Japan agreed with Russia to sign new tax Convention

Japan agreed with Russia to sign new tax Convention TOKYO, APR 28 — RIA Novosti, Xenia Naka. The government of Japan has agreed with Russia about signing of the new Convention for avoiding double taxation, said in an official statement the foreign Ministry of Japan. The new Convention should replace the current “Convention for avoidance of double taxation”, which was signed by the USSR and Japan in 1986. The new Convention amplifies and clarifies the provisions defining the scope of taxation, avoiding double taxation, and to prevent the concealment from payment of taxes. As expected, the new Convention will promote investment and economic exchanges between the two streaminig Japan The foreign Ministry of Japan noted that the Convention will be signed after passing the necessary procedures, and will enter into force after ratification by the parliaments of both countries.

Trump said the possibility of a “major conflict” with North Korea

Trump said the possibility of a “major conflict” with North Korea However, the US President stressed Washington’s desire for a peaceful resolution of the crisis, and also noted the important role of China in resolving North Korean issues. WASHINGTON, 28 APR — RIA Novosti. The US President Donald trump said in an interview with Reuters that there is a chance the “big conflict” with North Korea, but he prefers a diplomatic solution. There is a chance we can finish a big, big conflict with North Korea. Opredelennoye Trepresent USA At the same time, he noted that he wants a peaceful resolution of the crisis. “We would like to solve problems through diplomacy, but it is very difficult,” — said the American leader. He reiterated China’s role in resolving the problems around North Korea, noting that the Chinese leader XI Jinping “doing everything possible”. Answering the question, does trump the behavior

Lavrov: we are unable to act on the principle of hero Schwarzenegger trust me

Photo: RIA Novosti Foreign Minister of Russia Sergei Lavrov commented on the US statement on the fact that they allegedly have evidence against Damascus in the incident in the Syrian town of Khan Sheyhun. “We were told confidentially that the American colleagues have conclusive evidence almost on a roll call list of those Syrian officials, the military who took the decision to use chemical weapons. And all other facts which relate to the incident on 4 April. But, of course, these facts to share with us can not. But we can’t act on the principle that the hero of Schwarzenegger outlined the words trust me”, — said Lavrov. He stressed that Russia prefers the principle of “trust, but verify”. April 4, the Syrian opposition claimed the attack using chemical weapons in Khan Shaykhun, Idlib province, accusing it of Syria. Damascus denied the charges and blamed the chemical attack on militants.

Ivanov told about the consequences of the crash on nuclear power plants

Photo: RIA Novosti Special representative of the President of Russia on environmental issues and transport Sergei Ivanov said that the crash on a nuclear power plant (NPP) would not have caused the disaster. It is reported by Russia Today. So Ivanov answered the question about the safety of a plant can be placed in a combat zone, particularly in the middle East. “Not that much of a secret. In General, even if in the center of modern nuclear power plant would hit large aircraft Boeing-777, I assure you, nothing will happen,” he said. According to him, scientists who are developing nuclear power plants, “rucas its name and reputation, ensure that no possible or conceivable natural disaster” poses no risk to modern nuclear power plants. “Of course, if nuclear power plants will be nuclear missile, it would be a disaster. But I hope that mankind will not survive out of his

Tillerson spoke about the willingness of China to impose sanctions against the DPRK

Tillerson spoke about the willingness of China to impose sanctions against the DPRK China warned Pyongyang that it would take “sanctions actions independently” against North Korea if it will conduct another nuclear test. According to Reuters, U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson said that the us administration said the leadership of the PRC. Tillerson also said that information obtained by U.S. intelligence, indicate that North Korean leader Kim Jong-UN is “not crazy.” According to Secretary of state, the head of the DPRK may be rational politician with whom one could negotiate against the background of the efforts of the international community to curb nuclear and missile programs of Pyongyang Earlier, the US government stated that the strategy of the administration toward North Korea is aimed to exert pressure on Pyongyang and force it to abandon its programs to develop nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles. To achieve its goals the government

