The defense Ministry announced the plan for the spring draft into the army

The defense Ministry announced the plan for the spring draft into the army Moscow. April 1. INTERFAX.RU — during a spring appeal of citizens on military service, which will begin on 1 April, the troops will be sent to the 142 million Russian citizens, according to the defense Ministry. “In the spring draft campaign will be called into military service and sent to its passage in the Armed forces (AF) of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies 142 thousand people”, — stated in the message of Department of information and mass communications of the Russian defense Ministry received by “Interfax”. The spring appeal of citizens on military service will be held from 1 April to 15 July 2017 Earlier, the official portal of legal information was published the decree of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, according to which from 1 April to 15 July

Petro Poroshenko has declared income

Petro Poroshenko has declared income Moscow. April 1. INTERFAX.RU President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko has submitted the electronic Declaration for 2016, which showed his salary — 342 366 thousand UAH (more than $13.5 million), according to data of the Unified state register of declarations of persons authorized to perform functions of the state or local government. In addition, the income Poroshenko from the alienation of securities and corporate rights amounted to more than 26 thousand UAH (about $1 thousand) and interest from deposits in the International investment Bank (IIB) was more than 11.9 million UAH (more than $440 thousand). Declared President cash: $60 million and 900 thousand UAH. The income of the spouse of the Marina amounted to 75 thousand UAH. More than $1 million was made in 2016 by the President on the account at the Rothschild Bank (Switzerland) and international investment Bank (IIB) is 393 pounds. In the

The HRC stressed the inadmissibility of political exploitation of children

The HRC stressed the inadmissibility of political exploitation of children MOSCOW, 1 Jul — RIA Novosti. Members of the presidential Council on human rights (HRC) expressed concern about appearing in social networks appeals to pupils and students to participate in the coming days in protests, emphasize the inadmissibility of political exploitation of children, said in a statement published on the website of the HRC. Previously a member of the HRC Irina Kirkor said RIA Novosti that invited colleagues to declare the inadmissibility of appeals to minors to enter the uncoordinated rallies, which is not ensured their protection and safety. According to human rights activist, responsible for the participation of adolescents in the recent protests lies with the adults who failed to hear them “Members of the presidential Council of the Russian Federation on development of civil society and human rights, working on social rights, concerned about continuing to appear on

In Kiev said that Russia and Ukraine “sooner or later” will be at the negotiating table

Photo: RIA Novosti Advisor to the Minister of internal Affairs of Ukraine Ilya Kiva said that the dialogue between Russia and Ukraine must be, and sooner or later the country will be at the negotiating table. “Definitely the dialogue should be. We today, I’m sure, and here is my clear position, in what we would today relations were with Russia, which we had not had territorial claims against each other, time will pass, we will find a compromise, common ground… Sooner or later we will find ourselves at the table and start to look each other in the eye,” — quotes the adviser to the Minister by the TV channel “112 Ukraine”. Earlier, the chief military Prosecutor of Ukraine Anatoly Matios did not rule out that Ukraine could provide Russia with information on the murder of former state Duma Deputy, Denis Boronenkov.

The U.S. Senate opposed the immunity from criminal prosecution eks-the adviser of the President

The U.S. Senate opposed the immunity from criminal prosecution eks-the adviser of the President Moscow. March 31. INTERFAX.RU — intelligence Committee of the U.S. Senate at this stage opposes granting immunity from prosecution to former US presidential Advisor on national security, Michael Flynn, said on Friday the U.S. media. According to the NBC, the Committee explained that currently oppose granting such immunity in exchange for Flynn’s consent to answer questions about contact election headquarters of Donald trump with Russia. Earlier this week, the head of the Committee, Richard Burr said that in the course of the investigation requests were sent to 20 individuals, which may be relevant to this case. 15 of them probably will be questioned in the coming days. Flynn was forced to leave the post of national security adviser in the administration of the tramp after a wave of criticism in the press, which accused him that

Poroshenko said that he hopes for a “Marshall plan” for Ukraine

Poroshenko said that he hopes for a “Marshall plan” for Ukraine MOSCOW, 31 Mar — RIA Novosti. The President of Ukraine is waiting for Europe will represent the country in the long-term plan of care. About this Poroshenko wrote in Facebook. “Look forward to further steps of European partners in the creation of the “Marshall plan” for Ukraine”, — said Poroshenko. According to him, he is ready to discuss the project during the following meetings with leaders of the countries-EU members. Poroshenko also thanked the Lithuanian partners for the initiative to create such a plan. The European people’s party, the centre — right European political Union. EPP is one of the largest parties in Europe, which is represented in all EU institutions. Resolution on the development of a plan for long-term assistance to Ukraine approved in the Congress of the European people’s party in Malta, which was held March 29-30

The foreign Ministry responded to Tillerson’s remarks after a meeting of the Council Russia-NATO

The foreign Ministry responded to Tillerson’s remarks after a meeting of the Council Russia-NATO MOSCOW, 31 Mar — RIA Novosti. The statements of U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson about “Russian aggression” puzzling, said in a statement on the foreign Ministry website. Earlier, Tillerson, suddenly speaking to reporters ahead of a meeting of foreign Ministers of member countries of NATO declared that the Alliance intends at this meeting to discuss the actions that NATO is taking in response to “Russian aggression”. “On March 31 in Brussels held a meeting of the NATO Council at the level of Ministers of foreign Affairs. Called it early to adjust to the “busy schedule” of Secretary of state R. Tillerson. Overseas guests waited to jointly reaffirm the strength of the transatlantic coupling that with the arrival of a new administration, some people have had doubts,” — said the Russian foreign Ministry. The Ministry said

Kolokoltsev explained the resignation of the chief of police

Photo: RIA Novosti Vladimir Kolokoltsev has commented on the resignation from the post of head of traffic police Viktor Nilov. The Minister of internal Affairs of Russia the reason for the dismissal was called the age of the official. On it informs Agency “Interfax”. Service Nilov, the head of Department described as “worthy”, but noted that “the head moves to another working stage.” Kolokoltsev did not name a possible successor to nil. On 29 March the President of Russia Vladimir Putin dismissed the 62-year-old Viktor Nilov. Lieutenant-General he held the position of head of Department since 2011.

Kadyrov complained about the lack of money for restoration of the Chechen Republic

Photo: TASS The plan for the reconstruction of Chechnya, remained unfulfilled. The reason is the reduction of the funds allocated for specialized Federal target programme (FTP) from 130 to 75 billion rubles. This statement was made by the head of the region Ramzan Kadyrov. His words RIA Novosti reported. “We had factories, literally everything, but nothing restored. People need to understand that even the program, which is carried out in all regions of the Russian Federation in the Chechen Republic, the only post-war region, the Federal centre has not fulfilled”, — said Kadyrov. Kadyrov added that Alexei Kudrin, who served as head of the Finance Ministry and former envoy of the President Dmitry Kozak promised him to Finance the programme for the period 2002-2007, provided the reduction of allocated funds. “Assured me, so I agreed. Depending on the situation, I agreed, and that’s all. And got what?” – said Kadyrov.

The government has adopted a third foster child

Photo: TASS Media it became known that the Deputy of the state Duma Vitaly Milonov was adopted in St. Petersburg baby. According to Life, is a boy aged little more than a month. The family of Vitaly Milonov and his wife eve, four children, two of whom are adopted. So now, the member took home a third foster child. “Children are the happiness and the Foundation of any family. The more children the better” – explained his action by Milonov told reporters. He also added that with the blessing of Archbishop Markel called the boy Ilya.