In the state Duma introduced a draft law on the protection of Runet from “external threats”

In the state Duma introduced a draft law on the protection of Runet from “external threats” As it became known “Kommersant”, the head of the Federation Council Committee on constitutional legislation Andrei Klishas, his first Deputy, Lyudmila Bokova, and the Deputy of the state Duma Andrei Lugovoi in the Duma introduced a package of amendments to laws “On communications” and “On information, information technologies and protection of information”. Upstairs As the authors write in the explanatory note, the draft law “prepared in the light of the aggressive nature adopted in September 2018, the national cyber security strategy of the United States”, which “affirms the principle of “maintaining peace by force””, and “Russia directly and groundlessly accused of committing hacking attacks.” “In these circumstances, the necessary protective measures to ensure long-term and stable operation of the Internet in Russia, increasing the reliability of Russian Internet resources”, they say. The amendments “created

The defense Ministry called the amateurish statement by the US Ambassador about the Russian Tu-160

The defense Ministry called the amateurish statement by the US Ambassador about the Russian Tu-160 The defense Ministry is not surprised by the “amateurish statement that” the U.S. Ambassador in Colombia, who previously called the Russian strategic missile carriers Tu-160 “Museum pieces”, said the official representative of Department major General Igor Konashenkov. UpstairsDuring the download an error has occurred. “The Russian defense Ministry is not surprised by the amateurish statements of U.S. state Department officials on strategic missile carriers Tu-160, amid the silence of professional experts from the Pentagon. I want to remind U.S. diplomats that since its establishment, we develop speed, combat stress, the range of application and lack of access to any means of air defense of the Russian strategic missile carriers Tu-160 don’t even have comparable counterparts in the United States or any other country in NATO,” Konashenkov said. The official representative of the Russian defense Ministry

Maria Butina made a deal with the American investigation. What’s next?

Maria Butina made a deal with the American investigation. What’s next? Girl accused of lobbying Russia’s interests in the United States as a foreign agent, pleaded guilty. The next hearing is scheduled for February 12. Upstairs Green prison suit, glasses, braided red hair. During the meeting Maria Butina quickly and tersely answered the judge’s questions. The Russian, previously denied all charges, pleaded guilty in lobbying Russia’s interests in the United States without registering as a foreign agent. Butina agreed that, in agreement with former Senator and former Chairman of the Central Bank Alexander Torshin has tried to establish informal channels of communication between the Republican party and Moscow. Torshin, by the way, soon came under American sanctions, and in Spain he was accused of money laundering and links with organized crime. In the spring of 2015 under his leadership Butina has created a document “Draft “Diplomacy”. In it, she offered

Lukashenko called NATO in Ukraine less of a threat than “frostbitten national minorities with a gun”

Lukashenko called NATO in Ukraine less of a threat than “frostbitten national minorities with a gun” Moscow. 14 Dec. INTERFAX.RU President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko said about the concerns regarding the placement of NATO forces in Ukraine. Upstairs “The further — the worse (the situation in the zone of armed conflict in the East of Ukraine — if). Will tell my position: everyone is afraid that there will be NATO,” — said Lukashenko at a press conference for Russian media on Friday in Minsk. “I recently Vladimir Vladimirovich (Putin) said that we with you soon Lord, we will ask that there was NATO and not the frostbite national minorities with a gun. That’s what we can bring (the situation — if)”, — the President added. At the same time Lukashenka noted that such “national minorities” may receive the missiles. “At this moment the US withdraws from the Treaty on the

Lukashenko explained the situation with an apology to Putin over a dispute about the price of gas

Lukashenko explained the situation with an apology to Putin over a dispute about the price of gas President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko said that he personally apologized to the President of Russia Vladimir Putin at the summit of the Eurasian economic Union (EEU) in St. Petersburg, reports Belarusian state news Agency BelTA. According to him, there was “a mess” and to each other, apologizing all the participants, including the Russian President. Upstairs The Belarusian leader said that the Russian media was biased coverage of the incident. “What they (Russian media) do: give a squabble with Putin in the open air, and then that Lukashenko had to apologize to Putin for the fact that he joined in the conversation. Yes, the Lord is with you! I would beneath his dignity decided to apologize for it,” — said Lukashenko. The incident occurred on December 6 at a meeting of the Supreme Eurasian

