The Pentagon has rejected allegations of experiments with residents of Georgia

The Pentagon has rejected allegations of experiments with residents of Georgia WASHINGTON, Sep 15 — RIA Novosti. Charges against the ex-Minister of state security of Georgia Igor Giorgadze about the secret experiments the US over people on the territory of the Republic of the absurd, said to RIA Novosti, the official representative of the Ministry of defense Eric Pachon. Upstairs Giorgadze at a press conference in Moscow on Tuesday said that appealed to US President Donald Trump with the request to investigate the activities of the laboratory, and Richard Lugar, where, he claims, can conduct lethal experiments on human beings. “The charges that you outlined, is absolutely absurd,” said Pachon on the Agency’s request to comment on statements by Georgian ex-Minister. “The USA are not developing biological weapons at the Center Lugar. It is also not the object of the United States,” he said. The spokesman added that the research

Russia will ignore U.S. demands on inspections on chemical weapons

Russia will ignore U.S. demands on inspections on chemical weapons Russia will not obey illegal and ultimatum US about the additional inspections under the chemical weapons. This was stated by the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova, her words are published on the website of the guardian. Upstairs “To implement unilaterally, or even to respond to illegitimate, ultimate, far beyond the scope of the Convention for the prohibition of chemical weapons (CWC) Washington’s demands for additional inspections on the territory of the Russian Federation on the basis of one or another American domestic legislation, we certainly do not intend”, — she voiced Moscow’s position. Zakharova added that Russia in 2017 under strict international control and destroyed all the country’s chemical weapons continues in good faith to perform all other obligations under the CWC. In other words, inspection activities of the OPCW in Russian Federation has never ceased and

Zakharov questioned the publication Bellingcat

Zakharov questioned the publication Bellingcat The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova questioned the publication of the research group Bellingcat, on investigation about Alexander Petrov, and Ruslan Bashirova, London suspects in the poisoning of a British spy, ex-GRU officer Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia. Upstairs “Most likely, we are talking about a special office that an undercover investigation is deliberately leaking misinformation,” wrote Zakharova in Facebook. She also added that they no longer doubt the proximity to Bellingcat to the intelligence services. Foreign Ministry spokesman reminded that Bellingcat a few years “monopolisitic “right to truth” in the investigation of the crash Malaysian Boeing in the sky over Ukraine”. The website Bellingcat is open from 2014 and is investigating open data. Internet users repeatedly caught the group on the fakes. On 5 September the British side were accused of poisoning Skrobala two Russians — Alexander Petrov, and Ruslan

Lavrov commented on the expulsion of “Russian spies” from the Netherlands

Lavrov commented on the expulsion of “Russian spies” from the Netherlands The Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov reacted to the reported expulsion of two Russian agents from the Netherlands in March this year. It is reported by RIA Novosti. Upstairs The foreign Minister emphasized that the information hasn’t been confirmed: “If we present the facts, you’ll be able to comment on,” he said. Lavrov also said “he could not imagine that such an event could remain out of sight of the media.” Earlier, on 13 September, Reuters reported that in March this year, European intelligence services have arrested in the Netherlands two Russians, supposedly going to steal the data from the chemical laboratory in Switzerland. It took a study of samples of nerve agents, which was poisoned ex-GRU Colonel Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia in British Salisbury. The circumstances of the detention and the

The ROC ceases to participate in the structures under the chairmanship of Constantinople

The ROC ceases to participate in the structures under the chairmanship of Constantinople MOSCOW, 14 sen — news. The ROC ceases to participate in the structures under the chairmanship of the Patriarchate of Constantinople. The decision adopted by the Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church. Upstairs In addition, will be suspended concelebration with the hierarchs of the Patriarchate of Constantinople. Clarifies that this includes “the Episcopal Assembly in the so-called Diaspora and theological dialogues”. Also decided to cease commemoration of the Patriarch during the Liturgy in the Russian Orthodox Church, said the Chairman of the Department for external Church relations of the Moscow Patriarchate Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk. “Eucharistic communion between the churches is not interrupted. This decision is without prejudice to the ability of clergy of the Patriarchate of Constantinople and the Russian Orthodox Church to perform the divine service,” — said RIA Novosti the press Secretary of Patriarch

