The Israeli air force attacked near Damascus airport

The Israeli air force attacked near Damascus airport The Israeli air force on Thursday night attacked one of the targets near Damascus international airport. According to preliminary information, the blows were inflicted on the military base. In the vicinity of the air port in the air attack broke out a large fire. It is reported TASS with reference to the channel “al Alyam”. According to preliminary information, the blows were inflicted on the military base. In the vicinity of the air port in the air attack broke out a large fire. The sounds of powerful explosions were heard on the Eastern outskirts of the Syrian capital. From the military command of Syria any statements is not followed. Video of the explosions, which, according to the description, occurred near the airport in Damascus, appeared in Twitter account IsraelBreaking. Video shows moments explosions start near Damascus airport tonight. Local media attributing to

The media learned about the expansion of President of the United States of the powers of the Pentagon

The media learned about the expansion of President of the United States of the powers of the Pentagon Administration Donald trump gave the Pentagon the authority to revise the system of constraints of American troops in Iraq and Syria, the sources said Reuters. The Agency notes that now the real number of US troops in these countries exceeds the official. The administration of U.S. President Donald trump has allowed Pentagon officials to “reset limit” the number of American troops in Iraq and Syria, said on Wednesday, 26 April, Reuters, citing its sources. The Pentagon confirmed the information, but stressed that the number of troops consistently. The US strategy is aimed at supporting the fight against the terrorist group “Islamic state” (banned in Russia), said in the military, and it eliminates the need to increase military presence. The Agency concludes that the decision will significantly expand the powers of the Pentagon,

Regardie opened the page

Photo: RIA Novosti Regardie posted on its website a page devoted to the action “Immortal regiment” soldiers will be able to place pictures of their loved ones who participated in the great Patriotic war, said on Tuesday the Department of Department on interaction with mass media. “On the official Internet website of the Department page “Asgardia. Immortal regiment”, where members can post pictures and known biographical information about their relatives who participated in the great Patriotic war”, — stated in the message. The page will operate on the site in perpetuity.

The artistic Director of the “Contemporary” Volchek and Forester Ustinov became the Heroes of labor

Photo: RIA Novosti The President of Russia Vladimir Putin awarded the title of Hero of labour of the five winners, according to the Kremlin website. For special merits before the state and the people the honorary title received the artistic Director of the theater “Contemporary” Galina Volchek, the former head of Tatarstan Mintimer Shaimiev, fitter “Sevmash” Alexey Ivanov, the head physician of one of hospitals of Krasnodar territory Vladimir flutter barbarian and the Ranger Ustinov. The title of Hero of labour was established in March 2013. It is awarded for contribution to education and socio-economic, cultural, industrial and agricultural development of the country. Is the highest degree of distinction along with the title of hero of the Russian Federation. The award ceremony takes place annually on the eve of international workers ‘ Day on 1 may.

9000 police officers in Turkey was suspended from work

9000 police officers in Turkey was suspended from work Turkish police have suspended more than 9 thousand employees on suspicion of links with living in America preacher Fethullah Gulen. The police said that this was done in the interests of national security. In July last year in Turkey was an attempt of a coup. After the suppression of the coup, the country’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan called the chief conspirator Fethullah gülen, his longtime opponent. Gulen himself living in the United States, categorically denies his involvement in these events. Nevertheless, the Turkish authorities demand his extradition to his homeland and called him a leader of a terrorist organization. Earlier, the Turkish authorities have detained more than 1,000 people during the recent operations against supporters of Gulen. It was the largest in recent months the police operation. The Minister of internal Affairs Suleyman Soylu said that the operation was aimed at

