The US has denied reports about Russia’s involvement in the murder of his brother, Kim Jong-UN

The US has denied reports about Russia’s involvement in the murder of his brother, Kim Jong-UN UN, 17 Sep — RIA Novosti. The permanent mission of the United States denied media reports that the head of the American mission Nikki Haley at the meeting of the UN security Council stated that North Korea “has executed the murder of Kim Jong-Nam… with the assistance of Russia.” As reported by RIA Novosti press-Secretary of the permanent mission of the United States John Digori, quote Hayley was misinterpreted. Upstairs “No, that’s the wrong quote (in the media — ed.)”, — said the press Secretary of the permanent mission. “She said, When North Korea to kill Kim Jong-Nam with the use of a deadly nerve agent, the United States moved to strengthen control of the UN for the flow of chemical and biological weapons North Korea” — quoted Digori. He added that the next

Foreign Ministry called the hysteria of the statement of Switzerland on the activity of the Russian special services

Foreign Ministry called the hysteria of the statement of Switzerland on the activity of the Russian special services The Ministry of foreign Affairs of Russia called unsubstantiated and unacceptable the statements of Switzerland about the growing activity of Russian special services on the territory of the country. “Injection “spy” hysteria without any reason for it does not benefit Russian-Swiss relations, which were invariably based on mutual respect and trust”, — is spoken in the comment of the foreign Ministry. Upstairs On Monday, Switzerland announced tougher accreditation procedures for Russian diplomats and urged Russia to “stop illegal activity” on the territory of the country. About it “RIA Novosti” reported the press service of the foreign Ministry of Switzerland. The newsmedia reported dozens of Russian agents in Switzerland The Agency confirmed that the spring was three times summoned Russian diplomats to seek clarification on the case Skipala and the situation around the

The Russian foreign Ministry called Ukraine’s withdrawal from the Treaty on friendship the service of alien interests

The Russian foreign Ministry called Ukraine’s withdrawal from the Treaty on friendship the service of alien interests The Russian foreign Ministry expressed regret in connection with the decision of the Ukrainian leadership to terminate the Russian-Ukrainian Treaty on friendship, cooperation and partnership, calling it the service of interests alien countries. Upstairs “Taken by the current leadership of Ukraine destructive steps is deeply regrettable,” — said on the website of the Russian foreign Ministry. According to the Russian foreign Ministry, in an effort to serve the geopolitical interests of foreign countries and their political ambitions, “the Kiev authorities demonstrate a willingness to destroy all that was earned by years and decades, to sever ties, to build for centuries by many generations of our common ancestors.” The Russian foreign Ministry called the actions of the Ukrainian leadership of anti-Russian fervor, adding that it “seized upon the power after the armed anti-constitutional coup

Turkey and Russia decided to create in Idlib demilitarized zone

Turkey and Russia decided to create in Idlib demilitarized zone MOSCOW, 17 Sep — RIA Novosti. Russia and Turkey agreed to create a demilitarized zone in Idlib, said President Vladimir Putin after a meeting with Turkish counterpart Tayyip Erdogan in Sochi. Upstairs “At the meeting we reviewed in detail the situation and decided to create along the line of contact between the armed opposition and government forces by 15 October of the current year the demilitarized zone depth of 15-20 kilometres,” he said. The zone will control outdoor patrols of the Turkish and Russian units of the military police. By 10 October from the area on the proposal of the President of Turkey will withdraw heavy weapons, tanks, jet systems of volley fire, cannons and mortars of all opposition groups. NewsFighting terrorism in Syria picked up the common language Preventing a humanitarian catastrophe The Turkish leader noted that Moscow and

The US has accused Russia of involvement in the poisoning of his brother, Kim Jong-UN

The US has accused Russia of involvement in the poisoning of his brother, Kim Jong-UN “Why, having voted for the imposition of sanctions 11 times, Russia retreats from them? We know the answer. Because Russia is cheating. And now they were caught,” — quoted Ms. Hayley Bloomberg. Upstairs According to the Ambassador, Moscow and Pyongyang bothering to pursue a restrictive policy and help the regime of Kim Jong-UN to avoid sanctions. In particular, we are talking about ships that supply the DPRK’s fuel and oil products to bypass international sanctions. Ms. Haley noted that the violations are “systematic”, while Moscow tries to hide them, “regardless of whether they are committed by Russia or the citizens of other States”. The newsappeared In the media a picture of one of the probable killers of the brother, Kim Jong-UN The Ambassador also said that Russia could be involved in the murder of Kim

