In the Federation Council believe that the financial possibilities of regions will not allow you to dramatically increase the minimum wage

In the Federation Council believe that the financial possibilities of regions will not allow you to dramatically increase the minimum wage MOSCOW, January 7. /TASS/. Earlier, the Chairman of the Federation of independent trade unions of Russia Mikhail Shmakov said that the minimum wage needs to be doubled. Question on raising the minimum wage (SMIC) is associated with the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, which is now no sufficient funds, the problem must be solved gradually. On Monday the correspondent of TASS said the head of the Federation Council Committee on social policy Valery Ryazan. Earlier, the Chairman of the Federation of independent trade unions of Russia (FNPR) Michael Shmakov in interview to “Rossiyskaya Gazeta” said that the minimum wage needs to be doubled. “From the point of view of poverty reduction that would have been good, it would immediately lead to better results from a

The Telegraph told about life Skrobala in the UK

The Telegraph told about life Skrobala in the UK Former GRU officer Sergey Skripal and his daughter Julia, who, in March 2018, was poisoned by an unknown substance in Salisbury, is now likely to live in the South of the UK newspaper the Telegraph, citing informed sources. 11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий According to sources, for the well-being Skrobala see medical professionals of a narrow circle. According to one source, the employees of the security service of great Britain “could easily organize the work of Yulia, giving her the opportunity to have their own income and to return to society, while ensuring its security.” “Her knowledge of Russian language at the level of the carrier could also be useful”, — the newspaper writes. According to the publication, Sergey and Yulia Skrypali can work for British intelligence. The Telegraph writes that Julia Skripal maintains contact with friends from the UK and Russia. This summer she

Russian patrol took control of a US Navy ship in Black sea

Russian patrol took control of a US Navy ship in Black sea MOSCOW, 7 Feb — RIA Novosti. A patrol ship of the black sea fleet “Inquisitive” controls the actions of the U.S. Navy ship “Fort McHenry”, which entered the Black sea on 6 January, according to the defense Ministry. It is noted that the U.S. Navy ship is in the waters of the Black sea from 21.00 GMT on 6 January. As reported in the press service of the US Navy in Europe, the ship entered the sea for “patrol”. Earlier, the special envoy of the state Department in Ukraine Kurt Volker said the United States needs to consider increasing its presence in the Black sea. He also admitted that Washington will deliver Kiev lethal weapons. Read also: Ukraine will once again send ships through the Kerch Strait Helpthe Azov crisis As Russia and Ukraine brought the situation to

WikiLeaks sent out a media list of about of the facts about Assange

WikiLeaks sent out a media list of about of the facts about Assange WikiLeaks sent journalists a list of 140 of the fake claims about its founder, Julian Assange, Reuters reports. The organization asks the media not to use in their materials this information. 11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий Among the facts which WikiLeaks calls about what Mr. Assange is alleged to bleach hair, mistreat the animals and do not follow personal hygiene. In addition, the organization denied that its founder is a hacker or in any was connected with the Kremlin. Recall that in 2010, Swedish police announced Mr. Assange in the international search on the case of rape. He did not admit guilt and called the case politically motivated. Since 2012, Julian Assange refuge in the Embassy of Ecuador in London. In may 2017 the Swedish prosecution authority discontinued the investigation into Julian Assange. However, he fears extradition to the US. In

In Kiev has determined the most “painful” situation of the Tomos of autocephaly

In Kiev has determined the most “painful” situation of the Tomos of autocephaly The most “painful” situation of Tomos of autocephaly for the “new Church” will be the prohibition to set up their structures outside the country. About it the rector of the Kiev theological Academy, Professor Vladimir Burega wrote in the column of the edition “Left coast”. He stressed that such a requirement was never spelled out in the previously published Tomaso. However, in the Tomos for “new Church” of Ukraine indicated that its jurisdiction is limited to the territory of the country. Thus, writes Burega, head of the “new Church” Metropolitan Epiphanius cannot establish parishes outside of the state, and all Church structures outside of Ukraine will come under the jurisdiction of the Patriarchate of Constantinople. Burega notes that the immigrants from Eastern Europe tend to maintain contact with national churches and are reluctant to integrate into other

