Peskov told about the expectations from the meeting of Putin and trump

Peskov told about the expectations from the meeting of Putin and trump Press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov said that Moscow is counting on the expression “rudiments of political will” during the meeting of Vladimir Putin with the leader of the United States Donald trump in Helsinki. “You know that (Russian-American. — Ed.) relations are in very poor condition, and that Russia was not the initiator of such a collapse of the whole complex of our relations”, — said the representative of the Kremlin in an interview with TV channel RT. He also added that during the meeting Putin and trump plan to explain their position on a number of issues, to either confirm or dispel fears of each other. 16 July in the Finnish capital will host a summit Russia-the USA. It is expected that the two leaders will discuss bilateral relations and topical international issues.

Media: the United States plan to evacuate the White helmets of Syria

Media: the United States plan to evacuate the White helmets of Syria A number of countries, including the US, France and Britain to discuss the evacuation of members of the organization “White helmets” from the territory of Syria, informs TV channel CNN, citing its own sources. According to the channel, now in Syria there are about thousands of employees of the organization and members of their families. A diplomatic source said that they are ready to take the UK, Canada and Germany. The Syrian government believes that “White helmets” terrorist group. It is noted that the President of the United States Donald trump discussed this issue at the NATO summit and could discuss it with Russian President Vladimir Putin, but the US and its allies are seeking an evacuation plan that would not involve Russia supporting the Syrian government.

Peskov denied the rumors about the readiness of Russia to extradite Snowden, the U.S.

Peskov denied the rumors about the readiness of Russia to extradite Snowden, the U.S. Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov has denied the information that Moscow is ready to give Washington the U.S. national security Agency Edward Snowden. “No, absolutely not correspond, of course, this may not be considered. I mean that such transactions are absolutely inappropriate,” — said Peskov in interview to TV channel RT. Previously, the results of Snowden expelled and Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. The Minister said that Snowden is the master of his destiny and only he can make a decision. Edward Snowden in 2013 released information about global surveillance of the intelligence services of UK and US citizens. According to former CIA Director Keith Alexander, Snowden gave the media up to 200 thousand classified documents. The actions of Snowden have led to a diplomatic incident. Russia granted him temporary asylum, the home of

The Croatian President spoke out against Russia’s isolation

The Croatian President spoke out against Russia’s isolation MOSCOW, 16 Jul — RIA Novosti. The President of Croatia Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic spoke for the necessity of dialogue with Russia is its isolation, reports the associated Press. Grabar-Kitarovic expressed concern about Russia’s actions in South-Eastern Europe, but stressed the importance of dialogue with Moscow on security issues. “We need to work together”, — said the head of state. Also, the Croatian President expressed hope that the presidents of Russia and USA Vladimir Putin and Donald trump at the meeting in Helsinki will be remembered that we are the guarantors of international stability. On Sunday, Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic before the final of the world Cup in Moscow in which Croatia lost to France team, met in the Kremlin with Vladimir Putin. The President of Russia gave his colleague a bouquet of flowers, and she gives him a shirt of your team that says Putin.

Putin and trump will try to start “rubble” in relations Russia – USA

Russian President Vladimir Putin and U.S. President Donald trump © Mikhail Metzel/TASS MOSCOW/WASHINGTON/HELSINKI, July 16. /TASS/. The presidents of Russia and USA Vladimir Putin and Donald trump will hold on Monday in Helsinki the first full-scale meeting outside the multilateral summits. According to statements by both sides, no one expects miracles at the end of negotiations, but in Russia, and the United States recognize the need to begin restoring relations between the two countries.

Putin gave the first lady of France a bouquet of peonies and roses

Putin gave the first lady of France a bouquet of peonies and roses MOSCOW, 15 Nov — RIA Novosti. Russian President Vladimir Putin gave to the wife of the French leader Bridget macron bouquet of flowers and had a short conversation with her before speaking with the President of Emmanuel Macron. Macron has arrived to the Kremlin in Sunday together with his wife Bridget. Putin met them in the Executive office. He warmly welcomed the French leader and the first lady was given a bouquet of peonies and roses. The Protocol of such meetings, involvement of spouses in the negotiations, so Bridget left Putin and the Macron, but before that, the Russian leader a few minutes informal talked to her and Macron. Wife Makron came to Moscow for the final of the world Cup, which fought France and Croatia. The French leader during the championship for the second time arrives

Prime Minister of Hungary complained to Putin anti-Russian sanctions

Prime Minister of Hungary complained to Putin anti-Russian sanctions European Union sanctions against Russia harm relations between Moscow and Budapest, Prime Minister Viktor Orban at a meeting with Russian leader Vladimir Putin, the press service of the Kremlin. “Frankly, if there were no sanctions that harm us, we could still well ahead to move forward. Of course, these measures harm, we lose opportunities,” — said the Hungarian Prime Minister. While Orban has assured Putin that Hungary advocates the normalization of relations between Russia and the West. He also noted that bilateral relations between Moscow and Budapest are developing well. The EU, USA and several other countries have introduced restrictive measures against Russia in 2014 and linking them with the accession to Russia of Crimea, and then — with the conflict in the South-East of Ukraine. In response, Moscow imposed a ban on food imports from most of the countries that

Putin hopes that Russia and France will overcome the difficulties in relations

The President of France Emmanuel macron and Russian President Vladimir Putin © Mikhail Metzel/TASS MOSCOW, July 15. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin hopes that relations between Russia and France will come to the path of positive development, overcoming difficulties and re-establish instruments of cooperation. He said this during the meeting with the President of France Emmanuel Macron. “Gradually restored the usual mechanisms of cooperation, which gives reason to believe that we will overcome all the challenges we faced in the previous time, and come to the path of this positive development of the multilateral relations”, – said the head of state.

Trump has compared Putin with Kim Jong-UN

Trump has compared Putin with Kim Jong-UN Published in the Daily Mail the day before the meeting of presidents Vladimir Putin and Donald trump’s interview the US President said that he was able to build good relations with North Korean leader Kim Jong-UN, although it considers the latter “a ruthless dictator”. Putin’s trump dictator is not directly named, but indicated that he, too, is a ruthless man. “We got on very well with Kim Jong-UN. He is very intelligent, interesting personality, funny and tough man, a good negotiator,” said trump in an interview on Board the presidential plane. “…and also a ruthless dictator,” — said the journalist of the Daily Mail piers Morgan. “Of course he’s ruthless, but he is not alone… many of those with whom I’m dealing with ruthless people,” said trump. “And Putin, too?” — asked the journalist. “Can’t say, but I think so. But others, too.