The Kremlin said that the situation in the Kerch Strait does not need peace

The Kremlin said that the situation in the Kerch Strait does not need peace Moscow. 27 Nov. INTERFAX.RU the Situation of the Kerch Strait does not need peace, said on Tuesday the press-Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. Наверх9фотографий9фотографий9фотографий So he responded to a request for comment on the proposal of U.S. Secretary of state Mike Pompeo to provide mediation in the settlement of this question. The situation needs no appeasement. Peace occurred late yesterday, when our guards were appeasing the violators of the state border of the Russian Federation.Dmitry Pescovitz Secretary of the President of the Russian Federation He stressed that the Kerch Strait continues to act the usual order of passage of Maritime transport. “The order that was repeatedly used and was used by the Ukrainian courts, and military ships. There is a certain mode of communication with the passage, and there are no problems. There is nothing

From Republic to Republic

From Republic to Republic As the question arose on the border of Chechnya and Ingushetia. Upstairs History of the Soviet period Chechnya and Ingushetia as a national-state territories be traced back to the first post-revolutionary years. Administrative changes occurred with such regularity that the question of boundaries could not even be put before the current period. In November 1920, the Congress of the peoples of the Terek oblast proclaimed the establishment of Gorskaya Autonomous Soviet Republic with its capital in Vladikavkaz, consisting of six administrative districts, among whom were Chechen and Nazran. The mountainous Republic on the lands between the two national districts, which are mainly lived in the Russian-speaking population, was established the Sunzha Cossack district. In 1922 the Chechen district was separated from the mountain ASSR and transformed in the region with the inclusion in it of the Sunzha Cossack district. In 1924, the Gorskaya ASSR was abolished

The head of the SBU has recognized that the Board of the Ukrainian vessels in the Kerch Strait were scouts

The head of the SBU has recognized that the Board of the Ukrainian vessels in the Kerch Strait were scouts KIEV, November 27. /TASS/. The head of the security Service of Ukraine (SBU) Vasyl Hrytsak confirmed information about the visit of two employees of military counterintelligence of the Department on Board the ships of naval forces of Ukraine, who were detained last Sunday in the Kerch Strait in connection with violation of Russian border. Наверх8фотографий8фотографий8фотографий “Officers of the Ukrainian security services performed the tasks of counter-intelligence security unit of the Ukrainian Navy, as provided in article 12 of the law of Ukraine “About security Service of Ukraine”, — said Hrytsak press service of the Ministry. Newsthe Worsening of relations between Russia and Ukraine in the Black sea. The main thing November 25 three ships of naval forces of Ukraine violated the right of passage of warships through the territorial sea

The Turkish foreign Minister believes that the journalist’s dismembered Kalkaji music

The Turkish foreign Minister believes that the journalist’s dismembered Kalkaji music MOSCOW, 27 Nov — RIA Novosti. Foreign Minister of Turkey Mevlut Cavusoglu believes that the body of journalist Jamal Kalkaji (Khashoggi) dismembered to the music. Upstairs “I (record — ed) listening to. He was killed for seven minutes. This was a premeditated murder… you Can hear the medical examiner instructs the other: they must listen to music while dismembering his body. You may notice that he enjoys,” said Cavusoglu, in an interview with Suddeutsche Zeitung. “We don’t think the people who came to Turkey acting independently. They wouldn’t dare. However, without evidence I can’t say anything,” added the Minister. Kalkaji, who was a columnist for the American newspaper the Washington Post and 2017 were living in the United States, went missing in Turkey on 2 October after he entered the building of the Consulate General of Saudi Arabia in

Diplomats of the Russian Federation urged the US to “curb their wards” in Ukraine

Diplomats of the Russian Federation urged the US to “curb their wards” in Ukraine Moscow. 27 Nov. INTERFAX.RU — the Russian Embassy in the United States in connection with the shares of the Russian diplomatic missions in Ukraine, called on the us authorities to put an end to the revelry of neo-Nazis in this country. Upstairs “In solidarity with our colleagues in Kiev and consulates General of Russia in Ukraine, regularly experiencing manifestations of aggression. Urge the United States to rein in, finally, the wards. Rampant in Ukraine, radical nationalists and neo-Nazis must be stopped”, — said in a statement on the website of the Embassy in Facebook. The Embassy of Ukraine in Moscow has exposed police officers and a paddy wagon As reported, the evening of 25 November at the Russian Embassy in Kiev gathered participants of the protest against actions of Russia in the Azov sea. They brought

