Alexei Venediktov: Putin Treaty with Japan, wants to put an end of the Second world war

Alexei Venediktov: Putin Treaty with Japan, wants to put an end of the Second world war Concluding a peace Treaty with Japan, Putin probably wants to go down in history as the man who put an end to the Second world war. This opinion January 9 broadcast of “echo of Moscow” was expressed by the chief editor of the radio station Alexei Venediktov. After the annexation of Crimea in Russian history Putin will go down as “the unifier and Savior,” and in the West as “the destroyer,” but in the case of peaceful Russian-Japanese agreement this ambiguity will not, said Venediktov. “People that put an end to the Second world war — some bugs there, what’s the Churchill? It’s all over! All the results of the Second world war summed up. And here he must know it,” says Venediktov. NewsOf the Kuril Islands not so reported The chief editor of

Russian students equal rights to deferment from the army

Russian students equal rights to deferment from the army Students who have not received a delay in age will give her for admission to the master’s degree. The state Duma adopted in the first reading the bill on the possibility to obtain two exemptions during the period of study in the University for those Russians who turned 18 during the school. As explained by the legislators, now these young people in higher education are at a disadvantage with those who came of age after school. Prepared by the deputies of the initiative equalizes students ‘ rights to deferment from military service, told reporters Chairman of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin. “The bill passed today in the first reading, corrects injustice, in which students who used the first deferment in school due to the onset of military age, are unable to delay to continue training in a magistracy. The amendments allow

In the state Duma commented on the Kuril Islands

In the state Duma commented on the Kuril Islands MOSCOW, January 10 — RIA Novosti. The head of the Duma Committee on regional policy and problems of North and Far East Nikolai Kharitonov (Communist party) does not support the draft on the prohibition of the transfer of the Kuril Islands, because, in his words, considers unacceptable the conversation about the transfer of Russian territory. The Deputy from LDPR Sergey Ivanov has previously submitted to the state Duma the bill “About territorial claims to the Russian Federation from Japan”, which establishes the territorial belonging of the Kuril Islands to Sakhalin region of the Russian Federation and the prohibition to apply the legal acts containing provisions for the exclusion of these territories. “In the head, no one thought about any transfer (Kuril Islands), this means reviewing the results of the Second world war. Lieutenant General (Kuzma) Derevianko destroyer “Missouri” on 2 September

Pompeo confirmed that the U.S. withdraw troops from Syria

Pompeo confirmed that the U.S. withdraw troops from Syria CAIRO, January 10 — RIA Novosti. U.S. Secretary of state Mike Pompeo at a joint press conference with foreign Minister of Egypt Sameh shoukry confirmed that the U.S. will withdraw its troops from Syria. Press conference broadcast by Egyptian television. The President of the United States Donald trump in the middle of December 2018, said the victory over the terrorist group “Islamic state” in Syria*, noting that it was the only reason for the stay of American military in the country. Later, the press Secretary of the White house Sarah Sanders announced that the United States has begun withdrawing troops from Syria, but the victory over IG* does not mean the end of work of the international coalition. * A terrorist organization banned in Russia. See also: Ryabkov doubt that the US will completely leave Syria Bolton revealed the details of

Lukashenko called stupid talk about the unification of Russia and Belarus

Lukashenko called stupid talk about the unification of Russia and Belarus At a meeting on socio-economic development of Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko denied the rumors that Belarus will unite with Russia. On 10 January, reports the BelTA news Agency. According to Lukashenko, the discussions about the unification of the two countries, as well as rumors about autocephaly for the Church in Belarus “silly” and “far-fetched”. He assured his interlocutors that he and Vladimir Putin not even endure similar issues in the agenda. The largest split of the Church for 1000 лет21:09 (GMT)Poroshenko told about writhing in Ukrainian autocephaly Кремле14:46 (GMT)the Tomos of autocephaly of the Ukrainian Church came back from Istanbul on Украину9 navarachana Synod of the Patriarchate of Constantinople signed the Tomos for UkrainenotLukashenko threatened Moscow with a loss of “only ally” in the Western direction He recalled that several years ago both countries signed the Treaty on establishing

