Zakharova said that the actions of NATO in the Baltic States pose increased security risks

The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova © Valery sharifulin/TASS MOSCOW, August 9. /TASS/. Active actions of NATO forces in the Baltic sea region have turned it into a zone where potentially hazardous incidents. This was stated on Thursday at a briefing the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova, commenting on the incident with unintended launch of a Spanish aircraft in the skies over Estonia. “This development was expected, after all, on the initiative of the Alliance it once a quiet militarily the Baltic sea region becomes a zone of intense combat training activities, fraught with dangerous incidents,” she said.

In Moscow promised mirrored and adequately respond to sanctions of the USA

In Moscow promised mirrored and adequately respond to sanctions of the USA MOSCOW, 9 Aug — RIA Novosti. Russia promises to mirror response to sanctions that the US plans to impose against Moscow, said at a briefing on Thursday the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova. “From Russia we introduce retaliatory actions against the countries which imposed sanctions against Russia. When the UK imposes sanctions, or sanctions, such as expulsion of the Russian diplomats, or any measures of a hostile character against the Russian side, we always respond adequately, mirror can be different to call it”, — said Zakharov. If we are talking about any other country, we, unfortunately, have to act appropriately. This can be called a mirror, symmetrical, whatever.Maria Saharanafrican the representative of the Russian foreign Ministry On Wednesday, the US administration announced new sanctions against Russia over its alleged use of chemical weapons in the

Disclosed the details of new US sanctions against Russia

Disclosed the details of new US sanctions against Russia New anti-Russian sanctions will affect the export of electronics, as well as a number of components and technologies from the oil and gas industry. It is reported by TASS, citing a senior representative of the US state Department, speaking at a telephone briefing for European journalists. “The restrictive measures will affect many high-tech sectors, including electronics and communications, lasers, sensors and advanced processing technology of oil and gas”, — said the representative office. He noted that the US government did not discuss its sanctions with foreign partners. According to him, they will have to decide on introduction of additional sanctions against Russia. Washington has promised to introduce new sanctions against Russia on 22 August due to attributed to Moscow of involvement in the poisoning in Britain of former GRU officer Sergei Skripal and his daughter. Moscow has repeatedly denied the accusations.

The CEC received three new requests for referendum on retirement age

The CEC received three new requests for referendum on retirement age The Central election Commission (CEC) received three new requests for referendum on raising the retirement age, said CEC member Vasily Likhachev (his words, gave “Interfax”). The same follows from the announcement of tomorrow’s meeting of the Commission. The CEC on Wednesday approved issues three initiative groups for a referendum on raising the retirement age. The first initiative group from Moscow under the leadership of the candidate in mayors from “Fair Russia” Ilya Sviridov. The second — from the suburbs, it is led by activists of the all-Russian Association of organizations that work with large families Marina Semenova Oksana Shirobokova. Third from the Altai region, where his initiative group gathered the Communist party. Now initiators of a referendum within two months must hold a meeting of the new initiative sub-groups numbering not less than 100 people, more than half of

Sobyanin will not participate in election debates

Sergei Sobyanin © Anton novoderezhkin/TASS MOSCOW, August 9. /TASS/. The independent candidate for mayor of the capital Sergey Sobyanin decided not to participate in election debates. The time the candidate is ready to donate to his opponents, said on Thursday reporters the head of his campaign headquarters Konstantin Remchukov. “My analysis of the members of staff showed that the current practices and the nature of employment Sobyanin – daily for 5-6 meetings with labor groups and his very active presence in the information field, we decided not to take part in the debate, because there stands on four channels of 37.5 minutes, at all, that is every 7.5 minutes, then Sobyanin, it would be 30 minutes on these channels. We have these 30 minutes decided to give candidates for mayor because they are less known to the Muscovites, and quite possibly, getting those 30 minutes, they will be able to

Zakharova called McFaul, “a specialist in despair” after his words about the Segal

Zakharova called McFaul, “a specialist in despair” after his words about the Segal The word “despair” the former Ambassador said the actor, a special envoy of the Russian foreign Ministry, a Russian-American cultural links. MOSCOW, August 9. /TASS/. The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova called former U.S. Ambassador in Moscow Michael McFaul, “a specialist in despair” after his reaction to the appointment of Steven Seagal, a special envoy of the Russian foreign Ministry, a Russian-American cultural links. We need to take this seriously, because there is no greater expert on despair than Mr. McFaul.Maria Saharanafrican the representative of the MFA of Russia Previously, McFaul said on Twitter the news of the appointment Segal the word “despair”. Desperate: — Michael McFaul (@McFaul) August 4, 2018 The Russian foreign Ministry on 4 August announced the appointment of Seagal having Russian citizenship, the special envoy for the Russian-American cultural