Trump made the disbanding of the court for blocking anti-immigrant ordinances

Trump made the disbanding of the court for blocking anti-immigrant ordinances Donald trump is considering the possibility of disbanding the Ninth circuit court of appeals. The judge had previously blocked two of the Executive decree of the American President, restricting entry to the United States from countries with a predominantly Muslim population. The President of the United States Donald trump is considering the possibility of disbanding the Ninth circuit court of appeals. He stated this in an interview with the Washington Exampel. Judges of the Ninth circuit court had previously blocked two of the Executive decree trump, restricting entry to the United States from countries with a predominantly Muslim population. The us President said that “many people would like to disband the” court. “I consider such proposals,” — said trump asked. Trump believes that the language of his decrees is clear “even the freshmen,” but not the judges, who “didn’t

Venezuela announced its withdrawal from the Organization of American States

Venezuela announced its withdrawal from the Organization of American States MOSCOW, 27 Jun — RIA Novosti. The foreign Minister of Venezuela Delcy Rodriguez said that on Thursday will start the procedure of withdrawal from the Organization of American States. In this case, Venezuela will become the only country of America, not included in the OAS. On Wednesday, the permanent Council of the Organization of American States decided to convene an emergency meeting of foreign Ministers to discuss the situation in Venezuela. Prior to that, head of MFA of Venezuela stated that he had received from Maduro instructed to begin the process of withdrawal of Venezuela from the OAS, subject to this meeting. According to recent reports, during the demonstrations against the government of Maduro and his support in Venezuela from 4 April killed 29 people, 65 arrested, and all were arrested almost 1.3 thousand people. The protests began after the

The head of the Council of Europe has offered to send in Crimea mission for the prevention of torture

The Secretary General of the Council of Europe (COE) Thorbjorn Jagland proposed to send to the Crimea the mission of the European Committee for the prevention of torture and inhuman or degrading treatment. On Tuesday, April 25, reports TASS. “I get causing concern reports about the situation in the prisons in the Crimea, so I assume that we should strongly insist on the mission of the European Committee for the prevention of torture in Crimea. We believe that they should get access and do their work there”, — he told, answering questions of deputies of the parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) in Strasbourg. Torture complained, in particular, the accused on charges of preparing terrorist acts in Crimea, detained in August 2016, the FSB. Appropriate treatment, they sent in December of the same year in law enforcement bodies of Russia. In November, the delegation of Ukraine at the

The OSCE is concerned about the decision to ban

Photo: RIA Novosti The head of the Office for democratic institutions and human rights (ODIHR) Michael link expressed concern about the recognition in Russia the organization “Jehovah’s Witnesses” extremist, reads the statement of the ODIHR. “I’m worried about unjustified criminalization of peaceful activities of the members of the communities of “Jehovah’s Witnesses” in Russia, the elimination of this community in the country”, — quotes the Link to his press service. “The Supreme court’s decision poses a threat to the values and principles upon which a democratic, free, open, pluralistic and tolerant society,” he said. In turn, the representative of the OSCE Chairman on combating racism, xenophobia and discrimination Ingeborg Gabriel stated that “the prohibition, the persecution of innocent people for a simple service, clearly violates the fundamental right to freedom of religion, and with it international standards of human rights guaranteed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, so it

The delegation of Ukraine expects the resignation of the head of the PACE because of his trip to Syria

Photo: RIA Novosti The head of the Ukrainian delegation to PACE (parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe) Vladimir Aryans expects the head of the Assembly, Pedro Agramunt to the end of this session, will resign because of his recent visit to Syria. On Tuesday, the Assembly held a hearing at which the PACE President was asked questions about his trip to Syria. Monday Agramunt, opening the Assembly, described his visit to Syria is a mistake. The delegation of Russian parliamentarians headed by Vice-speaker of the state Duma Vladimir Vasiliev together with Agramunt visited Syria in March and held meetings including with President Bashar al-Assad. During the visit Agramunt stressed that he arrived in Syria with the “role perfectly of a private nature, not representing the Assembly”. However, in the ranks of the PACE Chairman’s visit to Syria has drawn criticism. Immediately after the speech, the MEPs asked the President