Peskov said that Putin will hold a meeting with Miller

Photo: RIA Novosti MOSCOW, January 20 — RIA Novosti. On Friday, Russian President Vladimir Putin will hold a meeting with Chairman of Board “Gazprom” Alexey Miller, dedicated to domestic and international issues; the President also would discuss with Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, presidential Plenipotentiary envoy in the far East Yuri Trutnev, the development of the Far East regions, said the press Secretary of the head of state, Dmitry Peskov. “The public will be his conversation with Miller – head of Gazprom. Traditionally communicating, actually. The theme and the internal Affairs of Gazprom, the domestic at the end of 16 years. Traditionally, international projects, of which there are plenty,” — said Peskov. “Today the President will hold a (meeting) with drone. Will continue discussion on various topics of development of the Far East, various regions of the Far East”, — he added.

The inauguration of the trump was timed to the Day of the Republic of Crimea, Konstantinov believes

Photo: Kommersant The speaker of the Crimean Parliament Vladimir Konstantinov made a joke at the ceremonial meeting of the state Council of Crimea on Friday that the inauguration of the new President of the USA was timed to celebrate 20 Jan Day of the Republic of Crimea and the Crimean anniversary of the first referendum. Crimea on 20 January, marks the Day of Republic. On this day in 1991, Crimea held the first in the former Soviet Union a referendum on the reinstatement of status of autonomy. Vladimir Konstantinov expressed the view that the referendum in 1991 was the starting point for the fateful referendum in 2014, which returned to Crimea in structure of Russia. “Crimea was for many political forces iconic. Come down to the fact that the inauguration of the new President of the USA was timed to our Republic Day,” — said Konstantinov. Konstantinov said that his

Lavrov: Russia is concerned about unscrupulous war with the Soviet monuments in the EU

Photo: Kommersant Russia is concerned about the attempts of rehabilitation of Nazism and unscrupulous war monuments to Soviet soldiers in several countries of the European Union. This was stated by Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov, speaking at the opening of the exhibition “Holocaust: the destruction, liberation, salvation” in the Cultural center of GlavUpDK of the Russian Federation. “The second world war was the biggest event in the history of civilization, brought endless suffering and pain, – he stressed. The Holocaust is one of the most tragic pages will forever remain in the memory of the Jewish people and all mankind.” “I regret to have to state that in many States, including those who call themselves developed democracies, is the rehabilitation of Nazism, glorification of Hitler’s activities”, – said the Minister. Of particular concern, according to Lavrov, is “a dishonest war monuments, which in some EU countries destroyed

Sands hopes for good relations between Russia and the United States

Photo: Kommersant Press Secretary of Vladimir Putin Dmitry Peskov in an interview with the BBC program Hardtalk, said that he hoped for good relations between Russia and the United States under President Donald trump. According to him, to solve many global problems is possible only with the joint cooperation of the two powers. “All we can do is hope, we want good relations with America. We believe that we cannot solve many problems in this world and in our region that threaten our country, without the cooperation with the Americans,” said Sands.

Spring called tragicomedy protest against trump with the participation of film actors

Photo: Kommersant Vice-speaker of the state Duma Irina Yarovaya called tragicomedy held in new York a protest with the participation of Hollywood actors against the election of a Republican Donald trump President of the United States. “The departure of (President Barack) Obama with the participation of Hollywood stars became a real tragicomedy,” – said the MP reporters. She noted that “in recent days, had it all: tears, tantrums, anger, confusion, but all was false”. According to Spring, “staged the final act of Hollywood politics” dispelled the last doubts about how Obama and his supporters are for democracy and freedom of choice American citizens. “The cliché of the double standards of democracy the Obama administration is, in fact, a policy of deception and anti-democracy!” – said the Deputy Chairman of the state Duma. She recalled that an important element of democracy is the election of the President, exceptional powers of the

In the Duma do not exclude “demonize” the image of the tramp in the United States

Photo: REUTERS The Deputy of the State Duma Alexei Didenko believes that the democratic forces in the United States can continue the policy of “demonization” of the future President Donald trump, the Agency reports city news “Moscow”. “We do not exclude that in the near future the Democrats will continue the policy of “demonization” of trump, the unwinding of the information support of information pacifiers and ducks, and it is possible that all this will lead to an attempt to impeach President Donald Trump,” said Didenko. According to him, such developments in the United States should not be allowed. Earlier, the Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov said that the Russian authorities are willing to translate the dialogue with US in a constructive direction.

In Hurghada has opened a Consulate General of Russia

At the opening ceremony of the Consulate General of Russia in Hurghada © Dmitry Tarasov, Dean Drunk HURGHADA, on January 22. /Offset. TASS Dean Drunk, Dmitry Tarasov/. Consulate General of Russia opened today in Hurghada. This event was long awaited by thousands of Diaspora of Russian compatriots living in the province of the Red sea. “This is the first Consulate General in Hurghada and the Red sea governorate – said in an interview with TASS the General Consul Dzhamshed Boltaev. – For us it is a significant event, because Hurghada is home to about 20 thousand Russian citizens. We hope to provide them with consular, legal support to protect their interests.” According to the diplomat, everything is here for a long time waiting for the opening of the Consulate, many associate this question with the return of Russian tourists at Egyptian resorts.

Volodin urged MPs be careful to speak about inhabiting Russia peoples

Photo: Kommersant Speaker of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin, commenting on the speech of the leader of LDPR Vladimir Zhirinovsky on the position that was occupied by the Russian people in the USSR, called on the deputies in their statements to take into account that Russia is a multinational country. In his speech from the rostrum of the state Duma LDPR leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky referred to was published in 1987 an article entitled “Russians in the USSR.” “Restructuring has allowed this article to release, and then stopped, already it became unprofitable to reveal the plight of the Russian. The idea was what: there seems to be Russian people, Balts, Belarusians, like more advanced. Now let’s raise the backward peoples to the level of developed and what it led to?”, – said Zhirinovsky. “Colleagues, I draw your attention that in this hall there are deputies representing the different Nations and nationalities,