Saudi Arabia recalls Ambassador in Canada

Saudi Arabia recalls Ambassador in Canada MOSCOW, August 6 — RIA Novosti. Riyadh Saudi recalls Ambassador in Ottawa for consultations, reports the press Agency of Saudi Arabia. In addition, the Ministry of foreign Affairs of the Kingdom declared Canada’s Ambassador persona non grata and gave him 24 hours to leave the country. Also, Saudi Arabia took the decision to freeze all new trade and investment transactions with Canada. It is reported that the Kingdom reserves the right to take further action.

Kadyrov said that the Chechen experience in the fight against terrorism can be useful for Syria

The Head Of The Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov © Yelena Afonina/TASS MOSCOW, August 5. /TASS/. The head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov believes that the experience of the region in the fight against international terrorism can be useful for Syria. “There is every indication that the government of [Syrian President] Bashar al-Assad is determined to take control of the entire country. To achieve this, particular importance is the liberation of Idlib from international terrorists,” he wrote Sunday in his Telegram channel.

Surrounded by enemies: why Lukashenko turned away from Russia

Surrounded by enemies: why Lukashenko turned away from Russia Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko does not want to be “taken by the throat”. For this reason, Belarus will seek new trade partners, not to depend on the Russian market. The head of the country is ready to bet on China and Africa. While Russia remains a key trade partner of Belarus, and the rhetoric of Lukashenka due to the election campaign, experts say A sharp statement in the address of Russia, Alexander Lukashenko made this week during a working visit of “visiting the fields of the 1st Minsk poultry factory”. Here are grown cereals for feed. He began from afar, noting the fact that a landowner employs seven to eight workers in related industries. So, the village needs to support. “If we’re going to stop, imagine half the country will go without work,” Lukashenka is quoted by BelTA news Agency. Lukashenko

Kosachev said Segal justified the appointment of the special representative of the MFA of Russia

The head of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs Konstantin Kosachev © Valery sharifulin/TASS MOSCOW, August 5. /TASS/. The decision on the appointment of actor Steven Seagal to the post of special envoy of the foreign Ministry of Russia on Russian-American relations is justified humanitarian nature, Moscow wants to appeal to those people in the US who are not interested in the degradation of the cooperation. This opinion, responding Sunday to a question by TASS, was expressed by the head of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs Konstantin Kosachev.

The UK can leave the EU without agreement with Brussels

The UK can leave the EU without agreement with Brussels Minister of foreign trade of great Britain Liam Fox said during a press conference today that, most likely, the country will have a hard Brakcet””. The probability that London and Brussels will not be able to come to a common agreement on the terms of withdrawal of Britain from the EU, Mr Liam was estimated at 60% “I think the intransigence of the European Commission promoting us to the fact that the transactions will not, — quotes Minister Reuters.— We have created the basis to the transaction took place, but if the EU decides that the unelected God’s purpose is to primarily to look after the welfare of the people of Europe, then it will “Brakcet” bureaucrats, not “Brakcet” of the people, and then there will be only one result.” Recall that the negotiations between representatives of the UK and

Chargé d’affaires of Russia in the U.S. was summoned to the state Department

Chargé d’affaires of Russia in the U.S. was summoned to the state Department Assistant Secretary on Affairs of Europe and Eurasia Uess Mitchell was summoned to the state Department chargé d’affaires of Russia Dmitry Zhirnova. Reported about it in Twitter a press-the Secretary of the Department of state Heather Nauert. “Assistant Secretary Mitchell called the chargé d’affaires of Russia Zhirnova, to get the answer to questions about the Kremlin’s attempts to use accounts in social networks to promote violence and division in the United States. We will not tolerate this aggressive intervention,” wrote Nauert. This week Facebook announced that on July 31 deleted 32 pages of fake account in Facebook and Instagram, created in March 2017-may 2018: they were involved in coordinated the creation of false information to mislead users. Their goal, according to the company, to affect the outcome of the midterm elections in the United States, which will

Donald trump has offered to send funds from fees for debt repayment

Donald trump has offered to send funds from fees for debt repayment The President of the United States Donald trump believes that money received from duties on goods coming from abroad, you can direct on the repayment of a large debt. “This money will go to pay debt of $21 trillion that has accumulated, mostly during the presidency of Barack Obama”, — he wrote in Twitter. Also, the President once again criticized trade policies of some countries. “Every country wants to get something from US, to our detriment. And I’m telling you, it is necessary to levy duties,” said Mr. trump. “Or let them produce their goods in the U.S.,” he said. Recall, June 1, Donald trump raised tariffs on steel and aluminum from China and other countries to 25%. Exceptions were Canada, Mexico and the European Union, however from July 1, tariffs have started to operate and in relation

McFaul, commented on the appointment of Segal to the post of special representative of the Russian foreign Ministry

McFaul, commented on the appointment of Segal to the post of special representative of the Russian foreign Ministry Former U.S. Ambassador to Moscow Michael McFaul, commented on the appointment of actor Steven Seagal to the post of special envoy of the Russian foreign Ministry, a Russian-American cultural links. Recording the former diplomat did in Twitter. “Now, Seagal has become a Russian citizen? It will be “interesting”: Russia has appointed Steven Seagal’s special representative for improving relations with America,” wrote McFaul. In another tweet he was limited to one word — “hopeless”, without specifying what is meant. The Russian foreign Ministry stated that Segal would do “to promote the further development of Russian-American relations in the humanitarian sphere”. Those responsibilities include culture, art, public and youth exchanges, and more. In this case we are talking about the socio-political positions that does not involve monetary compensation. Seagal himself, who became a Russian

The responsibility for the assassination on Maduro has taken the group “Flannel soldiers”

The responsibility for the assassination on Maduro has taken the group “Flannel soldiers” Moscow. 5 Aug. INTERFAX.RU — Responsibility for the assassination of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro took over the underground group “Flannel soldiers”; on Saturday she issued a statement about this in his Twitter. “The purpose of the operation was to deliver to the presidential Palace two drone with C4 explosives”, — stated in the message. The drones had not reached his goal because he was shot down by snipers. “We showed that they are vulnerable; in this time we have not achieved our goal, but it is only a matter of time.” The investigation of the attempted assassination of the President of Venezuela has already started, it will conduct three public Prosecutor, announced the Prosecutor General of the Republic of Tarek Saab. Earlier, Maduro himself said that detained several people, which he called the organizers of the assassination.