Medvedev advised the Minister Tkachev “to set the alarm in different places”

Medvedev advised the Minister Tkachev “to set the alarm in different places” Moscow. March 30. INTERFAX.RU Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev reprimanded the head of the Ministry Alexander Tkachev for the late start of a Cabinet meeting. “Who doesn’t participate in the Arctic forum — Arctic big Hello! But this does not mean that the government meeting need to be late, Alexander. We were waiting for you. So I got back yesterday late night, I was on the spot, as were waiting for you. It is not good. Alarm put itself in a different place”, — Medvedev said before a government meeting on Thursday, referring to Tkachev. At the Cabinet meeting, Medvedev approved the list of prohibited substances athletes and demanded to April 1 in accordance with the operating budget of the state program. Medvedev reprimanded the head of the Ministry of agriculture for being late

The ECHR ordered Russia to pay €50 thousand for the death of demonstrators in Dagestan

The ECHR ordered Russia to pay €50 thousand for the death of demonstrators in Dagestan The European court of human rights ruled that the Russian authorities will have to pay €50 thousand for moral damage to the inhabitant of Dagestan Yarmet Namatovu. His son died as a result of police actions during dispersal of the rally in 2006. The European court of human rights (ECHR) ordered Russia to pay compensation for moral damages of 50 thousand Euro for the death of Murad Nagmetov during a rally in Dagestan in 2006. The corresponding decision posted on the court’s website. Father Murad, Yarmet of Nagmetov, believes that his son died due to the use of means of restraint by police during the dispersal of anti-corruption rally, and the investigation into his death was conducted by the Russian authorities properly. The protest against corruption, during which he killed Murad Nagmetov was held in

Putin instructed the defense Ministry and the FSB to ensure the protection of national interests in the Arctic

Photo: RIA Novosti Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed the defense Ministry and the FSB to protect the national interests of Russia in the Arctic. About Putin said during a meeting on Arctic development. “The Ministry of defence, Federal security service and its border component must implement its plans to ensure national interests from the point of view of maintenance of defensibility of the country, but protecting our interests in the Arctic, ensuring the normal functioning of the Northern sea route”, — RIA Novosti quotes Putin. Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, in turn, said that the Agency will consider additional features of the objects in the Arctic zone. On March 29, Putin arrived on the island of Alexandra Land archipelago Franz-Joseph.

Alaska wanted to be part of Russia

Alaska would be a more developed region in terms of security, if it ruled Russia. This statement was made by the adviser on the Arctic policy of the state government Craig Fleener. His words RIA Novosti reported. “Russia saw in Alaska a strategic region, and they would (of the Russian Federation — the Rambler/news) so it was considered mainly due to geographical location and proximity to Canada and the United States, perhaps the Russians would develop Alaska from the point of view of national security. Therefore, it is possible that in respect of the security of the country, the region would be more developed”, — said Flener. According to Pliner, under the control of Moscow in the region would develop oil, gas and mineral resources. However, the politician stressed that he does not consider it possible to return Alaska to Russia in the first place, against such developments made themselves

Putin: Russia wants to build good relations with the United States, everything else – the lies and fabrications

© Alexei Druzhinin/press-service of the Russian President/TASS ARKHANGELSK, March 30. /TASS/. Russia intends to build partnerships with the United States, information about the back – the lies, fabrications and provocations that are used by certain forces in the political struggle in Washington. This was stated by Russian President Vladimir Putin. The Russian leader said that the attempts to worsen relations between the two countries are a big mistake and hopes that “sooner the better” situation is normalized. “We are confident and we know for sure: public opinion polls in the United States show that in the United States, many friends of Russia. First of all I want to say to them: we perceive and treat the United States as a superpower with which we want to establish very good relations,” the Russian leader said, answering in the framework of the international Arctic forum in Arkhangelsk on the question of Russian-American

