The Russian foreign Ministry commented on the cancellation of the visit to Moscow of Boris Johnson

The Russian foreign Ministry commented on the cancellation of the visit to Moscow of Boris Johnson Moscow. April 8. INTERFAX.RU — the cancellation of the visit of British foreign Secretary Boris Johnson to Moscow followed by his transfer under an absurd pretext, noted in the foreign Ministry. “This “cancellation of the visit” followed immediately after “the transfer”. The reasons for the British side called different. The impression that our Western colleagues are living in your own reality in which they are first trying single-handedly to plan collectively, then they also single-handedly to change, coming up with absurd reasons,” — said “Interfax” the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova. Earlier on Saturday the Minister of foreign Affairs of great Britain, Boris Johnson declared that cancels visit to Russia in connection with the development of events in Syria.

The Deputy of the state Duma called the possible consequences of a US strike on Syrian airbase

Photo: Reuters The US attack on base in Syria will lead to a sharp increase in terrorist activity, violence in the region, as well as to the threats against Christians, says a member of the friendship group with the Parliament of Syria, the head of the Duma Committee on civil society development issues, public and religious organisations Sergey Gavrilov. USA at night on Friday made a rocket attack on a government base in Syria with cruise missiles based on ships of the U.S. Navy. According to the Pentagon, there were 59 missiles. It was noted that the purpose of the missile strike, the US was an airfield in Shayrat, Syria. “In my opinion, this will lead to a sharp increase in terrorist activity in the region, because different opposition from moderates to openly terrorist will feel that they have a free hand. And many of the agreements that we have

Volodin warned that the role of world policeman is fraught with consequences for the United States

Photo: TASS Chairman of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin has warned that the role of world policeman is fraught with consequences for the United States. He also said that the state Duma will appeal to the European Parliament after US air strike on a Syrian base. “I do not exclude that today we this topic will be discussed and handled in the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. European countries must understand that everything I do now USA blows to Syria, it may very well backfire against all of us, European countries”, – said Volodin. According to Volodina, the attack on the base, the Syrian air force gave actually provided a breather banned in the Russian terrorist group “Islamic state”. “ISIL (the former name of the group)… now rumbleseat USA, which actually has provided him a respite and strengthen. After all the steps before taken

Moscow lost the battle for France

Candidates for the post of President of France françois Fillon and marine Le Pen Photo: Reuters Francois Fillon, candidate for the presidency of French right-wing party “the Republicans”, this week said that if he wins the election will do everything possible to cancel sanctions against Russia. “I will do everything to lift the sanctions against Russia, which nothing but the ruin of the French farmers, has not led,” said Fillon in the air. From the beginning of the presidential race Fillon stressed that the international agenda is of great importance for the French economy, so the creation of the dialogue with Moscow is a necessity. However, to conclude try to switch the attention of the French electorate from domestic problems to external impossible. For Fillon normalization of relations with Russia is important but not the primary objective of his election campaign. Most likely, Fillon uses the appeal to the Russian

The head of the British foreign Ministry canceled a visit to Moscow because of the situation in Syria

The head of the British foreign Ministry canceled a visit to Moscow because of the situation in Syria LONDON, April 8 — RIA Novosti, Maria Tobacco. The British foreign Secretary Boris Johnson announced he was canceling a visit to Moscow in connection with the situation in Syria. “Recent events in Syria fundamentally changed the situation. My priority now is to continue contacts with the United States and other countries in the eve of a meeting “the seven” on April 10-11 to provide coordinated international support for the truce in the country and the intensification of the political process. I’ll work on organizing a meeting with our like-minded partners, so we can discuss the next steps,” the statement reads Johnson. Johnson’s visit to Moscow postponed once already. Initially head of the foreign office was planning to visit Russia in late March, but postponed the trip due to the rescheduling of the

Nationalists disrupted the action “Total dictation” in the Russian language in Ukraine

