Putin extended the food embargo

Putin extended the food embargo The President of Russia Vladimir Putin extended until the end of next year, the decree about the food embargo against countries that have adopted sanctions against Russia. The document published on the official portal of legal information on Thursday, July 12. “To extend from 1 January to 31 December 2019 the action of certain special economic measures presidential decree of 6 August 2014 No. 560 “On applying certain special economic measures to ensure security of the Russian Federation” and extended by decrees of the President of the Russian Federation of June 24, 2015 No. 320, dated June 29, 2016 No. 305 of 30 June 2017 № 293″, — the document says. In the summer of 2014, Moscow imposed a ban on the importation of products from countries supporting anti-Russian sanctions. The list includes USA, Canada, Australia, member countries of the European Union, Norway, Albania, Montenegro,

Trump wanted to be a friend of Putin

Trump wanted to be a friend of Putin The President of the United States Donald trump expects that all countries in the future, along with Russia and will have a relationship with her. He said this in Brussels at a press conference on the results of the NATO summit, reports Reuters. “I hope that we will be able to negotiate with Russia. I think we will succeed”, — quotes the American leader TASS. Trump said that NATO is a very strong ally, much stronger than the States individually. He added that he wants to see Russian President Vladimir Putin’s threat to Europe or the United States, and that this requires the Alliance. According to him, the Russian leader will soon see the unity of the members of the unit. In addition, trump said that Putin currently can’t be his friend because they are very poorly know each other. He reiterated

Trump has convinced NATO leaders to increase spending to “unthinkable levels”

Trump has convinced NATO leaders to increase spending to “unthinkable levels” The President of the United States Donald trump following an emergency meeting with the heads of the countries-members of NATO in Brussels said that the participants agreed to increase military spending to prescribed in the Constitution of 2% of GDP. According to him, a year costs rose to a record $330 billion While at the summit, the President urged not to limit this proportion and to increase defense spending to 4%. “It was made significant progress. All agreed to significantly raise the level of their contributions, will rise to levels that were previously unthinkable,” said Mr. trump. He praised the leaders of the Alliance for its willingness to increase military spending. Ahead of the meeting with Russian President Donald trump promised to discuss with him the issues of Ukraine, Syria, and also Russia’s interference in internal Affairs, in which

The Kremlin reacted to trump’s words on the dependence of Germany on Russia

The Kremlin reacted to trump’s words on the dependence of Germany on Russia Moscow saw the statement of the US President’s attempt to force the partners to buy more expensive gas. Press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov commented on the statement of U.S. President Donald trump, criticized America’s partners in NATO, which supported the project of gas supplies to Europe through the pipeline “Nord stream — 2”. Peskov said that the project is purely commercial. No reason to doubt Russia’s reliability as a supplier of fuel to European partners can not be, said the representative of the Kremlin. For many decades, Russia confirmed that it is a reliable guarantor of gas supplies to Europe. No other provider has not demonstrated this reliability. Also, we all know that cost and the final cost there are very few vendors can compete with it.Dmitry Pescovitz Secretary of the President of

Trump has threatened to withdraw the U.S. from NATO, if the allies won’t increase military spending

Trump has threatened to withdraw the U.S. from NATO, if the allies won’t increase military spending Moscow. July 12. INTERFAX.RU — the US President, Donald trump declared to the NATO allies about the readiness to withdraw the U.S. from membership in the Alliance if NATO members do not agree as soon as possible to increase their defence spending, says the American online publication Politico, citing sources. “The US President Donald trump threatened to break up with NATO and to deal with the security of America unilaterally if the allies immediately do not achieve their objectives, implying a higher defence spending, say NATO officials and diplomats”, — the newspaper notes. It became known yesterday that the trump of the NATO summit in Brussels, said the colleagues from other countries of the Alliance that should have been aspiring to spend on defense 4% of GDP. This is now NATO countries confront the

Criminal liability for compliance with sanctions will have to wait until next spring

Criminal liability for compliance with sanctions will have to wait until next spring According to “Kommersant”, the bill on criminal responsibility for observance of anti-Russian sanctions may be deferred to the spring session of the Duma 2019. On 10 July, after the Council of the Duma speaker Vyacheslav Volodin said that the deputies “have adjusted their opinion” and criminal liability for business can be replaced by administrative or even excluded from the bill. However, he “did not rule out that this draft law could be considered by the state Duma before the end of the spring session ending in late July.” This wording is used all the news. The interlocutor of “Kommersant” in the state Duma says that, most likely, it was about the spring session of 2019. In the Duma Committee on legislation and state construction, which should prepare the draft for the second reading, told “Kommersant” that this

Zakharov stood up for trump

Zakharov stood up for trump Official representative of the Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova said the criticism of former U.S. Ambassador Michael McFaul to the American leader, Donald trump. McFaul wrote on Twitter that trump during his presidency, NATO has brought more harm than Soviet and Russian leaders for 70 years. Zakharova, in turn, noted that the White house has been consistent in his statements. “Trump about his NATO strategy, declared long before the elections, and developed it during the election campaign,” — wrote the representative of the foreign Ministry in Facebook. “So even 18 years ago trump frankly admitted: “the Cost of stay of troops in Europe is huge. And the money you can definitely spend on something better. Still our allies don’t seem to really appreciate our presence,” continued the diplomat. During the download an error has occurred. She recalled other words of the President of the United

Why Russian family fighting over the inheritance

Why Russian family fighting over the inheritance The state Duma adopted in the third reading a bill allowing couples to make a joint will. From 1 July 2019, the Russians will be able to transfer marital property to one specific person and not to divide it between relatives. In addition, the law will allow heirs to “reserve” the specific values that they would like to. The signing of the will can be removed on video — this, experts say, will save us from further doubt of the adequacy of the originator of the last will. Certified screenshot Russian couple from 1 July 2019 will be able to make a joint will. The corresponding bill in the final reading on Wednesday the state Duma adopted the. Now the couple can’t bequeath the jointly acquired property. For this, you need to share the marriage contract, and only after that individually, each party