Foreign Ministry: Moscow refers to the Brexit as an internal matter of the UK

Photo: RIA Novosti Moscow refers to the Brexit as an internal matter of the UK, but analyzes its possible consequences for Russia, said the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova. “We belong to the Brexit as an internal matter of the UK and see it as the relationship of London and Brussels — from that perspective. Of course, we analyze the possible consequences for Russia, for example, in the economic sphere may in some other areas — financial… Well in a purely applied fields,” Zakharova said at a briefing in Moscow. The diplomat stressed that Russia has “no relationship to Brexit, because it is an internal affair of the UK.” “This is absolutely the area of responsibility of the British themselves and of course their interactions and relationships with the very European Union”, — said Zakharov. On Wednesday, the British Prime Minister, Theresa may, formally launched the process

Poklonskaya: “the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatars” should apologize to the Crimea, and not to complain to the ECHR

Natalia Poklonskaya © Artyom Korotayev/TASS SIMFEROPOL, March 31. /Offset. TASS Tatyana Kuznetsova/. State Duma Deputy, former Prosecutor of the Crimea Natalia Polonskaya advised members banned in Russia organization “the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people” to apologize to the Crimean Peninsula on the committed crimes. According to Ukrainian media and human rights organizations, “the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people” has filed a complaint with the ECHR in connection with the fact that Russian courts have included it in the list of extremist organizations and banned its activity on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Medvedev submitted the Declaration on incomes for the year 2016

© Alexander Astafyev/press service of the Russian government/TASS MOSCOW, March 31. /TASS/. Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev has submitted a Declaration of income for 2016. This was reported by press Secretary of Prime Minister Natalya Timakova. “All members of the government in accordance with the legislation have filed income Declaration, within one month after the appropriate checks, they will be published on the website of the Cabinet of Ministers”, – she said. The order of publication According to the law, senior civil servants must submit declarations of their income and the income of wives/husbands and minor children every year before 1 April. These data shall be published after being checked, about two weeks after the expiration of the filing period. A year ago, the highest income (for 2015) among the members of the Cabinet reported the Minister of the Russian Federation on work with the Open government Mikhail Abyzov

Kiev can provide Russia information on the murder Boronenkov

Kiev can provide Russia information on the murder Boronenkov Military Prosecutor Anatoly Matios also assured that the murder of the former Deputy of the state Duma will not affect the consideration of the court case on treason Yanukovych. 10фотографий10фотографий10фотографий KIEV, March 30. /TASS/. The chief military Prosecutor of Ukraine Anatoly Matios does not preclude the granting to the Russian side information on the murder of former state Duma Deputy, Denis Boronenkov. “Ukraine professes an international agreement, executes international legal order. In this case, I think we will be able to provide information, who is investigating the case. But instead I would like to have same international powers, international legal agreements were completed and Russia in the proceedings, a witness which was killed by Boronenkov, against former Ukrainian President (Viktor) Yanukovych,” — said Matios, the TV channel “112 Ukraine”. The military Prosecutor also assured that the murder Boronenkov will not affect

The South Korean authorities detained a former President, Park Geun-Hye

The South Korean authorities detained a former President, Park Geun-Hye In relation to the ex-head of state indicted on 13 counts. MOSCOW, March 30. /TASS/. The South Korean authorities took custody of the former President, Park Geun-Hye on charges of corruption, reports Yonhap. The Seoul court issued a warrant for the arrest of the former President on charges of bribery, abuse of power and rendering illegal pressure and leaking of state secrets. Scandal, Park Geun-Hye broke out in October 2016, when the press appeared information about the impact of the head of state from her friend Choi sung-SIL. The investigation revealed that for several years Choi sung-SIL was devoted to the details of governance and interfered with the course of political decision-making. Friend Park Geun-Hye has put pressure on several companies to enumerate them tens of millions of dollars in controlled assets. The South Korean opposition says that the former

Kolokoltsev: nil resignation as head of the traffic police related to the age

Kolokoltsev: nil resignation as head of the traffic police related to the age MOSCOW, March 30. /TASS/. The release of Victor Nilov from the office of the chief of police due to his age, not some non-existent plans to merge traffic police with other police units. About it on air of TV channel “Russia 24” said the head of the interior Ministry, Vladimir Kolokoltsev. “Frankly, I’m in the first time you hear that there are some plans of some enterprises. We such plans were not considered and did not build for themselves. We have in the short term, even discussing such issues is not available,” — said the Minister, answering a question whether the resignation of the head of traffic police Victor Nilov plans to reform the Agency. According to Kolokoltseva, the resignation of nil connected with the age period. “Nilov has adequately tested the service in bodies of traffic

Rogozin: it is necessary to prescribe in law the creation of the “administrations” for all rivers

Photo: RIA Novosti Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin has proposed to prescribe in the bill on development of the Arctic zone, the establishment of the “administrations” for all rivers. “I advocate that every Russian rivers needs to be your own boss; it is impossible to provide dredging, environmental protection on the river, the purity of water, its richness and many other characteristics of the river, if she hosts a lot,” said Rogozin at the International youth Arctic educational forum “the Arctic. Made in Russia”. “So the first thing you need to do for the Northern sea route and large waterways to create certain administrations. That is, there must be a specific management structure that will be head responsible for full use of this great wealth,” – said Deputy Prime Minister. According to him, it is necessary to register in the bill on the development of the Arctic territories. Rogozin promised

Zakharova: Russia has to withdraw the world from the peak after each event the American conscience

Photo: RIA Novosti The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova commented on the words of U.S. permanent representative to the UN, Nikki Haley that America is the conscience of the world. “Now I understand what is happening on the planet: after the next action the American conscience of Russia every time have to strain your brain and bring the world out of pique. I think, analyzing the results of American foreign policy in recent decades, we can assume that Washington is more suited to the role of another world body,” wrote Zakharova on his page in Facebook. She noted that the UN is not a tool for the promotion of us or any other even values, and a chance given to mankind, to prevent a new world war. “And the worst thing is that the US representative to the UN believes the conscience role”, — concluded the official

The Russian foreign Minister denied the existence of the “Lavrov plan” on Nagorno-Karabakh

© Vladimir Smirnov/host photo Agency TASS MOSCOW, March 31. /TASS/. No “Lavrov plan” to resolve the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh does not exist, only the collective discussed the proposals of the co-chairs of the OSCE Minsk group – Russia, USA and France. This was stated by Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov published an interview with the Azeri Press.

The Parliament of Venezuela has accused President Maduro coup

The Parliament of Venezuela has accused President Maduro coup In Parliament said that the recent Supreme court decisions that weaken the power of the opposition-controlled National Assembly are the establishment of the dictatorship. MEXICO city, March 30. /Offset. TASS Ivan valueK/. The Venezuelan national Assembly disagrees with the recent decisions of the Supreme court (SC) and considers them unconstitutional. This was stated by the Chairman of the Parliament of the South American country, Julio Borges. Earlier, the armed forces gave President Nicolas Maduro a chance to actually act to bypass Parliament and announced that he was taking on the powers of the Supreme legislative body until then, will continue until “the situation of disrespect” in relation to the judiciary. “Nicolas Maduro staged a coup d’etat in Venezuela, said Borges. The difference between these two solutions from the previous in that they provide Nicolas Maduro all the opportunities to do whatever