Military tests showed Russian combat robot

Military tests showed Russian combat robot TV channel “Zvezda” published a video of the final testing phase of Russian combat robotic complex “Uran-9” held in the suburbs. When these tests are completed, not specified. Presumably, the new robot will go into service with Russia until the end of the year. Today the world’s leading countries are actively involved in developing various robots. It is believed that such devices will reduce their own losses during battle, and it is more effective to conduct reconnaissance and to strike at enemy targets. Russian robot “U-9” will be responsible for reconnaissance and cover fire. Tracked robotic complex “Uran-9” consists of two robots intelligence and fire support, transport truck and a mobile control. Robots armed with automatic cannon 2A72 30 mm caliber, coaxial machine gun 7.62 mm and anti-tank guided missiles “Attack”. Ammunition of the main gun is 200 rounds. “U-9” was based on universal

In Xinjiang to counter extremism ban wearing “crazy beards”

In Xinjiang to counter extremism ban wearing “crazy beards” BEIJING, March 30 — RIA Novosti, Ivan Bulatov. Authorities the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous region of China in order to combat religious extremism to impose a ban on the wearing of “crazy beards”, as well as a number of other measures, according to the website “Tianshan Wang”. According to information on the website, a set of rules was accepted on Wednesday at session of Assembly of people’s representatives (HPR) of Xinjiang. The new rules come into force on 1 April 2017. In addition to the ban on the wearing of “crazy beard”, prohibits the dissemination of extremist ideology, intervening in the freedom of religion of other citizens, interference in the conduct of a funeral or wedding ceremonies other persons are forbidden to interfere in cultural and entertainment activities, “to deny radio and television”. In addition, it prohibits the wearing in public places

Argentina legalized marijuana for medical purposes

Argentina legalized marijuana for medical purposes The Parliament of Argentina has allowed severely ill citizens to take marijuana. In addition, according to Reuters, now in Argentina will grow cannabis for therapeutic purposes. Officially the law is passed after it is signed by the President Mauricio Macri. The bill to legalize drug for medical purposes was proposed it his political unification Cambiemos. According to the Associated Press, supporters of legalizing marijuana have argued for the continuation of this initiative. According to them, now the authorities should allow the families of seriously ill self-cultivation of cannabis. In accordance with the adopted bill, is that the right to cultivation of narcocontaining plants remains with the state authorities. In early March, the government of Israel advocated the decriminalization of marijuana consumption in the country. In particular, criminal punishment for drug use is proposed to replace the monetary penalty. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu noted that

Russia wants to develop the Arctic and to cooperate with neighbors in the region on an equal basis

© Alexei Druzhinin/press-service of the Russian President/TASS ARKHANGELSK, March 30. /TASS/. Russia intends to actively develop the Arctic and to cooperate in this matter with other States. Stated, speaking at the plenary session of the forum “Arctic – territory of dialogue”, Russian President Vladimir Putin. Together with the Russian head of state in the plenary session was attended by his colleagues from Finland and Iceland. The President of Finland Sauli Niinisto proposed to convene to discuss issues of the region, the Arctic summit. Vladimir Putin has declared readiness to take part in it. At the forum on Thursday also discussed the environmental, health and business development. The development of reasonably Russia will not abandon the development of the Arctic. “Our plans for the development of this region of the world are completely justified,” – said President Putin, adding that “it is unlikely that it can change our priorities in this

Putin signed a decree on the spring conscription

Putin signed a decree on the spring conscription President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on the spring conscription of citizens for military service. In accordance with the document, from 1 April to 15 July 2017 in the Russian Armed forces will be sent to 142 thousand people. Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on conscription for military service 142 thousand. The document published on the official portal of legal information. The call for military service shall be citizens of Russia from 18 to 27 years, “not being in stock and eligible in accordance with the Federal law “On military duty and military service” military service”, the document says. The decree comes into force from March 30. Call entrusted to the government, the Executive authorities in the regions and enlistment commissions. In October — December 2016 in accordance with the decree of the President in the army were called to