Venezuelan authorities have banned leader of the opposition to hold gosdolzhnosti for 15 years

Venezuelan authorities have banned leader of the opposition to hold gosdolzhnosti for 15 years MOSCOW, April 8 — RIA Novosti. The authorities banned one of the main leaders of the Venezuelan opposition Henrique Capriles to hold positions in political bodies within 15 years, according to Agence France-Presse. According to the Agency, the ruling said that Capriles “is prohibited from holding public office for 15 years.” Earlier, Capriles reported deprivation of his political rights to participate in elections for a period of 15 years in his microblog on Twitter. URGENTE: Informo al país y la opinión pública internacional que se me está notificando en este momento de una INHABILITACIÓN por 15 años — Henrique Capriles R. (@hcapriles) April 7, 2017 Capriles is also Governor of Miranda state. It is not clear whether this decision affect his gubernatorial work. In the last election of the President of Venezuela Capriles will compete with

The defense Ministry has closed the channels of communication with the Pentagon on Syria

The defense Ministry has closed the channels of communication with the Pentagon on Syria Moscow. April 8. INTERFAX.RU the Ministry of defense of Russia from 00:00 Saturday, April 8, stopped working the channels “hot line” communications, which operated within the framework of a bilateral Memorandum on the prevention of air incident in Syria. Russia has taken this step after the US launched a missile attack on the airbase of the Syrian government forces in HOMS province. “In the Russian defense Ministry had summoned a military attache at the U.S. Embassy in Moscow, which was officially handed a note about the suspension by the Russian side with zero hours on April 8, the performance of its obligations under the Memorandum of understanding,” — said the official representative of the defense Ministry major-General Igor Konashenkov. He said that on Friday afternoon at the military-diplomatic channels, the Pentagon sent a note to the

Russia will demand an urgent convocation of the UN security Council

Photo: Reuters Will require Russia urgently convene the UN Security Council in connection with night US attack on the airfield in Shayrat, HOMS province. The head of the Federation Council Committee on defense and security Viktor Ozerov said that this attack is an act of aggression against a member state of the UN. It is reported by RIA Novosti. “Russia primarily requires urgent convocation of the UN security Council. This can be seen as an act of US aggression against the state of the UN,” – said Ozerov. According to the diplomat one of the countries-members of the security Council, Bolivia, which is a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council also requested the convening of the security Council due to the attack of the airbase, reports TASS. “Bolivia convened a meeting of the Security Council, the time is not set yet”, – said the Agency interlocutor. In the night

Former President of Romania will deprive the Moldovan citizenship

Former President of Romania will deprive the Moldovan citizenship Moscow. 7 APR. INTERFAX.RU — Decree of the President of Moldova Igor Dodon on the deprivation of Moldovan citizenship to the former President of Romania, Traian Basescu remains in force. This decision was made on Friday, the appeal chamber of Chisinau, said Friday night on his page in Facebook adviser to the President on legal issues Maxim Lebedinsky. “As you might expect. Illegal the decision of the judge Viorica, puica, which suspended the President’s decree on deprivation of citizenship of Mr. T. Basescu, was cancelled,” wrote counselor. He said that cancelled the judge’s decision on suspension of the decree. The decision of the Appeals chamber on this matter is final and not appealable As for challenging the decree, then, according to Lebedinsky, the case of deprivation of citizenship of Moldova, Basescu will be considered on the merits. As reported, on 3

Dunford and Gerasimov had a conversation after the application of U.S. strikes in Syria

Dunford and Gerasimov had a conversation after the application of U.S. strikes in Syria The details of the conversation were not disclosed. WASHINGTON, April 7. /Offset. TASS Anatoly Bochinin/. The Chairman of the joint chiefs of staff of the Armed forces of the United States General Joseph Dunford held a conversation with the chief of the General staff of the Russian armed forces army General Valery Gerasimov after the United States launched a missile attack on the airbase in Syria. About it the correspondent of TASS said the representative of the American administration. “General Dunford spoke with General Gerasimov after the strike, their conversation was held in a professional manner and focused on the situation in Syria,” he said. Other details of their conversation are given. The attack on the airfield in HOMS was struck with the use of 59 cruise missiles Tomahawk. This operation was a response to the

