stopped working in Crimea stopped working in Crimea The booking service of hotels has supported sanctions against the Crimea. Moscow. July 16. INTERFAX.RU Service for booking hotels stopped work in the Crimea because of the sanctions, said on Monday “Criminals”. “Internet system. supported sanctions in respect of Crimea and ruled out the possibility for tourists to reserve a seat in the Crimean accommodation facilities. The company website reports this when trying to book a hotel or hostel at any point of the Peninsula”, — stated in the message. According to the portal, the owners of the accommodation facilities also complained about the blocking of their sites in — according to them, today stopped to collect feedback of tourists to the Crimean objects. “The official response from the service, it must comply with trade sanctions of the EU against the Crimea, which is based in the Netherlands”. According to the

Putin: Russia and the issue of Crimea is closed, although the position of the United States other

The US President Donald trump and the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin © EPA-EFE/ANATOLY MALTSEV HELSINKI, July 16. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin acknowledged that the positions of Moscow and Washington differ on Crimea, but in Russia “it is finished.” “The position of President [of the USA Donald] trump in the Crimea is known, and it follows, he speaks on the illegality of the annexation of Crimea to the Russian Federation”, – stated the head of the Russian state at a press conference following the summit Russia – the USA.

Sergey Lavrov and Michael Pompeo met in Helsinki

Sergey Lavrov and Michael Pompeo met in Helsinki The Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov and U.S. Secretary of state Michael Pompeo hold talks in the Finnish capital, reports TASS. For the foreign Ministers of the two countries is the first personal meeting before they spoke on the phone. Sergei Lavrov and Mike Pompeo arrived in Helsinki in the composition of delegations the presidents of Russia and USA Vladimir Putin and Donald trump, the summit which takes place in the Palace of the President of Finland. Negotiations of leaders of two countries will take about three hours. It is expected that the presidents will discuss Syria and Ukraine, disarmament, and the estimated RF interference in the American elections in 2016. After that, they will hold a press conference. The signing of the joint statement following the meeting is not planned. See also: The statements of Donald trump about

Senate Democrats called shame trump statements at the meeting with Putin

Senate Democrats called shame trump statements at the meeting with Putin WASHINGTON, 16 Oct — RIA Novosti. A number of democratic senators on Monday, the US issued a harsh criticism of President Donald trump following his meeting with Russian leader Vladimir Putin. 8фотографий8фотографий8фотографий Comments of the senators were mainly connected with the question of the so-called “interference” of Russia in the U.S. presidential election in 2016. Recently, the U.S. justice Department blamed the 12 Russians, calling them employees of the Russian special services. Russia denies accusations of meddling in the election, about the press conference once again Putin said. The Russian President also invited the US to send its investigators to Russia for interrogation of individuals who are accused of interference. Trump said that referred to in the indictment of 12 Russians have “no relation to the election” and “these people are not connected with the election campaign”. He also

Trump felt it important to say to Putin in the face of Russian interference in American elections

Trump felt it important to say to Putin in the face of Russian interference in American elections Moscow. July 16. INTERFAX.RU — U.S. President Donald trump said that he thought the right thing to say to Russian President Vladimir Putin directly about Moscow’s intervention in the American elections. 8фотографий8фотографий8фотографий “During this meeting I had with President Putin talked about Russia’s intervention in our elections. I believe that it was better to tell him straight in the face,” said trump at a press conference following the talks with Putin. He once again rejected allegations of collusion between his campaign staff and Moscow during the election campaign for the us presidential election. “We discussed this issue and it is important that there is no conspiracy,” said the US President. According to trump, the investigation of an alleged Russian interference in the presidential election in the United States “had a negative impact on

The foreign Ministry agreed with trump that relations between the two countries deteriorated because of the stupidity of USA

© Stanislav Krasilnikov/TASS MOSCOW, July 16. /TASS/. The Ministry of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation according to the President of the United States Donald trump is that relations between the two countries, as he wrote in his Twitter, worse than ever because of the “folly and stupidity” of Washington. “We agree,” – said on the page of the Russian foreign Ministry on Twitter in response to published on Monday the head of the White house.

Putin gave Trump a note with a proposal for the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons

Putin gave Trump a note with a proposal for the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons The President stressed that Russia and the United States as the largest nuclear powers have a “special responsibility for international security.” 8фотографий8фотографий8фотографий HELSINKI, July 16. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin said that he gave us counterpart Donald Trump a note with a proposal for the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons. As the largest nuclear powers, we bear a special responsibility for international security. I think it is important — and we talked about this to debug a dialogue on issues of strategic stability and nonproliferation of weapons of mass destruction.Vladimir Putin “We gave our us colleagues note a number of concrete proposals on this issue”, — Putin said.

Putin: talks with trump were held in a Frank and business-like atmosphere

Putin: talks with trump were held in a Frank and business-like atmosphere They are successful and helpful, said the Russian leader. 8фотографий8фотографий8фотографий HELSINKI, July 16. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin remained is happy with results of negotiations with his American counterpart Donald trump. “Negotiations with the President of the United States of America Mr. Donald trump were held in a Frank and business-like atmosphere. Consider them to be very successful and useful”, — said the head of the Russian state at a press conference following the summit Russia — the USA. According to Putin, the leaders “discussed the current state and prospects of Russian-American relations and the key issues on the international agenda”. “It is obvious that the bilateral relations are experiencing a difficult period, however, these difficulties prevailing tense atmosphere are not objective reasons”, — says the President of the Russian Federation. He explained: “the Cold war is long

The meeting of Putin and trump tete-a-tete in Helsinki lasted more than two hours

The meeting of Putin and trump tete-a-tete in Helsinki lasted more than two hours The personal conversation of presidents to be followed by negotiations in expanded format. 8фотографий8фотографий8фотографий Moscow. July 16. INTERFAX.RU — Russian President Vladimir Putin and U.S. President Donald trump talked tete-a-tete 2 hours 10 minutes instead of the planned one and a half. The meeting of leaders of Russia and the USA in the format eye to eye ended in Helsinki, reports channel “Russia-24”. After that, trump said that the start was good for everyone. I think it’s a good start.Donald Trepresent USA “It’s a very very good start for everyone,” said trump at the beginning of the expanded session of the summit of leaders of Russia and the USA, which followed the tete-a-tete between the presidents. As reported, the conversation Putin and trump began with a 55-minute delay. It is expected that the meeting will be