The interior Ministry has proposed to introduce an indefinite residence permit for foreigners

The interior Ministry has proposed to introduce an indefinite residence permit for foreigners Moscow. 27 Dec. INTERFAX.RU MIA offers to give up the need to renew the residence permit for foreigners every five years, the notification of the beginning of the development of the bill placed on a Single Federal portal of normative legal acts. “It is proposed to impose an indefinite residence permit and, consequently, the cancellation of the renewal of this document”, — stated in the bill. As follows from the document, “this approach will simplify the implementation mechanism of the Institute of permanent residence in the Russian Federation, however, involves the revision of relations in the field of taxation and taxes”. According to the text, estimated time of entry of the bill into force — September 2019. See also: Hurry home: the fellow will simplify obtaining Russian passport Refugees from the Donbass complain of the denial of

Zolotov told how much money studying in the UK, his grandson

Zolotov told how much money studying in the UK, his grandson Study of a young man pays the father, the head of Regardie. During the download an error has occurred. The head of Regardie Viktor Zolotov in an interview with the newspaper “Komsomolskaya Pravda” told about his grandson. According to Zolotov, his grandson studying in the UK “well,” study of a young man pays the father. Three years later the young man return to Russia, said the head of Regardie. Zolotov told that the money earned doing business “in due time”. His son — an entrepreneur for over 18 years, and the Zolotov son is a businessman with 13 years of experience. “This subject [Alexei Navalny] asks how much money my grandson is studying in England? My grandson is really learning in England. And his education is paid by the father. I want to say that grandson is an a

The US will not withdraw its troops from Iraq

The US will not withdraw its troops from Iraq The United States does not intend to withdraw its troops from Iraq. On Wednesday, December 26, said the American President Donald trump during a visit to a military base in Iraq. “If we see that IG (grouping “Islamic state” banned in Russia — Ed.) there is something that we don’t like, we can put them on strike so fast and so hard that they will not understand what happened” — quoted by TASS trump. 19 Dec trump gave the order to withdraw all troops from Syria. He said that the United States defeated the forces of the IG. Against this background, on 21 December, the resignation of Pentagon chief James Mattis. Helpthe United States withdraw troops from Syria The Americans betrayed their allies. This will benefit Russia, Turkey and Iran. Podrobnaya of U.S. troops from Сирии24 Cabramatta signed a decree on

Russian rapper LJ has banned entry to Ukraine

Russian rapper LJ has banned entry to Ukraine The musician will not be able to visit the country for three years. The Ukrainian authorities have banned entry into the country for a three-year Russian rapper Alexei Usenko, acting under the pseudonym LJ. As reported with reference to the SBU, the TV channel “1+1”, the decision was made on November 27 of the current year “in the interests of ensuring state security”. According to the channel, 25 November, the musician gave a concert in Kiev. From August 2015, the Ukrainian Ministry of culture for the submission of intelligence forms a “black list” of culture of the Russian Federation, which allegedly pose a threat to national security. View this post in Instagram Publication from LJ (@sayonaraboy) 9 Nov 2018 2:57 PST During the download an error has occurred. At the moment, the list appears more than a hundred people.

The NSDC of Ukraine approved the decision about introduction of new sanctions against Russia

The NSDC of Ukraine approved the decision about introduction of new sanctions against Russia The Council of national security and defence (NSDC) of Ukraine decided to support the introduction of new sanctions against Russia. The Council of national security and defence (NSDC) of Ukraine decided to support the introduction of new sanctions against Russia. We are talking about the extension of the sanctions list, which includes legal and physical persons, said the press service of the NSDC. As the message Board, under new sanctions to hit Russian companies, businessmen, politicians, deputies, employees of power structures, “which actively supported or contributed to the aggressive actions against Ukraine”. Also in the sanctions list will include the military, judges and law enforcement officers involved in the detention and arrest of the Ukrainian sailors in the Kerch Strait. The conflict between Russia and Ukraine in the Kerch проливе26 decabrachia impose sanctions against deputies of

