Tymoshenko wanted to force Gazprom to pay

Tymoshenko wanted to force Gazprom to pay The leader of the Ukrainian party “Fatherland” Yulia Tymoshenko has shared on Facebook vision of the future of “Gazprom” and “Naftogaz” in the event of his victory in the presidential election. Upstairs “You see that his statement of intent to eliminate “Naftogaz” I stirred up a hornet’s nest. No one no one no not to forgive debts. Russia and “Gazprom” will pay to the last penny,” she said. Tymoshenko stressed that the debt of “Gazprom” debt before “Naftogaz” and for Ukraine, so the money will not go to millions in bonuses to the company management. “This money is for people, not for officials”, — wrote Tymoshenko. The intention to eliminate “Naftogaz” she announced in 2015. In her opinion, it is absolutely unnecessary add-on which you want to get rid of. Tymoshenko, according to opinion polls, is considered one of the most probable applicants

The former commander Chepiga: “the Hero of Russia, as far as I know, he became in 2014”

The former commander Chepiga: “the Hero of Russia, as far as I know, he became in 2014” Alexander Borico Business FM confirmed the existence of this officer and what he — the Hero of Russia. The official radio station said he did not remember this man in the face. Upstairs In the Bellingcat investigation and The Insider Anatoly chapiha the soldier is called a Hero of Russia and one of the poisoners Skrobala, whom the British identified as Ruslan Bashirov. It was argued that Chapiha is a graduate of the far Eastern higher military command school. Could this person be in GRU? This radio station talked with the former commander Chepiga, the Chairman of regional branch DOSAAF of Russia of the Amur region Alexander Borico. Talked to Igor Lomakin. Igor Lomakin Anatoly Chapiha is a real person, you know this man? Alexander Borico: In 2001 [was] a issue of our

Estonia denied the involvement Skripal to the exposure of Russian spies in this country

Estonia denied the involvement Skripal to the exposure of Russian spies in this country Moscow. September 28. INTERFAX.RU — Earlier, the German media have speculated that the Estonian officer and his father was arrested just at his tip. Наверх11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий Russian defector Sergei Skripal is not related to the exposure of Russian spies in Estonia, says the security police (KAPO). In response to the message the German media that Skripal had helped the intelligence services of Estonia to reach the suspects of working for the Russian military intelligence Dennis Metsavere and his father Peter Volin, Capo said Friday that “Skripal has no relation to any of the cases of exposure of spies in Estonia”. The German magazine Focus wrote on Friday that Skripal could provide the special services of Estonia and information about working in this country to Russian agents during his visit to Estonia in the summer of 2016. The

Focus: Skripal worked for four intelligence, NATO

Focus: Skripal worked for four intelligence, NATO TASS, September 28. Ex-GRU Colonel Sergei Skripal to 2017 collaborated with the secret services of four countries participating in NATO — Britain, the Czech Republic, Estonia and Spain — provided them with information on current agents of military intelligence of the Russian Federation. Наверх11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий On Friday told the German publication Focus Online, citing an anonymous source in the Group of counter-intelligence at the Headquarters of the United armed forces of NATO in Europe (ACCI, headquarters in Brussels). According to him, Skripal visited Prague, accompanied by agents of the foreign intelligence service of great Britain MI-6 in 2012 and informed the local intelligence intelligence about active networks of Russian intelligence. Members of these networks he knew from the time of his service in the GRU. Focus also reports that in the summer of 2016 Skripal provided intelligence of the Republic of Estonia data, sufficient

Leonid Kuchma promised to stay in Minsk contact group to the “critical age”

Leonid Kuchma promised to stay in Minsk contact group to the “critical age” The representative of Ukraine in the tripartite contact group on settlement of the situation in the Donbas Leonid Kuchma said about the intention to leave the post, when you reach the “critical age.” Upstairs As told “Kommersant” in the presidential Fund Leonid Kuchma “Ukraine”, the former head of state said: “I have long decided when reaches its critical age, would have to thank all the people who with me worked there and to leave, to give the opportunity to work with others.” The interlocutor of “Kommersant” in the Fund recalled: the work of the tripartite group for Mr. Kuchma’s mission, which he performs more than four years on a voluntary basis (along with the first President of Ukraine Leonid Kravchuk, then without it). During this time, according to Leonid Kuchma, he made “up to a hundred trips

