What is the Treaty on open skies

What is the Treaty on open skies The US defence budget, signed by Donald trump, provides for the restriction of funding of the open skies Treaty to Russia to fulfill a number of conditions. The essence of this document — in the material “Kommersant”. The agreement was signed on 24 March 1992, Russia ratified the agreement on may 28, 2001, but actually participated in it from the beginning. Along with Russia the contract involves 34 countries, including most European countries, USA and Canada. The main content of the document — the obligation of providing the ability to make observation flights (inspection) over its territory on the basis of a request within the established quotas. The main objective of the agreement is development of openness and to help monitor the implementation of agreements in the field of arms control (primarily the Treaty on conventional armed forces in Europe). The flights are

Expert: the US defence budget is associated with the high cost of American weapons

Expert: the US defence budget is associated with the high cost of American weapons MOSCOW, 14 Aug — RIA Novosti. The adoption of the United States largest defense budget in the history of the country due to the high cost of American weapons, the price of which is six times higher than in Russia, and the need to include many military bases, said to RIA Novosti on Tuesday the former head of the international Treaty Directorate of the defense Ministry Lieutenant-General Yevgeny Buzhinsky. The US President Donald trump has signed the defense budget for fiscal year 2019, which is the largest in the history of the country and amounted to about $ 716 billion, which is 3% (20 billion) more than budgeted in 2018. “Of course, from the point of view of propaganda it is good to shout about the fact that the US has the largest defence budget, but

Lavrov: Russia and Turkey are discussing the elimination of the last terrorist groups in Syria

© Alexander Shcherbak/TASS ANKARA, August 14. /TASS/. Moscow is discussing with Ankara the elimination of the last terrorist groups in Syria. This was declared on Tuesday to journalists the Russian foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov following participation in the meeting of ambassadors and permanent representatives of Turkey to the international organizations.

The expert commented on the words of Tymoshenko about the salaries of Ukrainians

The expert commented on the words of Tymoshenko about the salaries of Ukrainians KIEV, Aug 14 — RIA Novosti. Former Prime Minister of Ukraine, leader of “Batkivshchyna” party leader Yulia Tymoshenko’s rights that focuses on social orientation, as citizens of Ukraine “on brink of extinction” due to low income, says the head of the Ukrainian analytical center “Third sector” Andrei Zolotarev. Earlier, Tymoshenko said that “the slaves in Ancient Egypt during the reign of Tutankhamun had great earnings” than modern Ukrainians. While it had previously announced that he will run for President. Presidential elections will be held in Ukraine in March 2019. “It is elementary, given the cost of living, pensions, public sector wages, incomes do not allow physically to reproduce. By and large people have no money for basic things. Today, utility payments above the pension. Indeed, people on the brink of survival. Tymoshenko’s right and makes the right

China has named a new defense budget of the United States interference in the Affairs of the country

China has named a new defense budget of the United States interference in the Affairs of the country BEIJING, 14 Aug — RIA Novosti. China believes the new defense budget of the U.S. intervention in the internal Affairs of China, and argues that Washington is exaggerating the level of confrontation between the two countries, reads the statement of the Ministry of defense of the PRC. “The United States on August 13 signed a law on the defense budget in 2019. The contents of this act is replete with thinking of the cold war, exaggerates the us-Chinese confrontation, constitutes interference in China’s internal Affairs, a violation of the one-China principle and the three Sino-American communiqués, undermine the atmosphere for the development of Chinese-American Megamastic relations, damage Sino-us mutual trust and cooperation”, — said in a published statement. The statement stressed that the Chinese side expresses its strong protest in this regard

Trump has frozen the program of flights by Russian military aircraft over the United States

Trump has frozen the program of flights by Russian military aircraft over the United States In the US defence budget, passed by the U.S. Congress and signed by President Donald trump, entered the item 1242 to suspend cooperation with Russia in the framework of the Treaty on open skies. It allows military aircraft of the two countries to conduct observation flights over each other’s territory. According to the approved document, the US does not plan to allocate funding for this program. Responsible for the freezing of the agreement, the American side put on Russia. In paragraph 1242 of the budget emphasized that the funds for the program to allocate prohibited until the American President doesn’t give Congress evidence of compliance with the Moscow agreement. Responsibility for assessing this requirement, by law, rests with the Secretary of state. The document States that the Russian side should, in particular, to stop using

Ryabkov: Russia will take into account in military planning, the new US defence budget

Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergei Ryabkov © Marat Abulhasan/photo Department of the state Duma of the Russian Federation/TASS MOSCOW, August 14. /TASS/. Russia will reliably ensure its own security by military means and will take into account in military planning, the new US defence budget. This was stated on Tuesday by TASS, the Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Ryabkov.

CNN reported the satisfaction of the Moscow meeting in Helsinki

CNN reported the satisfaction of the Moscow meeting in Helsinki Russian officials were satisfied with the meeting of Russian President Vladimir Putin and U.S. President Donald trump, held in Helsinki on 16 July, informs television channel CNN, citing two sources in the American and European intelligence services. 8фотографий8фотографий8фотографий According to intelligence agencies, the Kremlin believes that the outcome of the bilateral summit had exceeded expectations. According to interlocutors CNN, the Russian side is “particularly pleased” with a press conference that the two leaders held after the meeting. However, according to intelligence services, in Moscow, was surprised that after the meeting held by Donald trump, the policy towards Russia has not become more friendly. In the National intelligence of the USA declined to comment. In the American White house has not commented on the alleged findings of the intelligence services. The summit was the first official bilateral meeting between Donald trump

Estonian radars are unable to track the trajectory of rockets fired by NATO

Estonian radars are unable to track the trajectory of rockets fired by NATO TALLINN, 14 Jul — RIA Novosti. Estonian radar station (radar) unable to track the trajectory of the rocket accidentally launched a Spanish fighter because it has too much speed and small size, said Tuesday the site of the Estonian defense Forces. Air force fighter Eurofighter Typhoon Spain on 7 August at the height of six kilometers mistakenly launched over the southern part of Estonia combat missile of class “air-air” AIM-120 AMRAAM, which flew 80 miles and supposedly fell in an uninhabited swampy forest in the area Eyacula close to Endla nature reserve. Estonian military after a thorough inspection of the alleged site of impact found that the rocket or its fragments. The ground search was discontinued. The commander of the Estonian air force Colonel Riivo Valga said that rockets would continue with the flight resources of the

The Deputy of the state Duma proposed to establish in Russia a uniform price school uniform

The Deputy of the state Duma proposed to establish in Russia a uniform price school uniform MOSCOW, 14 Aug — RIA Novosti. The Chairman of the Duma Committee for education and science Boris Chernyshov (LDPR) proposed to establish in Russia a uniform price for a uniform and give orders for her sewing of two Russian factories. According to Chernyshova, school uniforms largely reduces the level of social stratification in the classroom. “If the students dressed alike, there is no question relating to those who is better,” said RIA Novosti Chernyshov. The MP at the same time proposed to establish a single price on the form for students. “It is necessary to fix the price for the purchase of school uniform for different ages and to make it minimal and give our factories in the Vladimir and Pskov regions”, — said Chernyshov. The MP believes that the price of forms for