Lukashenko threatened Moscow with a loss of “only ally” in the Western direction

Lukashenko threatened Moscow with a loss of “only ally” in the Western direction Moscow. January 10. INTERFAX.RU — the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko said that Russia may lose “only ally” in the Western direction due to the lack of agreement on compensation over the tax maneuver in the oil sector. “Do not assume that this (the lack of compensation from Moscow for the tax maneuver — if) disaster. If you elect the leadership of the Russian way of movement and the loss of the only ally in the Western direction, it is their choice. We’re going to get them can not” — said Lukashenko at the meeting with the government on Thursday in Minsk. He again urged the government “not to exaggerate the problems associated with losses of the Belarusian budget due to the tax maneuver in Russia.” Lukashenka stressed that “we must look for other reliable sources that

The Tomos of autocephaly of the Ukrainian Church came back from Istanbul to Ukraine

The Tomos of autocephaly of the Ukrainian Church came back from Istanbul to Ukraine KIEV, January 10. /TASS/ — the Tomos was signed by all the bishops of the Synod of the Patriarchate of Constantinople. A Tomos of autocephaly of the Ukrainian Church after signature by all members of the Synod of the Patriarchate of Constantinople has returned from Istanbul to Ukraine. “Yesterday Tomos returned to Constantinople, to signed it, and this morning he returned to Ukraine”, — said the Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko during a Church service at the Holy protection Cathedral in Rivne, where he arrived with a working trip. At this point the priests come into the temple, the text of the Tomos. “Here he is, Tomos, who was waiting for generations of Ukrainians”, — said the head of state. On the eve of the Orthodox Christmas, January 6, the Tomos of autocephaly was formally presented in

Shutdown in the US may affect the IPO market

Shutdown in the US may affect the IPO market According to us media reports, the budget crisis in the United States, which led to the closure of a significant part of state institutions and agencies (shutdown), may have a negative impact on the IPO market. The fact that currently 4 of 436 employees of the Commission on securities and exchange Commission (SEC) continue its work only 285 employees. Therefore, SEC cannot fully participate in the preparation for the placement of shares of a number of companies on American exchanges that were scheduled for January. The Wall Street Journal reports at least three such offerings — biotech companies Gossamer Bio Inc, Alector Inc. and divisions of larger investment Fund Blackstone Group under the name Alight Solutions. Despite the fact that January and the first quarter in General are traditionally not the most active period for IPOs in the USA, American observers

Moscow and London agreed on the partial filling of the composition of the diplomatic missions

Moscow and London agreed on the partial filling of the composition of the diplomatic missions Moscow. January 10. INTERFAX.RU — 23 the Russian diplomat was expelled from Britain after poisoning Skripal, then Russia retaliated. Russia and Britain agreed on a partial replacement of the composition of the diplomatic missions, but to talk about restoration of the population in full even earlier, said to “Interfax” on Thursday in Embassy of the Russian Federation in the UK. “In December, for the first time since March, Russia and the United Kingdom on a reciprocal basis issued a number of visas for future employees of the diplomatic missions of the two countries. Thus, there will be a partial restoration of strength after the damage caused by the initiated London expulsion 23 23 then the Russian and British diplomats”, — said the representative of the Russian Embassy in London. The Embassy said that they considered

The court received the complaint for the arrest of the suspect in Russia spying Americans Whelan

The court received the complaint for the arrest of the suspect in Russia spying Americans Whelan MOSCOW, January 10. /TASS/ — the date of the complaint is not appointed yet. Lefortovo court of Moscow on Thursday has received an appeal against the decision on arrest of the American, Paul Whelan, who was detained in Russia on suspicion of espionage. About TASS reported the press service of the court. “The lawyer’s complaint to the decision on the conclusion of Whelan’s detention came to court. Consideration date is not appointed yet”, — told a press-the court Secretary Ekaterina Krasnova. Previously, Whelan’s lawyer Vladimir Zherebenkov said that he has filed an appeal to the court on the conclusion of his client’s detention in the mail. In the complaint, the defender requests the release Whelan bail. FSB of Russia on December 28 last year, was detained in Moscow Whelan “in the spy action”. Investigation