Putin urged United Russia to prevent contempt for the people

Putin urged United Russia to prevent contempt for the people Moscow. 8 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — Unfair treatment of people, according to the President, “the party down through the floor.” Upstairs Russian President Vladimir Putin urged members of the party “United Russia” not to allow rudeness, contempt for the people that lowers the party “below a plinth”. “Your representatives are everywhere — in all bodies, in all spheres of activities. In the vast majority of this, of course, decent people, patriots of Russia. However, need is also right to say, by the way, as always happens, everywhere, at all times and in all places — there are those who use the environment, happy to lean against to the government, the leading political force; there are those who behave improperly. Please follow this carefully to follow”, — he said on Saturday, speaking at the plenary session of the Congress of United Russia.

Topilin sure that after 45 years you can find a job

Topilin sure that after 45 years you can find a job MOSCOW, December 8. /TASS/ — the 2019 allocated 5 billion roubles for retraining individuals close to retirement age, said the head of the Ministry of labor. Upstairs Labor Minister of Russia Maxim Topilin sure that after 45 years in Russia it is possible to find a job and there is a special program aimed at teaching senior citizens. “Nyta said that it is impossible to find a job after 45 years. I can’t agree with it. It is possible to find a job. If someone is having problems, there are government programs,” he said on Saturday at a discussion platform of “Quality of life” at the XVIII Congress of the party “United Russia”, commenting on the statement of the head of the Center of palliative medicine of the Department of health of Moscow and the founder of the Charity

In Paris, clashes of protesters with the police

In Paris, clashes of protesters with the police In Paris, clashes of protesters with police. With the hour of the day the skirmishes started on the Grands boulevards, to the place of the collision came out of armored vehicles of the gendarmerie. In the area of the Boulevard of the Italians, Bonne Nouvelle and Saint-Denis was used water cannons. Demonstrators are set in combat, trying to come to grips with the police and close the boulevards and the barricades. Upstairs At this moment in Paris 575 people were detained, arrested, 361. Across the country in protests involved 31 thousand people, in Paris — 2 thousand people, said state Secretary at the Ministry of internal Affairs of France Laurent Nunez. Mass protests held in France from Nov. Initially the stock “yellow jackets” started from a rise in gasoline prices, but later joined protesters dissatisfied with the government’s policy in General. The

Netanyahu briefed Putin on the details of the operation, the Israeli military along the border with Lebanon

Netanyahu briefed Putin on the details of the operation, the Israeli military along the border with Lebanon MOSCOW, December 8. /TASS/ — Russia’s President stressed the importance of strict compliance with resolution 1701 of the Security Council under the coordinating role of the United Nations Interim force in Lebanon. Upstairs The President of Russia Vladimir Putin considers necessary to improve Russian-Israeli cooperation in the military sphere. This was announced in a telephone conversation the Russian leader with the Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu. When discussing the situation in Syria, Vladimir Putin stressed the necessity of improving Russian-Israeli cooperation in the military sphere. In this context, they underscored the relevance of the forthcoming contact between the experts of ministries of defence in the framework of the joint working group.the press service of the Kremlin The Russian leader also stressed the importance of strict compliance with resolution 1701 of the Security

The source said, who will be part of the Commission “United Russia” on ethics

The source said, who will be part of the Commission “United Russia” on ethics MOSCOW, 8 Dec — RIA Novosti. The Commission of “United Russia” on ethics will include 12 people, including the head of the Republic of Dagestan Vladimir Vasiliev, the first Deputy Chairman of the state Duma Alexander Zhukov and Duma Deputy Valentina Tereshkova, said a source in the party. Upstairs “The Commission on ethics (be) 12. Including member of the Supreme Council of the party United Russia, the head of the Republic of Dagestan Vladimir Vasiliev, the first Deputy Chairman of the state Duma Alexander Zhukov”, — told reporters a source in the party. The source confirmed that the Commission is Valentina Tereshkova. As said the interlocutor of the Agency, the Commission will be approved on Saturday at the party Congress.

