Alexei Venediktov: Putin Treaty with Japan, wants to put an end of the Second world war
Concluding a peace Treaty with Japan, Putin probably wants to go down in history as the man who put an end to the Second world war. This opinion January 9 broadcast of “echo of Moscow” was expressed by the chief editor of the radio station Alexei Venediktov.
After the annexation of Crimea in Russian history Putin will go down as “the unifier and Savior,” and in the West as “the destroyer,” but in the case of peaceful Russian-Japanese agreement this ambiguity will not, said Venediktov.
“People that put an end to the Second world war — some bugs there, what’s the Churchill? It’s all over! All the results of the Second world war summed up. And here he must know it,” says Venediktov.
NewsOf the Kuril Islands not so reported
The chief editor of “Echo of Moscow” has repeatedly explained that all of this is just his guess about the real motives of the Russian President. He also noted that his interlocutors often call it “imagination” “emotional overkill”.
The Kuril Islands, which before the Second world war belonged to Japan, at the end of the fighting was left for the Soviet Union. Moscow and Tokyo never signed a peace Treaty. Japan appeals to agreements with tsarist Russia, and reminds that the Soviet Union started a war against her in violation of the Treaty of non-aggression.