Nationalists disrupted the action “Total dictation” in the Russian language in Ukraine Previously, the radicals blocked the building in Kiev to conduct dictation, as reported in Rossotrudnichestvo, no one was hurt, but the event was canceled. Moscow. April 8. INTERFAX.RU — as a result of blocking of the Ukrainian radicals office of Rossotrudnichestvo in Kiev, no one was hurt, employees of representative offices is not in danger, said the press-Secretary of Rossotrudnichestvo Sergey Shatunov. No one in the building except our employees, the head of the center, there is no danger for people netsurge Setunitpos Secretary of Rossotrudnichestvo According to him, the radicals disrupted the conduct of “Total dictation” in the Russian language, not letting people into the building. In Rossotrudnichestvo has decided to cancel so as not to expose participants to danger. “At the moment the nationalists are not far from the building and ensure that the action does

Rogozin commented on the initiative of the United States on the establishment of Tribunal for Syria

Rogozin commented on the initiative of the United States on the establishment of Tribunal for Syria MOSCOW, April 8 — RIA Novosti. Paranoia exclusivity leads to the manic desire of all to teach, to judge and to punish, said Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin bill us senators have proposed to create a “hybrid Tribunal” in Syria. Earlier it was reported that us senators introduced a bill creating a “hybrid Tribunal” in Syria. As explained by one of the authors of the bill, Senator Marco Rubio, the initiative should “ensure accountability for human rights violations against innocent Syrians”. The authors of the document, including representatives of both parties, propose that the Secretary of state together with other Federal agencies studied the possibility of creating a “possible transitional legal framework in Syria (including the hybrid Tribunal)”. The bill also provides for support of the entities which perform such functions as the search

In GD a US strike on a base in Syria called policy of double standards

Photo: Reuters The application of Washington’s missile attack on the base in Syria is a policy of double standards from the United States, said the Chairman of the Duma Committee on defence Yury Shvydkin. USA at night on Friday made a rocket attack on a government base in Syria with cruise missiles based on ships of the U.S. Navy. According to the Pentagon, there were 59 missiles. It was noted that the purpose of the missile strike, the US was an airfield in Shayrat, Syria. “The policy of double standards again used by the US, in another way will not name. Today once again convinced that the United States uses “Islamic state” (banned in Russia as a terrorist organization) as a tool for solving its geopolitical interests, and causes outrage or misunderstanding that air strikes against those forces, in this case a military base in HOMS, the army SAR, who

Morozov compared the air strikes U.S. base in Syria with the bombing of Yugoslavia

Photo: Member of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs Igor Morozov compared the airstrike of the USA on the basis of the Syrian air force in HOMS province with the bombing of Yugoslavia and the intervention in Iraq. “The attack on the airbase resembles the bombing of Yugoslavia, the military intervention in Iraq, destruction of Libya and other acts of disregard for international law from the United States,” said Senator RIA Novosti. According to him, “now it is clear that the chemical attack in Idlib was an American provocation to justify the attack on the airbase”. He noted that the US President Donald trump has already abandoned his promise to fight in Syria with the group ISIS* and not with President Bashar Assad. In the night of Friday, the US President Donald trump said that he ordered the missile strike on the airfield in Syria, which was allegedly

Lavrov: the case of the US strike in Syria false and unconvincing

© Mikhail Japaridze/TASS MOSCOW, April 8. /TASS/. The Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov in telephone conversation with the foreign Minister of Germany Sigmar Gabriel stated that the arguments of the US attack on the airfield in Syria false and unconvincing. This was stated in the Russian diplomatic Department. Lavrov “explained the Russian position regarding the illegal actions of Washington, which is an act of aggression and flagrant violation of international law, contrary to the objectives of the fight against international terrorism, undermining regional and global security”. “The Russian Minister emphasized the fact that the arguments of the United States in support of its illegal armed action, in particular the reference to the Syrian forces use chemical weapons in Idlib on April 4, unreliable and unconvincing,” said the Russian foreign Ministry. The Russian foreign Minister calls to investigate a rocket attack USA in the province of HOMS. “The