Merkel headed to the East

Photo: RIA Novosti German Chancellor Angela Merkel arrives today in Sochi at the invitation of the Russian side. She will meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin. According to experts, the reasons for the visit of Frau Merkel several. In Hamburg on 7-8 July summit of the G20, so the Chancellor is extremely important to prepare the ground for the upcoming meeting. In addition, the President of the United States Donald trump never filed European allies clear signal of what position is going to take in relations with the EU and Russia. Angela Merkel apparently decided not to wait for signs from overseas and to try to smooth the angles in the dialogue with Moscow. Not the last role in this play and the parliamentary elections in Germany, which will take place in September. The guest of Donald trump, Angela Merkel has already visited. However successful this visit can hardly be.

British and Ukrainian military will perform an observation flight over Russia

Photo: Adrian Pingstone) / Wikipedia The joint mission of Canada, the UK and Ukraine will perform from 2 to 6 may observation flight over Russia and Belarus within Treaty on open skies. As reported by RIA Novosti, said the head of the Russian Center for reducing nuclear danger Sergey Ryzhkov. The mission will run on the canadian observation aircraft C130-J from the airfield near Moscow Kubinka. During the flight on an agreed route Russian specialists on Board the plane will monitor strict observance of flight parameters and application of the contractual instrument. The Treaty on open skies was signed in 1992. This document became one of the measures for strengthening confidence in Europe after the cold war. It has been operating since 2002 and allows the participating countries to openly gather information about military forces and activities of each other. Parties to the Treaty include most of the NATO countries,

Press-conference of Putin and Merkel in Sochi. Video

© Mikhail Metzel/TASS Stream Ruptly On Tuesday, may 2, Russia’s President Vladimir Putin holds talks in Sochi with German Chancellor Angela Merkel. The main themes of the meeting of the two leaders of the fight against terrorism, the situation in the middle East, as well as the implementation of the Minsk agreements. As previously noted in the Kremlin, the formal reason for Merkel’s visit – preparations for the G20 summit, which will take place in Hamburg in July. The last time the Chancellor visited Russia in 2015.

Russia and Germany seek to continue the dialogue and we intend to resolve the differences

© Alexei Nikolsky/press service of the Russian President/TASS SOCHI, may 2. /TASS/. Russia and Germany remain committed to cooperation in bilateral relations and in resolving international problems including the situation around Ukraine and Syria, despite some differences. These were the General results of the talks between Russian President Vladimir Putin with German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Sochi. Speaking at a press conference after the talks, the Russian leader said that “Russia and Germany have passed a long and difficult path of mutual rapprochement” and the General problem of the two countries “not to lose the experience and to develop bilateral cooperation for the benefit of our peoples.” In turn, Merkel said that Berlin and Moscow “must always retain the possibility to continue dialogue,” although major progress in the relationship yet. Willingness to cooperate Putin and Merkel noted that Russia and Germany are ready to cooperate in those areas where this

Putin and Erdogan will discuss in Sochi bilateral issues and ways of solution in Syria

Putin and Erdogan during a meeting in the Kremlin on March 10, 2017/Archive © Mikhail Metzel/TASS SOCHI/ANKARA, may 3. /Offset. TASS Kirill Zharov/. The presidents of Russia and Turkey Vladimir Putin and Recep Tayyip Erdogan will discuss in Sochi, the settlement of the situation in Syria, the joint fight against terrorism, as well as the whole complex of bilateral relations. The Turkish leader will be in Russia on a working visit at the invitation of his Russian colleague.

Clinton accused Russia, WikiLeaks, and the head of the FBI in his electoral defeat

Clinton accused Russia, WikiLeaks, and the head of the FBI in his electoral defeat Former democratic candidate said that if elections were held October 27, the President would it, however, the events of the last 10 days of the race turned the course of events. NEW YORK, may 2. /Offset. TASS Alexey Kachalin/. The events of the last ten days before a General election in the United States, held November 8, 2016, changed the course of the election campaign and helped to win the Republican Donald Trump. My role in this was played by Moscow, the organization WikiLeaks and FBI Director James Comey. With this statement made by former U.S. Secretary of state Hillary Clinton at the forum “Women, peace and security” in new York. “If the elections were held on 27 October, your President would be me,” Clinton said, assume part of the responsibility for the defeat in the

Putin had a phone conversation with trump

Putin had a phone conversation with trump MOSCOW, may 2 — RIA Novosti. The presidents of Russia and USA Vladimir Putin and Donald trump held a telephone conversation, told in the Kremlin. The leaders discussed prospects of coordination of actions of Russia and the United States in the fight against terrorism in Syria, as well as “extensively discussed the situation on the Korean Peninsula.” It is noted that Putin has called for restraint and reducing tension. The leaders agreed “to work together, focused on a diplomatic solution to the comprehensive settlement of the problem”. Putin and trump agreed to maintain contacts on the phone and wished to meet personally in the framework of the July G20 summit in Hamburg The leaders also agreed to intensify the dialogue between the foreign Ministers on the options for solving the Syrian crisis. “I mean that the Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia and

The Kremlin has summed up the results of Putin’s meeting with Merkel in Sochi

The Kremlin has summed up the results of Putin’s meeting with Merkel in Sochi Press Secretary of the President of Russia, Dmitry Peskov, has summed up the results of the meeting of German Chancellor Angela Merkel with Vladimir Putin in Sochi. The leaders focused in the conversation on bilateral relations and human rights. The meeting of German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Russian President Vladimir Putin were centred around bilateral relations, stated the press Secretary of the Russian head Dmitry Peskov, reports RBC. Relationships are not just warm, they, despite differences, a large amount of prodoljayutsya Sands “Had a very detailed and Frank exchange of views on major international issues: Syria, Libya, Afghanistan. It was an exchange of views, was interested in the assessment and development prospects. A lot of attention was paid to the Ukrainian story, which stated spin”, — said Peskov. He also noted that the President of Russia

Dmitry Pevtsov was in the base of the Ukrainian website

Photo: RIA Novosti Russian actor and singer Dmitry Pevtsov posted the controversial site of the “Peacemaker” because of his visit to the Crimea. As stated on the website, the Singers appeared in the database for “illegal crossing of the state border of Ukraine”. Earlier in database of the site “Peacemaker” was made of data participants of the contest “Eurovision-2017” from Russia Yulia Samoilova. Later the security Service of Ukraine has banned Samoilova entry into the country for three years because of her performances in the Crimea, the singer will not take part in “Eurovision-2017”. Also in the database of the website made by the Russian artists Diana Gurtskaya, Yuri Loza, Valery Leontiev, Sergey Shnurov, Stas Peha, Bianca, Yulianna Karaulova, Mikhail Shufutinsky, Irina Allegrova, Basta rapper, singer Nyusha, the world famous traveler Fyodor Konyukhov.


Photo: TASS Deputy Secretary of General Council of “United Russia”, state Duma Deputy Yevgeny Revenko believes that attacks on members of the opposition, social activists hinder the building of a civil society, they should be thoroughly investigated. On his page on Facebook, the politician said that “in recent years, cases of attacks on individual leaders and civil activists.” “I certainly condemn and do not accept any such violence and hooliganism. I am sure that this view is shared by my party comrades,” wrote Revenko, stating that “the burning of the balconies, throwing the green stuff – it is not a means of political struggle, and crime.” “And the investigation of each such incident should be conducted with care and the culprits identified and punished,” he said. Noting that “such incidents are of serious public interest”, the MP expressed confidence that they “hinder the building of a civil society.” “We are