Kadyrov lashed out at the US over strike on Syria

Photo: RIA Novosti The head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov condemned the missile attack on the United States airbase in Syria, noting that the actions of the American government opened the way for the terrorists. “Missiles from their warships spilled the blood of civilians and made for the IG generous gift — depleted army of (Syrian President Bashar) Assad has lost up to ten aircraft. Terrorists open road. The United States has never brought peace and freedom to the peoples. Their fault killed millions of Vietnamese, Afghans, Iraqis, Libyans. That they bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki. But the world does not dare to sue US vote. All are silent or limited to the words of “regret”, — wrote Kadyrov in his Instagram. Publication from Ramzan Kadyrov (@kadyrov_95) APR 7 2017 5:13 PDT A missile strike by the USA on Syria Kadyrov called threat and breaches of international law. He stressed that the

Media: in the Arctic will be the Russian radiation ship-scavenger

Photo: © RIA Novosti. Alexander Liskin Special versatile Maritime transport INF-2 take out of the Arctic and the Far East radioactive waste, and deliver equipment and supplies to the Arctic brigades of the Ministry of defence, the newspaper “Izvestia”. The vessel has been designed by the specialists of Krylov state research center with the support of the Ministry of industry and trade. Transport belongs to the class of vessels “river-sea” that is, to walk as along the Northern sea route and the rivers. INF-2 is a single-deck ship with icebreaking form of the extremities of the body. Its length is 140 meters, a displacement of 12 thousand tons. The construction of the INF-2 is expected to begin in 2020.

The Kremlin has called the bill unrealistic Milonov on social networks

The Kremlin has called the bill unrealistic Milonov on social networks The provisions developed by the Deputy Vitaly milonova of the bill on social networks unrealistic, said press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov, the correspondent Bi-bi-si. “I have not seen the essence of this bill, and only read in the media about the provisions that it contained possible”, — said Peskov. According to the spokesperson, these provisions are unrealistic. “Hardly here [to the Kremlin] have to take some position,” he concluded. Earlier it became known that the Government has submitted to the state Duma the draft law “On the legal regulation of social networking”. It proposes to prohibit use of social networks for children up to 14 years. According to the proposal of the Deputy in social networks should be made on the passport with which you can learn the age of the user. The document also

The media learned about the impact of trump’s daughter Ivanka on the decision about the missile strike on Syria

The media learned about the impact of trump’s daughter Ivanka on the decision about the missile strike on Syria Moscow. April 10. INTERFAX.RU — the daughter of the President of the United States Donald trump, Ivanka has had a significant impact on the decision of his father to launch a missile attack on the Syrian air base. About it reports the British newspaper the Independent, citing its sources that are allegedly familiar with the data sent by the British Ambassador in Washington, Prime Minister Theresa may and foreign Minister Boris Johnson. According to sources, trump was “really shocked” by the photos from the alleged chemical attack in the Syrian province of Idlib, the responsibility for which WA laid on the government of Syria. As a result, her position had “a significant impact on the Oval office”, and the ensuing reaction of the US administration was “more than expected”. Last Friday,

The government has submitted to the Duma a bill on the registration in social networks on the passport

The government has submitted to the Duma a bill on the registration in social networks on the passport The MP also proposed to close access to the social network to persons under 14 years of age and to prohibit their use in public organizations. Moscow. April 10. INTERFAX.RU state Duma Deputy from the faction “United Russia” Vitaly Milonov in the Duma introduced a bill to introduce registration in social networks on the passport, and also prohibit use of social media by persons under the age of 14. “The need to provide passport details to use the social networks will solve the problem of so-called “fake pages”. Now anyone can register under another name and under a false and under the name of someone you know. On this page you can upload photos, write messages, incriminating the person who supposedly owns the page. In fact, no mechanism of responsibility for such