Lukashenko has suspected Moscow of trying to incorporate Belarus into Russia

Lukashenko has suspected Moscow of trying to incorporate Belarus into Russia Moscow. 14 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko has expressed the opinion that under the pretext of “deep integration” Moscow wants to incorporate Belarus into Russia. Upstairs “I understand these hints: get oil, but let’s destroy the country and join Russia,” — said Lukashenko at a press conference for Russian journalists on Friday in Minsk. I always ask the question: things in the name of what are made? Have you thought about the consequences? How it will look in our and your country, and the international community? By hook or by crook incorporate the country into the of another country.Alexander Lucasentertainment Belarus According to the President, the idea of incorporation arrives from Moscow under the guise of “deep integration”: We say — maneuver (compensation for fiscal maneuver — if) will, when it will be, as some

Sands: the U.S. position on the Kerch incident will not affect the fate of the Ukrainian sailors

Sands: the U.S. position on the Kerch incident will not affect the fate of the Ukrainian sailors Press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov said that the US position on the incident in the Kerch Strait, which was previously announced by the adviser to the American President, John Bolton, will not affect the trial and investigation against the arrested Ukrainian sailors. Наверх8фотографий8фотографий8фотографий The day before Mr Bolton conceded that the meeting of presidents of Russia and USA Vladimir Putin and Donald trump will host “until, until you have freed the ships and crews of Ukraine”. He stressed that he sees “in the foreseeable future circumstances” for this. Mr. Sands noted that “this meeting is equally necessary both to Moscow and Washington.” “Clearly, this position cannot be the basis for disruption of judicial proceedings and the investigation which is conducted against the violators of the state borders of the

The Kremlin responded to a request from Kadyrov about the money

The Kremlin responded to a request from Kadyrov about the money The statement of the head of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov about the lack of money and excessive attention to the region is normal. On Friday, December 14, reported the press Secretary of Russian President Vladimir Putin, Dmitry Peskov, says RBC. Upstairs 13 Dec Kadyrov commented on the audit chamber report on the effectiveness of the implementation of the Federal target program (FTP) for the development of the North Caucasus. “If the program we need the tools identified — we would do more. And even more if we hadn’t interfered,” he said. NewsPutin handed “Chechenneftekhimprom” Chechnya The head of Chechnya noted that the government has reduced the Federal program in the region. In addition, he said, prevented unwanted attention to his activities, the former “warrior with a gun”. Kadyrov stressed that the confidence of the Russian leader helped him

Lukashenko called “nonsense” statements that Russia is feeding Belarus

Lukashenko called “nonsense” statements that Russia is feeding Belarus President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko called “nonsense” accusations that Russia is “feeding” Belarus. Upstairs “Some have even estimated that since independence, we as much as $100 billion off. When I read this, I think that if $100 billion, the Belarusians would have just choked from such a huge number of bills received in foreign currency from a fraternity of our state. Nonsense!” he said at a meeting with representatives of Russian media. According to the President of Belarus, Russia provides Belarus with support in the form of loans, but the rate on these loans is much greater than the rate for loans of the International monetary Fund. “If we are from Russia, for example $4-5 billion of loans received, each year for their service paying $1.2 billion”, — said Mr. Lukashenka. Alexander Lukashenko said that does not require Moscow’s low gas

Zyuganov and Zhirinovsky asked Putin to resume meetings with them

Zyuganov and Zhirinovsky asked Putin to resume meetings with them The leaders of the factions of the liberal democratic party and the Communist party Vladimir Zhirinovsky and Gennady Zyuganov asked Russian President Vladimir Putin to restore the format of regular meetings with them, according to RBC. Upstairs The request was announced on December 12 in the Kremlin at a reception in honor of the 25th anniversary of the Constitution. As told to the edition a source close to the Kremlin, Putin promised to give the corresponding order of his administration. According to the press-Secretary of President Dmitry Peskov, Vladimir Putin promised to think about it. Mr. Zyuganov told RBC that the former format of the meetings will be restored. “This need is long overdue, and overdue. It is necessary for the President and the heads of factions. The more complex the situation, the need to meet more regularly. We need