The elections in France followed more than 50% of Russians

Photo: RIA Novosti More than half of Russians are interested in elections in France, while 57% believe the outcome of the presidential race and important for the Russian Federation, the survey showed the all-Russia centre of studying of public opinion (VTSIOM). “The election campaign in France is interested in every second Russian (55%), of which 10% reported that they closely monitored her progress, and 45% learn about her from time to time”, — stated in the materials of the survey, which is available to RIA Novosti. “According to 57% of the citizens, the outcome of the presidential race in France is important for Russia… a Third of Russians (35%) believes the outcome of the vote is not too important for our country,” notes the poll. Respondents older than 60 years, pay the elections in this country more attention than young people (64% vs 23%), sociologists said. While women are more

Trump reacted to the statement by Clinton about the reasons of its defeat in the elections

Trump reacted to the statement by Clinton about the reasons of its defeat in the elections The President of the United States Donald trump commented on Twitter the opinion of his former rival in the election, a democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, who called the culprits of his defeat of Russian hackers and FBI Director James Komi. “Comey was the best thing that ever happened to Hillary Clinton, that gave her the opportunity to make a lot of bad things! False story about trump and Russia were the pretext, which the Democrats used with the aim to make excuses for the defeat. Maybe trump just ran a great campaign?” — wrote the President. FBI Director Comey was the best thing that ever happened to Hillary Clinton in that he gave her a free pass for many bad deeds! The phony… — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) may 3, 2017 …Trump/Russia story was

The NSA in 2016, tracked more than 150 million phone calls

The NSA in 2016, tracked more than 150 million phone calls In the report of the office of the Director of the American N. I. we are not talking about an equally large number came under the surveillance, as it counts every single call. WASHINGTON, may 3. /Offset. TASS Boris Makarov/. The national security Agency (NSA) of the USA in 2016 have traced not less than 151 million phone calls in spite of structure measures to limit surveillance of citizens. The relevant data are given in a statement on Tuesday the report of the office of the Director of national intelligence. It alone emphasizes that the question in this case is not about an equally large number came under the surveillance, as it counts every single call. It is noted that the NSA had received from the Court for supervision over the activities of foreign intelligence services official permission to

The British Parliament dissolved ahead of early General elections

The British Parliament dissolved ahead of early General elections Within a few days ex-MPs allowed to come to the building of the Palace of Westminster to pick up abandoned in the workplace personal items. LONDON, may 3. /Offset. TASS Igor Brovarnik/. The British Parliament dissolved on 3 may ahead of a snap General election. The legislature of the United Kingdom ceased its operation at 00:01 local time (02:01 MSK). Under current UK legislation, the Parliament must be dissolved 25 working days before the General election, which at the initiative of Prime Minister Theresa may must go on 8 June. The British Premier will meet with Queen Elizabeth II, to agree with her question of the dissolution of Westminster, however, this procedure will be formal. The dissolution of the British Parliament automatically means that all 650 seats in the House of Commons (the lower house) be free Within a few days

Medvedev has approved subsidies for the purchase and construction of civil ships

Photo: RIA Novosti Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev has approved the rules according to which from the Federal budget to Russian organisations will receive subsidies for reimbursement of the cost of acquisition and construction of new civil courts instead of disposed of. Relevant document published on the website of the Cabinet. Subsidies provided to upgrade the fleet. “This decision will allow to equip the commercial fleet of high-tech and competitive river vessels and mixed swimming, to increase turnover, to improve the quality of passenger transportation in remote regions of the country, will facilitate the introduction of new technologies in the shipbuilding industry, the upgrading and modernization of production capacities, creation of new jobs,” the document States. The grant involves a one-time payment to shipping companies in payment for the construction of a new vessel provided the delivery for disposal of the old ship, which is more than 30 years

Russian military has delivered 4.8 tons of humanitarian aid to Syria

Photo: RIA Novosti Russian centre for the reconciliation of the warring parties in Syria spent over the past day six of humanitarian operations in the provinces of Aleppo (4), Lattakia (1) and as-Suwayda (1). This is stated in the Bulletin of the Russian Center. “In the city of Aleppo in the districts of Qadi Askar, Beniseed, Bustan of Alkasr Aziz and the residents transferred to 800 servings of hot food, 100 food packages and bread. 800 food parcels were handed over to residents of settlements, Chaubet-Burgal (Latakia province) and Taal (province of as-Suwayda)”, – stated in the Bulletin. During the day, humanitarian aid has been 1492 resident. The total weight given to the population of humanitarian goods was 4.8 tons. The Bulletin also notes that the Russian aircraft using parachute platforms delivered in the district of the city of Deir ez-Zor 21.5 tons of humanitarian goods (food) received by the

To Astana for talks on Syria came to the Iranian delegation

Photo: © RIA Novosti . Sergey Subbotin The Iranian delegation headed by Deputy foreign Minister Hossein Ansari arrived in Astana for participation in negotiations on Syria, the correspondent of RIA Novosti. On Tuesday, may 2, will host a meeting of representatives of the guarantor countries Russia, Iran and Turkey at the expert level, high-level talks will be held may 3-4. Monday arrived in Astana the delegation of the Syrian government headed by Bashar al-Jaafari, on Tuesday evening the expected arrival of the UN envoy Staffan de Mistura, who first after the first round of talks in January to take part in the Astana process. The previous rounds of the UN was represented at the expert level. The Russian delegation will be headed by the special envoy of the Russian President on Syria, Alexander Lavrentiev.

Media called the name of the candidate for the position of U.S. permanent representative to NATO

Media called the name of the candidate for the position of U.S. permanent representative to NATO Moscow. May 3. INTERFAX.RU the Main candidate for the post of U.S. permanent representative to NATO, a 73-year-old former Senator from Texas, Republican Kay Bailey Hutchison, reports CNN, citing a senior representative of the administration. According to the source, the hope is that Hutchison will take the post before the start of the NATO summit in Brussels, which will take place at the end of the month. Kay Bailey Hutchison held the post of U.S. Senator from Texas from 1993 to 2013. Since February 2013 she works as a senior lawyer at the law firm Bracewell & Giuliani in Dallas.

Marine Le Pen is planning to return to national currency in case of his election victory

Marine Le Pen is planning to return to national currency in case of his election victory The candidate in presidents of France from the party “national front” marine Le Pen said that he was going to return in circulation in the country, the franc in the event of election victory. In an interview with Reuters, she expressed the hope that “the French people after two years will have in their pockets the national currency”. According to MS Le Pen, the new currency will better protect the savings of the French. She emphasized that the thesis that “the Euro is a shield of the French economy”, not true. Also, the presidential candidate said that it plans to immediately begin negotiations to reform the EU. The main points she plans to discuss is the return of control over the French borders and the laws of the country MS Le Pen said that

The defense Ministry called storytellers experts from Human Rights Watch

The defense Ministry called storytellers experts from Human Rights Watch Experts from Human Rights Watch, said that the Syrian town of Khan Shaykhun could be attacked by the alleged chemical ammunition of Soviet production, the storyteller. On Tuesday, may 2, said the official representative of the Ministry of defense of Russia Igor Konashenkov. According to him, specified in the report of the ordnance HUB-250 was never exported outside the USSR and is structurally designed for equipment exposed to sarin. Konashenkov also said that “not a single expert from the Organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons, or some of the Western countries never visited in Khan Sheyhun”. However, “the local fighters, having learned a week ago on the invitation of Damascus, the OPCW experts in Khan Shaykhun, whose team has already filled the funnel only from the alleged gap “chemical” weapon, cement mortar,” said the General. Konashenkov said that only