komsomolskaya Pravda” reported Deputy Prime Minister Tatiana Golikova. “We are now preparing a bill that would revise the minimum and maximum sizes of the unemployment benefit. We believe that the maximum allowance shall be equal to the subsistence minimum of able-bodied citizen. Now think about what period should it be paid unemployment benefits”, she said. According to Golikova, also planned to increase financial support for active employment programmes (programmes of retraining), oriented on assistance to citizens of preretirement age. “In recent years, given the fact that the unemployment rate is low, the region

The head of NATO promised Georgia membership in the Alliance

The head of NATO promised Georgia membership in the Alliance NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg is convinced that Georgia will become a member of the Alliance. He stated this during a summit of the bloc in Brussels on 12 July. “We fully support Euro-Atlantic aspirations of Georgia, Georgia will become a NATO member, our leaders confirmed yesterday, we will continue to work with you to prepare the membership”, — quotes its words “RIA Novosti”. However, he did not specify how long the country can join the Union. “NATO and Georgia in the near future will consider expansion in the security sphere in the Black sea, including exercises,” — said Stoltenberg. Previously, on 11 July, NATO Secretary General said that the Alliance “recognizes the progress Georgia in many directions, including in the areas of defense and security, modernization of defence institutions,” a statement on the continued support of the country at

Kosachev: allegations of NATO to the Russian Federation the Alliance needs to cover up its internal problems

The head of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs Konstantin Kosachev © Anton novoderezhkin/TASS MOSCOW, July 11. /TASS/. The head of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs Konstantin Kosachev considers that the allegations of NATO to Russia identified in the outcome statement of the Alliance, the organizations need to cover their main problems within NATO.

Trump was outraged by the stream “pipe dollars” from Europe to Russia

Trump was outraged by the stream “pipe dollars” from Europe to Russia The US President Donald trump said on stream “pipe dollars” from Europe to Russia, which, according to him, is unacceptable. “Billions of additional dollars being spent by NATO countries since my last visit last year, at my request, but that’s hardly enough. The United States spends too much. Europe’s borders are bad! Pipeline dollars in Russia is unacceptable,” wrote the President in his Twitter account. The project “Northern stream — 2” involves the construction of two gas thread from Russia to Germany through the Baltic sea with a total capacity of 55 billion cubic meters per year. The launch is scheduled for the end of 2019. Most European countries support the project, however, requires Washington to withdraw from the project, threatening sanctions. Against are also the Baltic countries, Poland and Ukraine for fear of losing profits from gas

Trump could “recruit” in the Soviet Union, the media are writing

Trump could “recruit” in the Soviet Union, the media are writing MOSCOW, 12 APR — RIA Novosti. The current President of the United States Donald trump “recruited” back in 1987, during his visit to Moscow, writes New York magazine. The publication connects the beginning of the political career of trump in 1987 with his trip to Moscow to discuss the possible construction of the hotel. While a year earlier in new York, future American President met with Soviet Ambassador Yuri Dubinin. It is reported that the hotel was never built, but the “trump returned from the USSR with political ambitions.” It is noted that the Kremlin may be dirt on trump after his visits to Moscow in 1987 and 2013. In addition, according to the magazine, the reluctance of the US President to publish his tax return may be due to the fact that for many years he “could have

Greece’s expulsion of Russian diplomats connected with the debt restructuring EU

Greece’s expulsion of Russian diplomats connected with the debt restructuring EU Greece’s expulsion of two Russian diplomats and a ban for two more employees of diplomatic missions is an attempt by Athens to restructure debt. This “news” reported two people in the diplomatic circles of the Russian Federation. “The Greek side expulsion and ban on entry for Russian diplomats marked the beginning of the NATO summit in Brussels. The essence of this gesture is to Express their hostility to Russia, but to show solidarity with the countries of NATO and the EU to prove that Athens are on the side of Euro-Atlantic unity”, — said the source “Izvestia”. Another interviewee confirmed the intention of Russia to meet the mirror, however, has not yet been determined, I will send Moscow the four depravation or make by analogy with the gesture of Greece. As have informed “news” in Embassy of Russia in

USA warned investors of the “Nord stream-2” about the risk of sanctions

USA warned investors of the “Nord stream-2” about the risk of sanctions WASHINGTON, 12 Feb — RIA Novosti. Companies working with the “Northern stream 2” and other Russian export pipelines, are under the threat of sanctions, said the representative of the state Department. “The US opposes the project “North stream 2″. We do not comment on possible future sanctions, but we have made it clear that companies operating in the sector of Russian export pipelines, run a business, which carries a risk of sanctions,” — said in a statement. Washington requires European countries to stop participating in the project “Nord stream 2” and threatens sanctions for those who do not go for it. In return Russian gas, the U.S. promoting its own with the construction of LNG regasification terminals in Europe.

The Russian foreign Ministry called NATO a useless unit

The Russian foreign Ministry called NATO a useless unit The Ministry of foreign Affairs of Russia chose the next accusations NATO watching match of the world Cup. So diplomats responded to the final Declaration of the NATO summit, adding that the Alliance was “useless unit”. “That is useless in the NATO military bloc accuses us of provocative activities and continues to gnash their teeth in Brussels, we are preparing to watch the 2018 world Cup (between Croatia and England — ed.)”, — stated in the message of the foreign Ministry in Twitter. On 11 July in Brussels launched the summit of the NATO countries. The first day was made a statement in which Russia was accused of “provocative activities” and the deployment of dual-purpose missiles in Kaliningrad. The representative of the French foreign Ministry also said that the Alliance will adhere to the “flexible defensive positions” against Russia, adding that

The Ministry of labor called the maximum possible amount of pension

The Ministry of labor called the maximum possible amount of pension After raising the retirement age in Russia will become possible to provide insurance pension at 40% of average earnings, to a maximum of just over 30 000 rubles, reports “Interfax” with reference to the statement by the Deputy Minister of labour and social protection Andrei Pudova. According to him, the Ministry of labour had calculated and agreed with the International labour organization. These calculations allow to say that “we will minimum social standard about 40% of the replacement rate of individual earnings to individual retirement run”. “Even for high-yield groups,” he added. The “ceiling” for the calculation of pensions will become the limiting size of base for charge of insurance payments — 1 021 000 RUB per year. This amount corresponds to the monthly salary of the employee in the amount of about 85 000 RUB. In this case,

NATO warned of new threats from Russia

NATO warned of new threats from Russia The leaders of the countries-members of NATO said about a possible threat from Russia. In the published Declaration States that Russia is violating international law and conducting provocative military measures. According to the document, Moscow was criticized for destabilizing the situation in Ukraine, the deployment of missiles in Kaliningrad, the breach of space NATO attempt to intervene in the Affairs of other countries and the use of cyber attacks and disinformation. The Alliance called on Russia to withdraw troops from Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova. It is noted that NATO members are ready to dialogue, when it is indeed possible. In the Declaration it is also reported about an agreement to create a non-combat mission in Iraq, and by 2020 the Alliance will be ready to lead in combat readiness in 30 days 30 30 battalions and aviation squadrons. Earlier, U.S. President Donald trump