U.S. authorities are preparing charges against Julian Assange

U.S. authorities are preparing charges against Julian Assange Us authorities are considering charges to the founder of the site Wikileaks Julian Assange, American media report. On Thursday, U.S. officials briefed several media outlets about the impending measures against Assange and other members of the site specializing in the publication of confidential documents. By data Hey-bi-si, the authorities are still only discussing possible actions, however, si-EN-EN informs that they are already preparing charges in order to extradite and arrest Assange. Last week the Director of the CIA Mike Pompeo has described Wikileaks as hostile intelligence service, which helps Russia and called Assange a fraud. However, last year the band was praised by the President of the United States Donald trump for his activities during the election campaign. In October last year, the website Wikileaks published more than 2 million electronic documents, including correspondence, Hillary Clinton and head of her election headquarters

The Navy will receive the biggest nuclear submarine in the world

The Navy will receive the biggest nuclear submarine in the world Length of the submarine “Belgorod” after the upgrade will be 182 meters. Research nuclear submarine of project 09852 “Belgorod” will be the biggest submarine in the Russian Navy and the world. For its size and displacement she will overtake included in the Guinness Book of records the heavy nuclear missile cruiser of project 941-type “Typhoon”. Submarine are created on the basis of an unfinished drum submarine of the project 949A type “Antey”. These boats were built in the Soviet Union as a response to the deployment of American aircraft carrier compounds in the oceans. On Board was located twenty-launchers supersonic anti-ship cruise missiles “Granit”. “Belgorod” laid at the Severodvinsk machine-building enterprise in 1992. In 2006, construction finished on 76% of the ship froze. At the moment the decision to rebuild the boat under a new project 09852, is designed

Kadyrov: Chechnya will evict the family members of terrorists

Photo: RIA Novosti The head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov said that the Republic will be sent to family members to cover participation of their relatives in terrorist organizations. Family members of terrorists, covering fighters, and receiving from them funds, Kadyrov called “accomplices of terror” that must not live in Chechnya, reports RT. “If they have a son or a brother left, he began on the path of terrorism, if the family helps them, if the family is sitting at home unemployed, pensions, allowances, covering his son or brother, helping them to kill us, these people we will be evicted,” – said Kadyrov. Last year Kadyrov has published the list of the Chechen terrorists hiding in Turkey and urged Ankara to extradite them to Russia. Then Kadyrov have already noted that the Chechen people “at the cost of hundreds of thousands of uprooted victims of” terrorism, but “the problem is not

Putin at a meeting with Kadyrov drew the attention to the topic of terrorism

Photo: RIA Novosti Russian President Vladimir Putin praised the head of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov for the implementation of the may decrees and drew attention to the decision of the question of security and the fight against terrorism. On Wednesday evening in the Kremlin, Putin received the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov. “But the manifestation (the crime) happened. The attack was part of Regardie, so the question is still not, apparently, resolved. But they definitely solved. I see that they are good at and do it, of course, on the basis of development of economy and social sphere. The fact that You fails to execute decrees of the President of Russia of 2012 is very important,” — said Putin. In particular, the head of state noted that the average level in the education system of the Republic reaches the average for the region’s economy. Kadyrov, in turn, assured him

Lavrov: accusations of Damascus in a chemical attack aimed at regime change in Syria

© Anton novoderezhkin/TASS ASTANA, April 21. /TASS/. Blocking in the Organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons (OPCW), the Russian project on the incident in the Syrian province of Idlib and the accusations against Damascus to use chemical agents like trying to switch to the idea of regime change in Syria. This was stated on Friday, the Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov.

The survey showed, as Americans evaluate the work of trump for the three months

The survey showed, as Americans evaluate the work of trump for the three months MOSCOW, 21 APR — RIA Novosti. The work of the President of the United States Donald trump during the first quarter at the head of the state approves 41% of American voters, according to the ranking of Gallup. The company emphasizes that it is the lowest index in the first quarter of the presidency in the history of its sociological research. So, the rating of the previous President Barack Obama after three months on the post of the head of state was 64%. The least popular leader (trump) after the first three months of work, according to Gallup, was the President-Democrat bill Clinton — his work was approved by 55% of respondents. The highest rating was John Kennedy — his work on the post of the President after three months was positively assessed by 74% of

The head of Parliament has declared possibility of cancellation Brexit

The head of Parliament has declared possibility of cancellation Brexit If after the parliamentary elections the new government will refuse to secede from the European Union, the procedure is very simple, said Tajani. MOSCOW, 21 APR — RIA Novosti. The President of the European Parliament Antonio Tajani said that the process of a British exit from the EU can reverse if the forthcoming early parliamentary elections, the British will choose a new government. “If Britain after the election will want to withdraw (Article 50), the procedure is very simple,” said he in an interview with the Guardian newspaper. If the UK wanted to stay, it would be of benefit to all. I would be very, rodanthi Tajani, the President of the European Parliament The decision to withdraw from the EU was adopted by the British people in a referendum on 23 June 2016. United Kingdom 29 Mar officially launched the

Russia gave the OPCW evidence staged himataki in Idlib

Photo: RIA Novosti Russia’s permanent representative to the Organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons (OPCW) Alexander Shulgin said that Russian officials gave the organization the proof that the chemical attack in Idlib wore staged. Shulgin said on Wednesday in the Hague hosted a meeting of the Executive Council of the OPCW. During the meeting the opportunity to comment was provided to the Director of the Department for nonproliferation and arms control, the Russian foreign Ministry Mikhail Ulyanov, reports TASS. “Upon learning that the Russian representative is planning to accompany his speech with demonstration photos, Western partners tried to prevent it. Ultimately, however, Ulyanov was allowed to show photos from the scene of the incident,” said Shulgin. The diplomat noted that the demonstration of these pictures from the event on April 4 was necessary in light of the videos showing unauthentic situation. According to Shulgin, shown in the photos and

Ryabkov: the US proposals on Syria does not feel radically innovative elements

Photo: RIA Novosti Radically innovative elements in the proposals of the USA in Syria, no. This was stated in interview to the newspaper “Kommersant”, the Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Ryabkov. “Proposal of the American side on the Syrian Affairs largely represent a continuation of the line, held them before, – said Ryabkov. – There are a number of new elements, but something radically innovative, the unusual fact that the previously mentioned American colleagues on this topic, we don’t feel”. “We persistently work in favor of the fact that the Syrian problem was solved politically, in a broad sense, – said the Deputy Minister. – There are tools: the Astana process, the Geneva process. The political track to remove the problem that arose after the incident in Khan Sheyhun, is the only possible one”. According to him, need to send in Khan Shaykhun and the