The UN has called unacceptable the attack on the Parliament of Macedonia

The UN has called unacceptable the attack on the Parliament of Macedonia UN, 28 APR — RIA Novosti, Olga Denisova. The attack on the Parliament of Macedonia and beating his deputies are unacceptable, said the official representative of the Secretary General Stefan Dujarric, commenting on the situation in the country after the election of the speaker of Parliament. “It is with great concern the developments in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and call for restraint and calm. Violence directed against democratic institutions and elected representatives of the people, is unacceptable,” reads the statement of the official representative of the UN Secretary General. We call on all political forces to settle differences by diplomacy, in accordance with the Constitution, without delay, to overcome political topicseen Dualisability the representative of the UN Secretary General On Thursday, speaker of the Parliament of Macedonia was elected ethnic Albanian Talat Xhaferi. It triggered protests

The diplomat called one of the priority topics of the first meeting of Putin and trump

The diplomat called one of the priority topics of the first meeting of Putin and trump Likely priority topic at the first meeting Donald trump, and Vladimir Putin may be “safety in cyberspace”, told “Kommersant” the diplomat Andrei Krutskikh. At the first meeting of the presidents of the United States and Russia will discuss “the whole range of bilateral issues and topical problems on the international agenda”. About it reports “Kommersant” with reference to the special representative of the President of Russia on international cooperation in the field of information security, the Ambassador-at-large of the foreign Ministry Andrei Krutskikh. The issue of stability, trust and security in cyberspace may be one of prioritetnosti Trotskyistsprovides of the Russian President on international cooperation in the field of information security According to him, in January 2017 Russia at the request of the administration of former President Barack Obama sent to Washington a “a

Stepashin told about Yeltsin’s attempt to demolish the mausoleum of Lenin

Photo: TASS Former Russian Prime Minister Sergei Stepashin said that in 1998, Boris Yeltsin, who was then President of the Russian Federation, ordered to demolish the mausoleum of Vladimir Lenin. About Stepashin, according to “Interfax”, said in an interview with “Historian”. According to the former Prime Minister, an order to liquidate the mausoleum Yeltsin gave it to him. Then Stepashin was the head of the interior Ministry, and Yeltsin instructed the Ministry to ensure order. However, Stepashin said that after the demolition of the mausoleum, the people will rise against the government, and began to convince Yeltsin to refuse this idea. Stepashin, in particular, told the President that the burial of Lenin has not yet come. According to him, Yeltsin did not immediately, but agreed with his arguments. In April deputies of the state Duma from “United Russia” and LDPR has drafted a bill on the legal mechanism of burial

General staff: “Tomahawk” in Poland threatened the European part of Russia

Photo: RIA Novosti The chief of the Russian General staff Valery Gerasimov said the threat to Russian strategic sites. According to him, if the Polish military will be equipped with missile defense cruise missiles, will be under the gun the entire European part of the country. He said this at the sixth Moscow conference on international security, reports RIA Novosti. “It includes ground-based missile complex “aegis ashore” in Romania, to boost work on the deployment in 2018 of the American interceptor missiles on Polish territory. On the basis of the ABM in Romania posted a universal launcher, which can be triggers not only missiles, but also cruise missiles “the Tomahawk”. The same settings you intend to deploy in Poland. As a result, under the sight of cruise missiles will be all of the strategic assets located in the European part of Russia”, — said Gerasimov. According to the chief of

Nikita Mikhalkov accused the authorities silence about surveys Bulk

Photo: RIA Novosti At the VIII Forum of safe Internet devoted to child safety in the information space and held in Moscow today, was made by Nikita Mikhalkov. He mentioned the Bulk of the funds that FBK was connected with Dmitry Medvedev and actually accused the government of silence, which pushes “dopey kids” to fight the state system. “The revolution is conceived romance, exercise fanatics. And the fruits are rascals, – said Nikita Mikhalkov. In order to properly evaluate a result, you need to understand the reason. When I listen to regular speech, I see the concerns of the society, I understand that this is not enough. We are faced with the fact that a growing generation that does not know its history, does not understand the consequences that can result in certain actions. They don’t understand until then, until I get a rubber baton on the head or a