The state Duma suspected American media in influencing elections in Russia

Photo: RIA Novosti The head of the Duma Committee on information policy, information technologies and communications Leonid Levin proposed to deal in specific cases the impact of the Russian service “voice of America”, “Radio Liberty” and CNN on the elections in Russia. His words leads TASS on Tuesday, April 18. “We are discussing structures are part of the larger American system of pressure on our country. Therefore, it is advisable to consider not only the possibility of U.S. intervention in the Russian electoral process, but in the Affairs of our country as a whole,” Levin said at the enlarged meeting of the Committee. According to him, the “system pressure” includes “various foundations, NGOs, grants and more”. He also noted that the Committee invited to today’s hearing representatives of the media, but they were unwilling to participate in the discussion. On 17 March with a proposal to test the operation of

The lack of candidates for the post of head of Omsk called “work situation”

Photo: RIA Novosti The situation with the elections of the mayor of Omsk, which may be recognized as invalid due to the lack of candidates associated with the democratic character of the electoral process. This view was expressed by the head of the region Viktor Nazarov, reports on Tuesday, April 18. “One of the candidates underestimated their capabilities, someone overestimated, the election campaign continues, this is a normal working situation. This new mechanism for the election of the mayor, who had just driven around, so that the roughness of the possible,” said Nazarov, commenting on the withdrawal of the last candidate — businessman Andrei Eroshevich, starring from the election earlier Tuesday. Nazarov stressed that the competition Commission, which was involved in the selection of candidates for the post of mayor, will continue its work, and members of the city Council, in turn, will determine a new election date. Deputies

Zhirinovsky criticized the Communist party for question the Prime Minister about the “attacks Bulk”

LDPR leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky © Anton novoderezhkin/TASS MOSCOW, April 19. /TASS/. LDPR leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky criticized the Deputy from Communist party Nikolay kolomeytsev for the question to the Chairman of the government of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev on “attacks” on the part of opposition leader Alexei Navalny. “By the way, you, the latter now made one – called the name of that adventurer (Bulk – approx. TASS). Journalists only respond to it, we with you gone, there is no report of the government, all the press says about you!” – Zhirinovsky was indignant. “You today in the live call, but this is called meanness. You used day of the report of the government, to its name to capture”, – said the leader of the liberal Democrats.

Medvedev promised a serious fight in the upcoming presidential elections

Medvedev promised a serious fight in the upcoming presidential elections The Prime Minister promised not to turn the political fight into a war. Moscow. April 19. INTERFAX.RU Prime Minister, Chairman of the party “United Russia” Dmitry Medvedev considers that in the upcoming presidential campaign in Russia will be, but promises that the government will not be distracted by speculation and empty conflicts. “Struggle, as in any presidential race, will be serious. But we never turned a political struggle into a war, and doing this will not” — said Medvedev, speaking in the Duma a report on the activities of the government for the year 2016. “We understand that we have difficulties enough. And if we spend more on populism, on speculation, on an empty conflict — it will benefit only those who are unlikely to be concerned with how to live Russia”, — said the head of government. However, he

Elections of the mayor of Omsk has failed from-for absence of candidates

Elections of the mayor of Omsk has failed from-for absence of candidates Members of the city Council of Omsk declared the elections of the mayor failed for lack of candidates. About it reports the Internet-the edition “Superomsk” on Wednesday, April 19. “Today we have no candidates. In this regard, today we can make only one decision — to declare the elections invalid”, — said the Chairman of the city Council Galina Gorst. For this decision voted 21 deputies, against — 13, and three abstained, the newspaper notes. According to Galina Gorst, within 20 days there will be a competition for the selection of candidates for the post of head of the city. The competition Commission will remain the same, but will increase the term of consideration of documents of candidates. On the eve of 18 April, the latest candidate for mayor of Omsk, a businessman Andrey Eroshevich decided to withdraw

Deputies will be obliged to inform the faction about their bills

Deputies will be obliged to inform the faction about their bills It fight eccentric and initiatives with departmental lobbying, he said. State Duma deputies should be required to notify their groups about the introduction of the bills. Question about it was discussed Tuesday at a Council of the lower chamber. A corresponding amendment to the Duma regulations will be made soon, said the source, “Vedomosti” close to the leadership of the chamber. Informed all MPs of the new convocation were encouraged to consult with experts and colleagues in the faction to introduce bills, but not all the members a recommendation that was heard, told journalists after a meeting of the Board first Deputy Chairman of the state Duma Ivan Melnikov (CPRF), head of the permanent working group on rules (it is, according to Melnikov, had prepared the amendments). The problem of entering the state Duma are not consistent with the

Mizulina has asked the Prosecutor General to check the lessons with propaganda of drugs

Photo: RIA Novosti The Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on constitutional legislation Elena Mizulina sent a request to the Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika with a request to check in one of the schools of the Arkhangelsk region, where the children in the classroom spoke about the use of drugs and alcohol. This was reported on the website of the Senator. It is noted that the parents of the settlement of urdoma noticed that in the working notebooks of their children has information about alcohol, types of drugs, and that they can be used from 18 years. “One of the tasks, for example, “Look at the picture and find the picture of psychoactive substances. Write down the drug name below“. It is obvious that the children are not able to critically perceive this new information, the only reaction that she may have to call it interest and desire to

The family income of the Governor of Kursk region in 2016 by more than 700 thousand rubles.

Photo: RIA Novosti Total family income of the Governor of Kursk region Alexander Mikhailov in 2016 fell more than 700 thousand rubles in comparison with the previous year. The relevant information is published on the official portal of the region. “For the period from 1 January to 31 December 2016 income Mikhailov amounted to almost 2 million 830 thousand roubles. In 2015, the head of region has earned 3 million 450 thousand rubles, including revenue from the sale of the vehicle”, – stated in the message. Mikhailov has no properties, but its use is residential home utility buildings with an area of 529,7 sq. m. At the head of the region and past year was not in the ownership of housing. Now in the ownership Mihailova is just a Toyota. The income of the spouse of the Governor of Valentina Mikhailova over the past year amounted to about 417 thousand

Officials have come up with a way to support the production of the Sukhoi Superjet

Photo: RIA Novosti The Ministry of industry and trade and the Ministry of transport to discuss new measures to support the production of passenger aircraft Sukhoi Superjet 100. On Tuesday, April 18, writes “Kommersant”. The Ministry of industry and trade told the newspaper, about the planned delivery of the airline Red Wings to 100 of these aircraft in the period from 2018 to 2022. Ministry officials expect to create on the basis of the carrier, which currently belongs to the leasing company “Ilyushin Finans Ko” (IFK), several airlines for service lines between cities with populations over 200 thousand people. In parallel, plans are subsidizing the route network and creating a linear service stations in some Russian regions. In the company-the manufacturer of the liner — “Civil planes Dry” — the newspaper reported that the issue is studied. Production capacities allow to produce up to 50 aircraft per year, the plan