The Novosibirsk Governor has doubled the list of prohibited migrant fields

Photo: RIA Novosti The Governor of the Novosibirsk region Vladimir Gorodetsky has signed a decree that increased the list of prohibited for migrants in areas with 16 to 33. It, in particular, include any work associated with the production and sale of alcohol, tobacco and pharmaceuticals, it follows from the text of the document. “Set for 2017 ban on the involvement of economic entities performing activity on the territory of the Novosibirsk region, foreign citizens engaged in labor activities on the basis of patents for the following kinds of economic activities…”, – stated in the decree. The following is a list of fields. Among them are those that were identified in August 2016 (education, taxi, hunting, fishing, wholesale trade of computers, activities in the field of law, accounting and auditing, financial activities), as well as a number of new: production of alcohol, wine, cider, beer, tobacco, medical devices and drugs,

Feldman called for a boycott of “Eurovision”

Photo: RIA Novosti After the ban on entry to Ukraine for Russian singer Yulia Samoilova participants of “Eurovision” is to boycott the contest in Kiev. This opinion on his page in Facebook was expressed by the head of the Crimea Sergey Aksenov. “I think that after this decision (the decision on ban entry to Ukraine Samoilova – approx. TASS), every decent person, including the participants of “Eurovision” should boycott the contest in Kiev. Ukraine should be deprived of the right to hold it. It would be right and fair,” wrote Feldman. Such decision in respect of Samoilova, says the head of the Crimea, “Ukrainian authorities once again demonstrated to the world their utter insanity and complete lack of any morality, ethics, honor and conscience”. “With such characters can not be dealt with”, – said Aksenov. “And Julia I’m often invited to come to the Russian Crimea”, – he added. On

Volodin: Ukraine is increasingly slipping into a terrorist state

Chairman Of The State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin © Mikhail Metzel/TASS MOSCOW, March 24. /TASS/. Ukraine is slipping towards the status of a terrorist state, where the law does not apply. This opinion was expressed by TASS, the Chairman of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin, commenting on the reaction of the Ukrainian leadership after the assassination in Kiev of former Russian Deputy Denis Boronenkov, including President Petro Poroshenko, who called the incident “an act of state terrorism by Russia”.

Le Pen sees no cause for hostile relationship with Russia

Le Pen sees no cause for hostile relationship with Russia MOSCOW, 24 Mar — RIA Novosti. The candidate in presidents of France, the leader of the French party “national front” marine Le Pen sees no reasons that would justify the hostile attitude of the French authorities towards Russia, she said on Friday at a meeting of the state Duma Committee on international Affairs with her. “I don’t see a reason that would justify the current hostility of the French authorities to the Russian Federation”, — said Le Pen at a meeting of the Committee. She noted that he always believed that France and Russia should support and develop relationships that link the two countries for a long time. These relationships always evolved in the field of cultural or trade and energy, she added. Marine Le Pen arrived in Moscow at the invitation of the state Duma Committee on international Affairs.

In the state Duma has refused to discuss the increase of military age

In the state Duma has refused to discuss the increase of military age MOSCOW, 24 Mar — RIA Novosti. The remark about the increase of military age to 30 years, it was made Thursday at a meeting of the state Duma Committee on defense, however, such proposals are not made and a bill with a similar change in not preparing, told RIA Novosti on Friday the first Deputy Chairman of Committee Alexander CP (LDPR). March 23, in the lower house of Parliament held a Committee meeting to discuss problems and ways of improving the legislation governing the conscription of citizens for military service (results of calls for 2016). Later in mass media there was information that allegedly, the state Duma is discussing the possibility of increasing the draft age to 30 years. As explained by Sherin, at the meeting of the Committee, representatives of the Ministry of defence said that

Marine Le Pen invited Russia and France to unite for the sake of the world

Marine Le Pen invited Russia and France to unite for the sake of the world Moscow. March 24. INTERFAX.RU — the Candidate in presidents of France, the leader of the party “national front” marine Le Pen, who arrived in Russia, said that there were two major threats to the world. “This new world that arises now before our eyes, already faces two giant, the largest challenges — it is globalism and it is Islamic fundamentalism,” said Le Pen on Friday at a meeting in Moscow with members of the state Duma Committee on international Affairs. She added that Islamic fundamentalism strikes on peace and security by terrorist acts. HelpElections in France: the explanation in grafikone will participate in the presidential elections in France, and what issues concern of French voters mostread More

Deputies of the state of new York go to Russia in order to strengthen interregional ties

Photo: RIA Novosti A group of deputies of the legislative Assembly of the state of new York plans this fall to visit the Russian cities to establish and strengthen interregional ties and business contacts, as well as to improve their Russian-speaking voters living in the United States. On Wednesday said in an interview with TASS Deputy Chairman of the coordination Council of Russian compatriots of the USA (XORS), President of the Russian-American Heritage center (RAKSI) Olga Zatsepina. According to her, the group, organized by the Assembly member of the state Assembly Luis Sepulveda, will consist of approximately 25 people. “These officials personally would like to see Russia, to understand the current situation of bilateral relations, find partners for cooperation, – said Zatsepina. – They hope to personal experience to better understand the interests of Russian-speaking voters to respond correctly to their needs and requests.” The deputies also wish to meet

The Russian government introduced state control over the procurement of Federal state unitary enterprises and municipal unitary enterprises

Photo: RIA Novosti Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree about establishment of control over the procurement of state and municipal unitary enterprises. Relevant document published on the website of the government of the Russian Federation. “The changes set forth that the purchase of state and municipal unitary enterprises by means of subsidies that they receive from the Federal budget to capital investments into objects of Federal ownership or acquisition of immovable property in the Federal property are subject to state control”, – stated in the message. It is noted that the decision is aimed at improving the efficiency of procurement of state and municipal unitary enterprises.

Consulate General of Russia in new York sent a note in connection with the detention of nazarovoi

© TASS NEW YORK, March 23. /Offset. TASS Igor Borisenko/. Consulate General of the Russian Federation has sent the American authorities a note with a request to provide information about the arrest on Monday in new York Victoria nazarovoi accused of murder in Russia and are wanted by Interpol. About it the correspondent of TASS informed diplomatic source. “We still have not received official notification about the arrest of nazarovoj, he said. – The Russian Consulate General in new York has sent on this occasion a note to the authorities.”

The ex-mayor of Barnaul probation for official misconduct

The ex-mayor of Barnaul probation for official misconduct Moscow. March 24. INTERFAX.RU — the Central court of Barnaul (Altai Krai) on Friday found the former mayor of the city Igor Savintsev guilty of malfeasance and sentenced him to four years imprisonment, the correspondent of “Interfax” from a court. Savintsev convicted of abuse of office and attempted misappropriation and embezzlement of entrusted property in especially large size (part 2 of article 286 of the criminal code, part 3 of article 30, part 4 of article 160 of the criminal code). “Decided to give him a sentence of four years imprisonment. To consider a conditional sentence,” read the verdict by judge Marina Novikova. In addition, the former mayor shall reimburse more than 300 thousand rubles for legal costs. In court it was proved that from August 2009 to April 2013, as mayor of the city of Savintsev used in their order information