The Russian ships were not threatened with weapons to the Ukrainian courts, said the FSB

The Russian ships were not threatened with weapons to the Ukrainian courts, said the FSB MOSCOW, 8 Dec — RIA Novosti. Border guard boat of Ukraine from August of this year Russia threatened use of weapons on defeat in the event of approaching ships of the Border service of the FSB at a distance less than 3,5 kilometers, said on Saturday at a briefing in MIA “Russia today”, the first Deputy head of the coast guard Department of the Border service of FSB of Russia Vice-Admiral Alexei Volsky. Upstairs Three ships of naval forces of Ukraine “Berdyansk”, “Nikopol” and “Yana Kapu” on November 25, violated the border of Russia, included in the temporarily closed waters of the territorial sea of the Russian Federation and moved from the Black sea to Kerch Strait. They maneuvered in a dangerous manner, did not obey the lawful demands of the Russian authorities. Ships with

Siluanov: the governors will bear personal responsibility for execution of national projects

Siluanov: the governors will bear personal responsibility for execution of national projects MOSCOW, December 8. /TASS/. The Finance Minister noted that personal liability will be introduced in 2019. Upstairs Governors, as the relevant Ministers at the Federal center, next year will bear personal responsibility for realization of national projects in the region. This was announced by first Vice Prime Minister, Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation Anton Siluanov at the XVIII Congress of the all-Russian political party “United Russia”. Agreed that we will monitor implementation without tasks that we agree with the subjects. If you signed the agreement then please also bring responsibility. Therefore, personal liability will be next year introduced. “At the Federal level, the personal responsibility of Deputy Ministers for the organization of the national project, for the result, Ministers for the implementation of Federal projects at the regional level this is the responsibility of governors” —

Poroshenko photographed with soldiers bearing the emblem of the SS division

Poroshenko photographed with soldiers bearing the emblem of the SS division MOSCOW, 8 Dec — RIA Novosti. Petro Poroshenko posted on his Facebook “Patriotic” photo, where he stands before the formation of the Ukrainian paratroopers, with the form of one of the soldiers to the left of Poroshenko is clearly visible emblem of the SS tank division “Dead head” skull and crossbones. Upstairs The Chevron also noticed in the comments under the post. SS — the paramilitary National socialist German workers party (NSDAP). SS was the main organizer of the terror and extermination on racial grounds, political beliefs and nationality both in Germany and in occupied countries. During the download an error has occurred. These formations were involved in many war crimes and crimes against humanity. The Nuremberg Tribunal declared “all persons who were officially admitted as SS members” criminals.

London approved the black list of Russian oligarchs

London approved the black list of Russian oligarchs British intelligence agencies intend to increase pressure on Russian businessmen, which intelligence believes to be close to the Kremlin. About it reports The Daily Telegraph. The list included Roman Abramovich, Alisher Usmanov, Oleg Deripaska and Boris and Arkady Rotenberg. Upstairs The publication reports that the list was submitted to the Prime Minister Theresa may and she approved it. Now London is going to transmit a document to the intelligence services of allied countries. The newspaper’s source in the British government said that these persons are going to limit your ability to move freely and work in the UK and other countries. This campaign will be a response to the poisoning of former GRU officer Sergei Skripal and his daughter. Earlier it became known that in Russia there are hacker groups who are looking for potential candidates among the citizens for inclusion in

The FSB did not rule out that the actions of the Ukrainian Navy ships were sent to the Crimean bridge

The FSB did not rule out that the actions of the Ukrainian Navy ships were sent to the Crimean bridge Moscow. 8 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — Closure of the Strait of Kerch before the incident with the Ukrainian courts service explained the prevention of provocative actions. Наверх8фотографий8фотографий8фотографий The closure of the Kerch Strait before the incident, the military courts of Ukraine has been associated with the prevention of provocative actions that could be implemented, including in relation to the Crimean bridge, said first Deputy head of the coast guard Department of the Border service of FSB of Russia Alexei Volsky. Primarily, this was due to a warning, provocation, provocative action that could be exercised by the courts of naval forces of Ukraine in relation to the Crimean bridge, and in respect of safety of navigation in the KEK-Kerch channel. “Transport-technological scheme in the KEK-Kerch channel operates in such a way that