The U.S. Embassy urged Americans in Russia to be more vigilant

Photo: RIA Novosti / Ilya Pitalev The US issued to its citizens in Russia a warning that urged to be especially vigilant after the missile strike on the Syrian airfield in HOMS province. The message published on the website of the Embassy in Moscow. “The U.S. Embassy in Moscow reminds all U.S. citizens that the political climate in Russia requires to exercise the highest level of vigilance and caution. After the recent events there is a probability of large-scale demonstrations, as well as strengthening anti-American sentiments,” the statement reads. In this regard, the Embassy recommends its citizens not to attract too much attention. It is also recommended to carry documents and a mobile phone with emergency phone numbers. On the night of 7 April by order of the President of Donald trump, the US fired cruise missiles Shayrat airfield used by governmental armies of Syria. The incident happened after reports

Ivanka trump said that he was proud father after strikes on Syria

Photo: EPA The daughter of the President of the United States Donald trump Ivanka wrote on Twitter that he was proud to father, ordered the missile attacks on Syria. “The times in which we live, require difficult decisions to make. Proud of my dad for refusing to agree to these horrific crimes against humanity,” she said. The times we are living in call for difficult decisions — Proud of my father for refusing to accept these horrendous crimes against humanity https://t.co/yV0oJuC9dE — Ivanka Trump (@IvankaTrump) April 7, 2017 In the night of Friday, the U.S. launched a missile attack on the airbase shirt in the Syrian province of HOMS. In Washington allege that that airfield was previously carried out chemical attack in Idlib province. According to the Pentagon, at the air base with destroyers “Ross” and “the porter” was released 59 cruise missiles. The Governor of HOMS said that the

“Admiral Grigorovich” will stay in the Mediterranean until the summer

“Admiral Grigorovich” will stay in the Mediterranean until the summer Black sea fleet frigate “Admiral Grigorovich” will continue active service in the Mediterranean operational connection until the summer of 2017. About it RIA Novosti said a military-diplomatic source. 13фотографий13фотографий13фотографий “Frigate “Admiral Grigorovich” after the visit of the Turkish ships on the plan of combat training, returned April 8 at the Mediterranean sea, where he will continue to combat duty in the grouping of the Russian ships until the summer of this year”, — said the Agency interlocutor. The source stressed that the output of a frigate in the area is planned and is not connected with the strike, with U.S. warships on Syria on 4 April. Previously, “Grigorovich” was in the Mediterranean sea from 28 February, but returned on 31 March to Novorossiysk to participate in the meeting of the ships of the Turkish Navy.

More than 78% of voters were in favor of renaming South Ossetia

More than 78% of voters were in favor of renaming South Ossetia The state of Alania became the second name of the Republic. More than 78% of voters approved the renaming of the Republic of South Ossetia in the state of Alania, which will be the equivalent country name. This is evidenced by the data of exit polls and the CEC of the Republic. “For up 78.2%, against a 21.8%”, — TASS quoted the head of the Commission Bella Pliev. We will remind that on Sunday, April 9 were held in South Ossetia presidential elections and a referendum about renaming of the Republic. Elections and referendum recognized as valid.

The presidential candidate of South Ossetia, Bibilov has declared his “absolute victory”

The presidential candidate of South Ossetia, Bibilov has declared his “absolute victory” Moscow. April 10. INTERFAX.RU — the presidential Candidate of South Ossetia Anatoly Bibilov, according to the calculations of his staff, gaining 54.9% of the vote. Supporters of A. Bibilov front of the government building celebrate the victory of their leader. “We have all protocols, according to our staff of our ultimate victory is 54.9 per cent. The second round will not be because of 54.9 per cent voted in favor of Anatoly Bibilov,” — said A. Bibilov, “Interfax”. He thanked the citizens for their activity. According to the CEC, after processing 35% data speaker Bibilov gaining 48.7% of the vote, incumbent President Leonid Tibilov of 26.5% and a KGB officer Alan Gagloev — 19,1%. All voted against the 5.7% of the vote. To win in the first round a candidate must gain 50% plus 1 vote.