The interior Ministry has proposed to change the form of the passport

The interior Ministry has proposed to change the form of the passport The interior Ministry proposed to clarify in which cases a Russian passport is considered invalid, and to add to the form of the passport reminder about the terms of its exchange. The draft government resolution was published on the official portal of normative legal acts. As stated in the “regulations on the passport of the citizen of the Russian Federation”, if the document was issued with violations or decorated on stolen letterhead, it will be removed by police. However, previously the Agency had not developed a procedure for the revocation of a passport and was not an accurate list of violations for which a document can be deleted. Also not been legally defined procedure in cases where the validity of the passport expired, and the owner is in no hurry to change it. The new regulation clarifies that

The threat to the right

The threat to the right Nikolai Patrushev: There is a clear prospect of the formation in Europe of neo-Nazi Union based on the ultra-right forces. The Secretary of security Council of Russia Nikolay Patrushev in interview “to the Russian newspaper” told about why USA and the West turn a blind eye to neo-Nazi rhetoric of Kiev. Nikolai Platonovich, one of the last meetings of the General Assembly of the UN against the Russian resolution on combating the glorification of Nazism voted, only two countries — Ukraine and the USA. How do you evaluate such a move? Vote US and Ukraine against the Russian resolution is well within the scope of carried out by these States of a strategic policy on the use of neo-Nazi and right-wing forces for their own political interests. This strategy was already evident during Washington supported the coup in Ukraine in 2014. FBI reveals more facts

Ukraine will impose sanctions against deputies of “United Russia” and LDPR

Ukraine will impose sanctions against deputies of “United Russia” and LDPR The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko during the meeting of the Council of national security and defence (NSDC) of the country announced new sanctions against Russia. The broadcast led the TV channel “112 Ukraine”. According to him, the NSDC will be included in the sanctions list of people involved in the organization of elections in suprovodzhennya the LC and the DNI. Restrictions will be imposed in connection with the incident in the Black sea — against those who were detained Ukrainian ships and sailors gave the orders etc. in addition, sanctions will apply to deputies of the state Duma from fractions “United Russia” and LDPR. “A significant number of State Duma deputies, including from the faction “United Russia”, LDPR also the decision entered in the sanctions list,” — said Poroshenko. He also added that the restrictions will be imposed

Ministry of defense: an Airstrike by the Israeli air force created a direct threat to civilian aircraft

Ministry of defense: an Airstrike by the Israeli air force created a direct threat to civilian aircraft The Ministry of defense of Russia told about the latest provocative actions by the Israeli pilots. According to the official representative of the defense Ministry major General Igor Konashenkov, 25 December, in the evening six aircraft of the Israeli air force, while in the airspace of Lebanon, caused an air strike on Syria. Thereby creating, a noted Russian military, a direct threat to the two passenger Airliners. The fact that the Israeli air force attack occurred at the moment when landing at the airports of Beirut and Damascus were two of the aircraft of civil aviation. General Konashenkov said that were in the area at risk were Russian airlines. Fortunately, the air traffic controllers in Damascus managed to steal a passenger plane from the zone of fire of air defense and direct it

Poroshenko announced the termination of martial law in Ukraine

Poroshenko announced the termination of martial law in Ukraine Moscow. 26 Dec. INTERFAX.RU President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko announced the termination of martial law in ten regions of Ukraine. “Now, at 14.00, ends martial law. This is my principled decision. It is based on all components of the current security situation in the state,” he said at a meeting of the national security Council and defence of Ukraine on Wednesday in Kiev. NewsUkraine has announced a new campaign of its warships through the Strait of Kerch The military situation in Ukraine was introduced from 14.00 on 26 November, but actually entered into force on 28 November; his term expired on 26 Dec at 14:00. It affected 10 regions: Vinnytsia, Luhansk, Mykolaiv, Odesa, Sumy, Kharkiv, Chernihiv, Donetsk, Zaporozhye, Kherson, as well as internal waters of Ukraine the Azov-Kerch water area. This decision was taken one day after the Russian border guards