Donald trump has denied a speedy withdrawal of us troops from Syria

Donald trump has denied a speedy withdrawal of us troops from Syria The President of the United States Donald trump refused to name a specific timeline for the withdrawal of us troops from Syria, stressing that he had never promised that the process will be quick. “We leave Syria, we’ll withdraw our troops from there, I never said that we would do it so fast”, — quotes Mr. trump Reuters. According to the President of the United States, U.S. forces “will not go away completely,” while ISIS (a terrorist group banned in Russia) “is not done”. At the same time to continue the fight against terrorists could countries that “hate even more” IG, for example, Russia and Iran, he added. We will remind, on December 19 the U.S. President Donald trump has announced the withdrawal of American troops from Syria. Initially it was stated that troops can be withdrawn within

Bloomberg: the second meeting trump and Kim Jong UN may be held in Hanoi

Bloomberg: the second meeting trump and Kim Jong UN may be held in Hanoi TASS, January 7 — Earlier, the US President announced that Washington is negotiating with Pyongyang on the venue of the second summit. 8фотографий8фотографий8фотографий The U.S. and the DPRK are discussing the possibility of this second meeting between US President Donald trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-UN in Hanoi. This was reported on Monday by Bloomberg. They refers to the South Korean newspaper Munhwa Ilbo, according to which representatives of the American and North Korean sides have already held a meeting in Hanoi, which discussed the timing of a possible summit. Washington is also considering as potential locations for the meeting of the leaders of the United States and the DPRK Indonesia, Mongolia, Hawaii and the border crossing Panmunjom on the border of the DPRK and the Republic of Korea. On Sunday, trump said that the

The brother of the detained in Russia American claims that he could not be a spy

The brother of the detained in Russia American claims that he could not be a spy NEW YORK, January 7. /TASS/ — According to David Whelan, his brother supposedly was a too noticeable figure, to cooperate with the intelligence services. American Paul Whelan detained in Russia on suspicion of espionage could not cooperate with the investigation because it attracted too much attention, he believes his brother David. He said this on Sunday in an interview with the Associated Press. According to David Whelan, his brother loves to travel and “to communicate with people in those countries, to come”, but supposedly was a too noticeable figure, to cooperate with the intelligence services. “He likes to travel and so it happened that in Russia he has a friend, when he arrives, he visits them”, — said the Agency interlocutor. David Whelan also said he did not rule out a link between the

Trump spoke about the new wall on the border with Mexico

Trump spoke about the new wall on the border with Mexico The President of the United States Donald trump announced that the wall on the border with Mexico will be built of steel instead of concrete as originally planned. About this he wrote in Twitter account. 15фотографий15фотографий15фотографий According to the American leader, Vice-President Mike Pence and the group had a productive budget meeting with the representatives of the democratic leaders Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi. During negotiations, the parties discussed various details of border security. And now we plan to build a steel wall, not concrete. It is stronger and will be less evident. A good decision, and made in the USA. In December 2018, the U.S. leader said that the United States will completely close the southern border, if not funds will be allocated for the construction of the wall against migrants. According to him, the financing of the

Geir Pedersen will be appointed the special envoy of the UN Secretary General on Syria

Geir Pedersen will be appointed the special envoy of the UN Secretary General on Syria Moscow. January 7. INTERFAX.RU — the Norwegian Ambassador Geir Pedersen on Monday takes office as the special envoy of the UN Secretary General on Syria. Pedersen was appointed to the post of UN Secretary-General, antónio Guterres, on 31 October 2018, after predecessor Geir Pedersen — Staffan de Mistura — has announced his retirement. Guterres noted that “Mr. Pedersen will support the parties in Syria, contributing to a comprehensive and credible political solution that meets the democratic aspirations of the Syrian people.” Shortly before the resignation, Staffan de Mistura, called the Pedersen superb specialist. Geir Pedersen held the position of special envoy of Norway to the UN from 2012 to 2017. In 2017, he was appointed Ambassador of his country in China. Italian diplomat Staffan de Mistura, who held the post of UN special envoy on