Tillerson: United States disappointed with the reaction of the Russian Federation for a strike on Syria

Tillerson: United States disappointed with the reaction of the Russian Federation for a strike on Syria U.S. Secretary of state interpreted the condemnation of Russia’s missile attack on a military airfield in HOMS province as evidence of the continued support of the current government in Damascus. WASHINGTON, April 7. /Offset. TASS Dmitry Kirsanov/. The U.S. administration is disappointed by Russia’s reaction to the use of United States military force against the Syrian authorities. This was stated by U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson, speaking Friday to reporters in the estate of the American President Donald trump “Mar-a-Lago” in Florida, which hosted the U.S.-China summit. Tillerson interpreted the condemnation of Russia’s missile attack on a military airfield in HOMS province as evidence of the continued support of the current government in Damascus, reports Reuters.

Pilots with part-time education left behind

Photo: TASS/Marina Lystseva The Federal air transport Agency in early April, stopped the issuance of certificates of commercial civil aviation pilots graduates of correspondence departments of higher educational institutions. The reason — the lack of correspondence required amount of flight experience. A Directive sent to all interregional territorial administration of air transport. As told “Izvestia” in the Federal air transport Agency, in February of this year, has revealed a scheme allows to obtain the testimonies of commercial pilots to people who did not have the required amount of flight training. — About 300 people were going to use this channel in the near future, among them were those who earlier pilot certificate has already been cancelled, — told “Izvestia” in the Federal air transport Agency. — Currently we have stopped the issuance of certificates for all who studied in absentia. According to the representative of Rosaviation, the scheme was as

Wintershall: a more profitable alternative to Russian gas for Europe, no

Photo: RIA Novosti Chairman of the Board of the German oil and gas company Wintershall Mario Mehren stated that the more favorable alternative to Russian gas for Europe does not exist. “Europe has, of course, there is a need for additional gas imports. In the end, production in the North sea is declining. Europeans should be open to all sources that you can use. This gas, which comes via pipeline from Russia, Norway and even North Africa, as well as transoceanic liquefied natural gas,” said Meren in an interview with German newspaper Handelsblatt. “Then the market will be free to decide which gas in the end to buy. But I am convinced that there is a more profitable alternative than the Russian gas. Natural gas from Russia will be able to withstand any competition”, — he added. Wintershall is currently in Russia is implementing several projects, including for the development

Artificial intelligence will write the bills

Photo: Getty Images/KTSDESIGN The government is discussing ways to improve work with documents. One solution could be the transfer of interdepartmental document circulation on the blockchain or any other secure system for remote information exchange, and use machine learning technology. This is a subclass of artificial intelligence that is able to learn based on specific parameters. The use of both fashionable technologies discusses the working group “smart economy” at the economic development Ministry. “Izvestia” managed to get acquainted with its working plan. The Ministry Maxim Oreshkin seriously working on a plan to increase growth rates above the global average until 2025. The Ministry has set up 10 working groups, one of them is “smart Economics”. Its objective is the digital reform of the government, where there is still any exchange of information takes place on paper, which slows the promotion of any initiative. In this corporate technology management and information

Zakharova reminded US that the elimination of chemical weapons in Syria engaged in the world community

Maria Zakharova © Mikhail Japaridze/TASS MOSCOW, April 8. /TASS/. The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova reminded US that the destruction of chemical weapons in Syria were engaged the whole world community. She declared it on air of TV channel “Russia 1”, commenting on the speech of U.S. Ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley, who at a meeting of the Security Council suggested that Russia might not fulfil the obligations to eliminate chemical weapons in Syria.