The Deputy of the state Duma complained of small salary

The Deputy of the state Duma complained of small salary MOSCOW, September 28 — RIA Novosti. Member of state Duma Committee on budget and taxes Vera Ganza in comments to radio station “Moscow speaking” said that spends almost all his salary on entertainment expenses. Upstairs So the MP responded to the statement of the speaker of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin, who previously shamed the deputies from the Communist party Valery Raskina and Denis Parfenov, who came to the meeting wearing t-shirts. Volodin said that the salaries of MP enough to buy a tie and a jacket. NewsDeputies chided for a selfie during a meeting Gansa said that most of the salaries spent on workers needs as the MPs do not allocate funds for entertainment expenses. “I went to the orphanage. Just gone or what? Not just. I ask the cleaner, I asked that, the other. I had to buy

The Ministry of defence was accused of falsifying

The Ministry of defence was accused of falsifying Israeli media presented the chronology of the collapse of the Il-20. Наверх9фотографий9фотографий9фотографий The Israeli media has accused the Ministry of defence of the Russian Federation in the falsification of information and presented their chronology of events in the skies over Latakia on 17 September, which led to the deaths of 15 Russian military. In Israel, insisting that Israeli F-16 was not framed Russian reconnaissance aircraft Il-20 under fire from Syrian air defense and say that warned of the attack four minutes. At the same time Israel consider it necessary to continue cooperation with Russia on Syria, and we hope that Moscow will not cancel scheduled for early October meeting of the coordination group. On Friday, the Israeli newspaper “gaarets” has published his chronology of events that took place in the Syrian sky on September 17. According to the publication, these data were

Business FM talked to the graduates of the school Chepiga, including one who is mentioned in the investigation photo

Business FM talked to the graduates of the school Chepiga, including one who is mentioned in the investigation photo In the Bellingcat investigation of this soldier is called a Hero of Russia and one of the alleged poisoners Skrobala. Наверх12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий In the Bellingcat investigation serviceman Anatoly the Chapiha called the Hero of Russia and one of the alleged poisoners Skrobala, whom the British identified as Ruslan Bashirov. However, in London believe that this is not his real name. The Insider and Bellingcat say that Anatoly Chapiha — native village of Nikolayevka in the Amur region, graduated from far Eastern higher military command school, served in the 14th brigade of the GRU. In the investigation it was said that Anatoly detect the Chapiha succeeded with the help of photographs taken in Chechnya. The authors argued that knowing the approximate age “Bashirov”, was looking at photos of graduates of military schools 2001-2003.

Chechnya and Ingushetia exchanged lands

Chechnya and Ingushetia exchanged lands The heads of districts of Chechnya and Ingushetia met to give each other land designated in the agreement to determine the border between the two regions. About it reports “Interfax” with reference to an informed source. Upstairs “On the border of Chechnya and Ingushetia took place the meeting of head of administration of the Nadterechny district of the Chechen Republic Shamil Kuzaeva and Deputy head of the Sunzha district of Ingushetia, Yevloyev Osman. During the meeting, Kutsaev announced the decision to transfer the Sunzha district of the lands designated in the agreement to establish the border between the two entities and signed by the Governor Yunus-Bek Yevkurov and Ramzan Kadyrov”, — said the Agency interlocutor. Responsibility for the further economic development of the territory Kutsaev charged with the administration of the Sunzha district. Yevloyev said that the post of the security forces on the land

The first head of the Russian Railways told about the cars Yeltsin and Putin

The first head of the Russian Railways told about the cars Yeltsin and Putin MOSCOW, September 28 — RIA Novosti. The car negotiations of the President of Russia was designed by order of the FSO, given the absolute safety of his person and considering his work as head of state, said in an interview with RIA Novosti held the post of the head of Ministry of Railways (MPs, the predecessor of Russian Railways) and later became the first head of Russian Railways Gennady Fadeyev. Upstairs On the Kremlin website there is a photo from June 2003, where the transportation Minister, Fadeyev, President of Russian Federation Vladimir Putin. They sit in an unusual car. In the middle is a green table, the Windows are unusual for a simple carriage curtains, the phone on the table. According to him, in 1996, he was traveling with President Boris Yeltsin in his special wagon