Bookmakers said bets on the Russians on the presidential candidates in France

Photo: International and Russian bookmaker told RT about how one of the candidates for the French presidency put the Russians and how changing factors in the course of the race. The average rate on the candidacy of the future French President is 2 thousand rubles, which exceeds the average size of bets on sporting events four times. “If you look at how varied factors, most importantly not changing them, and changing favorites. When we opened the line, the highest probability of victory was for Sarkozy (Nicolas Sarkozy lost the primaries in November 2016. — RT), now the minimum coefficient of Macron. Also very varied line of marine Le Pen in connection with the scandals and statistics,” said RT Director of marketing BC “Liga Stavok” Yuri Vervekin. Both foreign and Russian betting companies set the lowest coefficient for the rates of Emmanuel Macron, followed by marine Le Pen, françois Fillon

North Korea conducted another test of a rocket engine

North Korea conducted another test of a rocket engine The test engine can be used in Intercontinental ballistic missiles, military believe. Moscow. March 28. INTERFAX.RU — the Third recent test of a new rocket engine were conducted in the DPRK on Friday of last week, told the American CNN TV channel with reference to military sources. They noted that, according to their estimates, used in new engine technology shows that they can be mounted on Intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs). The channel feared that the North Korean ICBM could threaten the U.S. mainland, but experts can not yet give a clear answer, did North Korea sufficiently to minimize nuclear warheads, to be used in missile warheads. At the same time, recalled to CNN on Monday the United States announced the deployment on the territory of South Korea’s new fighter-bombers, the F-35B to protect their South Korean and Japanese allies in terms

In the state Department told who made the decision on new sanctions against Russia

In the state Department told who made the decision on new sanctions against Russia The decision to impose sanctions was taken on the last days of the presidency of former U.S. President Barack Obama, said the representative of the foreign Ministry. WASHINGTON, Mar 28 — RIA Novosti. The decision to introduce new sanctions against Russian companies was made in the last days of the presidency of the former head of the United States Barack Obama, said RIA Novosti the representative of the state Department. USA 21 March imposed sanctions against eight companies of Russia in connection with the American law on the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction relating to Syria, Iran and North Korea. In the new sanctions list, among others, were “Rosoboronexport”. The Russian foreign Ministry said that new sanctions are inconsistent with the US claims the priority of the fight against terrorism and undermine the prospects of

The European Union, Georgia has opened a visa-free regime

The European Union, Georgia has opened a visa-free regime Exceptions were Ireland and the UK. Moscow. March 28. INTERFAX.RU — the Citizens of Georgia since Tuesday, March 28, may without a visa for 90 days in every six months to visit almost all European countries except Ireland and the UK. The Georgian foreign Ministry on Monday made a last explanation to the citizens to use their visa-free regime when visiting EU countries. In particular, the foreign Ministry drew attention to the fact that they will be required to answer a series of questions of the border patrol supervisors at a checkpoint in Georgia and European countries, concerning the trip purpose, availability of return flights, booked hotels in one or another European country, the certificate of insurance, the availability of money in the minimum amount of 50 euros per day. Violators of visa-free regime will not only be deported from Europe

Serbian Prime Minister spoke about the negotiations with Putin

Serbian Prime Minister spoke about the negotiations with Putin BELGRADE, Mar 28 — RIA Novosti. Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic said that he discussed with Russian President Vladimir Putin’s initiative on the establishment in Serbia of the centre on repair of helicopters of Soviet and Russian production, the recording of the speech of the head of the Serbian government published its press-service. On Monday, Moscow called for the Serbian delegation, headed by the current Prime Minister and the candidate in presidents of Serbia and Minister of defence Zoran Djordjevic. The day was the meeting of Putin and Survived. The main topics reported were Economics and military-technical cooperation. We were talking about something else, namely about the center on repair of helicopters in Serbia. This topic was opened by President Putin himself… a Part can be repaired with us, some in the Russian Federation. I previously discussed with (Deputy Prime Minister)

Policy of Germany will spend a week in the Crimea

Photo: RIA Novosti A delegation of representatives of business and political strata of Germany has arrived in the Crimea. A delegation of politicians and businessmen from Germany, arrived in Crimea to learn how things are on the Peninsula The head of the so-called national-cultural autonomy of the Crimea Yuri HEMPEL told of the arrival in Crimea of German guests of high importance. As writes RIA “news” on the island to inspect politicians and business representatives. The delegation of Germany, as it became known, already preparing for plans in the framework of the visit, which will last a week. Start your path of German guests decided by exploring the local attractions. It is likely that at home they then shared with many discoveries. For example, can open the eyes of all who still believe in legends about “Russian aggression”, which remain relevant only because of the absence of people’s ideas about

The Russian foreign Ministry has expressed disappointment in connection with new US sanctions

Photo: Maxim Blinov / RIA Novosti The U.S. decision on the introduction of restrictive measures against several Russian organizations, including those associated with the aircraft industry and training of specialists, is puzzling and frustrating. This is stated in the commentary of the Russian foreign Ministry. “No serious problems we have this new batch of sanctions, of course, does not cause, but Americans are not even named the reasons, but merely referred to its legislation prohibiting them to cooperate with Iran and Syria,” the report says. This step, as emphasized in the Russian foreign Ministry, does not fit with the statements of Washington on the priority of combating terrorism, including building a nest on Syrian territory. This decision, on the contrary, completely contrary to this aim, undermines the prospects for establishing a broad multilateral cooperation in order to defeat terrorist groups that threaten all countries, including the United States. “Official Washington

In the state Duma said that means new anti-Russian US sanctions

Photo: © RIA Novosti. Natalia Seliverstova The introduction of new US sanctions against Russian companies, means that the anti-Russian line of Washington after the entry of Donald trump in the position of President of the United States continues, said the first Deputy Chairman of the state Duma Committee on international Affairs Dmitry Novikov. Earlier, state Department spokesman told RIA Novosti that the United States has imposed sanctions against eight Russian companies in connection with the American law on the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction relating to Syria, Iran and North Korea. “The West acts in the framework of the anti-Russian line, which he formed, and these actions mean that while the line of trump, which was identified in the pre-election period with respect to the improvement of relations with Russia, while not implemented,” — said Novikov RIA Novosti.

Volodin: the pogroms of Russian banks in Ukraine take place with the tacit consent of the European

Speaker of the state Duma of the Russian Federation Vyacheslav Volodin © Mikhail Metzel/TASS SAINT PETERSBURG, March 27. /TASS/. Speaker of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin has declared that the pogroms of offices of Russian banks in Ukraine take place with the tacit consent of Europe, and this causes confusion. “Today defeated the Russian banks that are respected around the world, tomorrow it may be banks of any other country. Today walled office workers of the Russian banks, tomorrow will walling citizens working in other structures”, – said Volodin at a meeting with President of the parliamentary Assembly (PA) of the OSCE Christine Muttonen. In his opinion, “this is reminiscent of the days when many European countries turned a blind eye to what was happening in the late 1930-ies in Europe, which ended very badly”. “Therefore, it is absolutely unacceptable methods that allow one of the countries – participants of