In Ukraine, told about the pressure on the detained sailors

In Ukraine, told about the pressure on the detained sailors Sailors from seized Ukrainian ships gave false testimony under pressure during interrogation at the FSB, said the commander of the naval forces of Ukraine Igor Voronchenko. His words “Interfax-Ukraine”. Upstairs According to him, the Agency has confirmation that the sailors gave false testimony under the physical and psychological impact, however, concrete evidence was provided. The serviceman said that the two sailors were from the Crimea. He believes that they will be additional pressure because their parents still live on the Peninsula. On 26 November the FSB published a video of the interrogation of the sailors captured in the Kerch Strait ships. The video shows one of them admitted that they deliberately ignored the requirements of the Russian frontier guards to stop. Sailor added that it was aware of the provocative nature of their actions. Earlier on 26 November, Deputy permanent

Reuters: by Paul Manafort had violated the terms of a pretrial agreement

Reuters: by Paul Manafort had violated the terms of a pretrial agreement The former head of the electoral headquarters of the trump by Paul Manafort made a false statement to the FBI, thus he violated the terms of a pretrial agreement. About this November 26 reported Reuters, citing court documents. Upstairs Special U.S. attorney Robert Mueller said that because of the violation of conditions of pretrial deals in Manafaru faces up to ten years of imprisonment. Spectracolor filed a request to the court to set a date for sentencing. According to Reuters, Manafort claims not to have lied to investigators. His lawyers also noted that the former head of the election headquarters of the President met several times with the team, Muller to “fulfill its obligations under the agreement.” September 14, by Paul Manafort made a deal with the investigation. He pleaded guilty to two counts of the seven —

Trump considers the terms Brexit advantageous to the EU, not London

Trump considers the terms Brexit advantageous to the EU, not London WASHINGTON, November 26. /TASS/ — the US President questioned the possibility of trade with Britain. Upstairs The terms of the agreement to withdraw Britain from the European Union (EU) best of Brussels, not London. This opinion was expressed by the President of the United States Donald trump, commenting on Monday reached London and Brussels an agreement on Brexit in an interview with reporters in the White house before flying to Mississippi. “Sounds like a good deal for the EU”, — said the American leader about the recorded UK and the EU agreement. “I think we have to seriously consider the question of whether the allowed the United Kingdom to trade. Currently, if you look at the deal, they may not be able to trade with us,” noted trump, saying the terms of the agreement. “I don’t think they had

Zakharova said the words klimkina about the uselessness of diplomatic relations with Russia

Zakharova said the words klimkina about the uselessness of diplomatic relations with Russia MOSCOW, 27 Nov — RIA Novosti. The official representative the Ministry of foreign Affairs Maria Zakharova said the words of the head of the Ukrainian foreign Ministry Pavel klimkina about the fact that Kiev does not need diplomatic relations with Moscow, saying that Russia is responsible for resolving any problems with Ukraine. Upstairs Previously Klimkin said that diplomatic relations with Moscow has exhausted itself, but to break Kiev is not yet ready. His words came against the background of the incident in the Black sea with ships of the Ukrainian Navy. “After all, that is what the mode, the mode in which he (Belarus — ed.) involved, created a number of provocations, the outrages, so many lies was poured, is they question whether diplomatic relations”, — said Zakharov in the program “Evening with Vladimir Solovyov” on TV

Zakharova did not rule out new provocations against the background of the incident in the Black sea

Zakharova did not rule out new provocations against the background of the incident in the Black sea MOSCOW, 27 Nov — RIA Novosti. The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova on the background of the incident in the Black sea with the ships of naval forces of Ukraine did not rule out new provocations. Upstairs She called the incident in the Black sea for pre-planned large-scale provocation, which includes the information component in the form of training information, law enforcement intimidation, threat of force, and then connect the diplomatic and international legal resources. “I think, unfortunately, the following times will appear, given what’s happening,” — said Zakharov in the program “Evening with Vladimir Solovyov” on TV channel “Russia 1”. Three ships of the Ukrainian Navy on Sunday broke the Russian border, did not respond to the legitimate demands of the accompanying Russian military ships and boats to stop