The Western media did not believe the version Bashirova and Petrov after their interview

The Western media did not believe the version Bashirova and Petrov after their interview Foreign media reacted with irony to the interview of Russian Alexander Petrov, and Ruslan Bashirov, whom British authorities suspect in the poisoning in Salisbury. At the same time, American observers recognize that Russia “was more successful in promoting” than Western countries. Наверх11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий The representatives of the office of the British Prime Minister said that the interview with the Russians, Aleksander Petrov, and Ruslan Bashirov contains “lies and blatant fabrication” and “offends minded public.” The British newspaper the Independent notes that a skeptical reaction to the statement was easy to predict. “Laughing’s good, and when I want to laugh, laugh is always necessary. In the era of fake news, lies and disinformation, when it comes to things such as this case, laughter is a perfectly normal reaction,” writes the correspondent of the publication. As noted by Sky

The Kremlin has no clear plans for the abandonment of the dollar

The Kremlin has no clear plans for the abandonment of the dollar Specific plans for de-dollarization of the economy from Russia, said the press-Secretary of Russian President Dmitry Peskov. However, he noted that the issue is on the agenda not only in Russia but also in other countries. Наверх15фотографий15фотографий15фотографий “Clear plans from the Russian side yet, but this is a question that is on the agenda,” said Mr Peskov told reporters. He stressed that the plan to conduct a forced conversion of dollar deposits into rubles, which was expressed by the Chairman of the Board VTB Andrey Kostin, “there is no part of the administration” President, no “anywhere else”. “The theme of de-dollarization is being actively discussed not only in Moscow but throughout the world,” said Mr. Sands. He noted that “many countries in Europe and in the East” is “consistent and firm attitude gradually to minimize the dollars in

Peskov denied the ability to force conversion of dollar deposits

Peskov denied the ability to force conversion of dollar deposits MOSCOW, 14 sen — news. The Russian government is not considering forced conversion of dollar deposits in the ruble in the case of U.S. sanctions against Russian banks, said the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. Upstairs “No, this is not part of the administration, this is not, as far as I know, in General,” said he, answering the question, are there any plans to introduce compulsory conversion of dollar deposits into rubles. However, he did not comment on the statement by the head of VTB Andrey Kostin that the Bank may carry out such conversion. “At the moment I still are press-Secretary of Putin, not Kostina, so let me not to comment on that,” he added. The head of VTB Andrey Kostin on Wednesday in interview to Agency Bloomberg has declared that the Russian banking system will survive

Bellingcat and The Insider has published evidence of the possible involvement of Petrov and Bashirova to the intelligence services

Bellingcat and The Insider has published evidence of the possible involvement of Petrov and Bashirova to the intelligence services Edition, The Insider, and the research group Bellingcat has published the first part of a joint investigation about Alexander Petrov, and Ruslan Bashirova, which British investigators suspect in the poisoning of ex-GRU Colonel Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia. Наверх11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий According to the conclusions of the authors of the report, the suspects are employees of the Russian special services. As pointed out by Bellingcat and The Insider, passport Petrov and Bashirov gave FMS 770001, where, according to them, the documents issued by the representatives of law enforcement bodies. In addition, the authors refer to “the FMS database” where one can find a history of receiving Alexander Petrov, Russian and passports until 2009. The only indicated there, the document was received “instead of spoiled.” File with passport data is listed as “information

Sometimes they come back: Obama comes into play

Sometimes they come back: Obama comes into play As the return of Barack Obama to the policies reflected in congressional elections. Наверх20фотографий20фотографий20фотографий Barack Obama was actively involved in the democratic campaign on the intermediate congressional elections. Obama is popular among supporters of the party, which hopes to use it to mobilize voters. Though not everyone thinks it’s a good idea. The former U.S. President visited Ohio, where he held a campaign to support his longtime protégé of Richard Cordray, head of the Agency for protection of consumer rights in his administration. The politician wants to get the democratic nomination as candidate for Governor of the state. Ohio is considered a Republican state and it is here in 2016 were pre-election Congress of the Republican party. The Governor of the state John Kasich, acted as one of the strong party’s candidates for President, but dropped out of the race. “I can’t