Erdogan has sent heavy weapons in Idlib ahead of the meeting with Putin

Erdogan has sent heavy weapons in Idlib ahead of the meeting with Putin Turkey has sent the Syrian Idlib most recent batch of heavy weapons. It is reported by Hurriyet newspaper, citing sources in the armed forces of the country. It happened on the eve of the meeting between Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan with the Russian President Vladimir Putin. Upstairs A convoy of 50 vehicles carrying tanks and other armored vehicles arrived in the town of Jisr al-Sugur, where there is one of the 12 observatories of the Turkish army in the region. According to RIA Novosti, the President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan explains the strengthening of the armed forces in Idlib the need to protect the civilian population. Newsthe Militants brought in Idlib toxic substances North West province at the moment is the last major region of Syria, which is controlled by armed opposition groups. According to

United Russia did not support the candidacy of Poklonskaya to the post of head of the Duma Committee

United Russia did not support the candidacy of Poklonskaya to the post of head of the Duma Committee Moscow. September 17. INTERFAX.RU — the Presidium of the faction “United Russia” on Monday in a secret ballot supported the candidacy of Otari Arshby for the post of head of the ethics Committee and control over incomes of deputies; Natalia Poklonskaya loses his post, reported “Interfax” member vote. Upstairs According to him, both candidates for the presidency of the new Commission did not take recusals when considering their candidates for the presidency of the joint Commission. On 13 September it became known that the state Duma Committee for the control and regulation Thursday recommended the creation of a new Commission on the basis of two commissions — on control over incomes of deputies and ethics. Earlier in the leadership of the faction “United Russia” confirmed their intention to make conclusions in relation

On “Beech” I went through the archives

On “Beech” I went through the archives The defense Ministry claims that shot down flight MH17 installation since 1986 has not left Ukraine. Наверх9фотографий9фотографий9фотографий The defense Ministry has presented new evidence of innocence of Russia to the tragedy of the Boeing 777 “Malaysian airlines” was shot down on 17 July 2014 in Donetsk region of Ukraine. This time the main evidence are archive documents bearing the number of missiles for anti-aircraft missile complex “Buk”, from which the plane was shot down and magazines, which the Russian military was able to track the path of a missile from production to deployment in the military unit on the territory of Ukraine. In addition, was presented the audio recording of negotiations of the Ukrainian military with the use of foul language and suggested that “if all this way, *** (sobem.— “B”) is another Malaysian Boeing”. International investigative group responsible for investigating the tragedy,

In Kiev denied the involvement of Ukraine to the collapse of the Malaysian “Boeing”

In Kiev denied the involvement of Ukraine to the collapse of the Malaysian “Boeing” Moscow. September 17. INTERFAX.RU Secretary of the security Council and defense (NSDC) of Ukraine Oleksandr Turchynov called “fake” statements of the Russian side that the missile, which in 2014 over Ukraine was downed passenger “Boeing” Malaysian airlines had a Ukrainian identity. Upstairs “The statement of the Russian Federation about the alleged Ukrainian trace the missile that brought down MH-17 is another failed fake Kremlin in order to cover up his crime, which has already proved to be official investigations and independent expert groups,” Turchynov told reporters on Monday in Kyiv. Earlier Monday, the head of the Main missile and artillery Directorate of the defense Ministry of the Russian Federation Nikolay Parshin has declared that the missile anti-aircraft missile complex “Buk”, which was shot down in 2014 the Malaysian “Boeing” flight MH17, was produced in the Moscow

Petro Poroshenko tore up a Treaty of friendship with Russia

Petro Poroshenko tore up a Treaty of friendship with Russia The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko approved the decision of the Council of national security and defence of Ukraine (SNBU), on the rupture of the Treaty of friendship, cooperation and partnership with Russia (it is also called “the Big contract”). Upstairs The agreement was signed in 1997 and extended for 10 years October 1, 2008. Mr. Poroshenko said earlier that the contract was not formally terminated, and “shall cease to have effect in connection with non-renewal”. As reported by “Kommersant”, in the beginning, the foreign Ministry of Ukraine did not support the idea of breaking the “Big Treaty”. The Agency argued that, breaking the contract, Ukraine will not be able to sue Russia in international court of justice in the Hague for its violation.