The construction of the wall on the border with Mexico received a record support of the Americans

The construction of the wall on the border with Mexico received a record support of the Americans As shown by the results of a public opinion poll conducted by ABC News and The Washington Post (.pdf), the number of Americans supporting the President’s position Donald trump to build a wall on the border with Mexico, reached a record level. 8фотографий8фотографий8фотографий The data from the survey conducted January 8-11, and was published on January 13, the construction of the wall support 42% of respondents. A year ago the figure was 34%. Against the construction continues, the majority (54%), but the number of opponents has decreased significantly — a year ago, they were 63%. But although the question of the wall the Americans are more supportive of the President, a clear majority — 53% — accuse him and the Republican party in continuing in the country the shutdown. Blame the Democrats see

The ROC responded to Poroshenko’s demand to “show Tomos”

The ROC responded to Poroshenko’s demand to “show Tomos” MOSCOW, 13 Jan — RIA Novosti. The representative of the Russian Orthodox Church has responded to the demand of Petro Poroshenko to the ROC “show Tomos”. In conversation with RT, he stressed the unprecedented nature of the intervention Poroshenko in the case of Orthodox believers in Ukraine. We believe that this is a blatant mixture of religion and politics that we see in the face of this man, will not bring anything good to the Ukrainian state. The representative of the Russian Orthodox Church noted that “the flirtation of the Ukrainian authorities with Constantinople reached its peak”. The interlocutor of TV channel has noted the reluctance of the Russian Orthodox Church to enter into dialogue with Ukrainian President when he claims to the ROC and the UOC. Earlier the President of Ukraine during a trip to Vinnitsa questioned the canonicity of

In Germany responded to the threat of a US Ambassador on sanctions for the “Nord stream — 2”

In Germany responded to the threat of a US Ambassador on sanctions for the “Nord stream — 2” MOSCOW, 13 Jan — RIA Novosti. German politicians criticized the U.S. Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell for his threats to German companies participating in the project “Northern stream — 2”, told the magazine Spiegel. According to media reports, the U.S. Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell sent out letters to a number of German companies and hinted at the possibility of imposing sanctions from the United States because of the support construction of the pipeline. The Ambassador said that the letter Granella should not be seen as a “threat” and as “clear expression of U.S. policy”. According to the newspaper, criticizing Grenell expressed the Deputy head of the faction “Left” in the Bundestag, Fabio De Masi, as well as the Deputy head of the Social democratic party of Germany (SPD) Ralph Stegner and

Poroshenko invited the ROC to prove its canonicity

Poroshenko invited the ROC to prove its canonicity The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko doubted the canonicity of the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) and invited it to show your Tomos. He said this during a speech near the Holy Transfiguration Cathedral in Vinnytsia where together in the government delegation was taken to demonstrate to parishioners the Tomos of autocephaly of the Orthodox Church in Ukraine (PCU), reported on the official website of the President. “Right now our Church is canonical, and let them (ROC — approx. “Of the”) will understand, will show Tomos. And where their Tomos? Stalin signed? That’s all this began. Truth — don’t hide it,” said he, adding that nobody has the right to determine which Church canonical, and which are not.

WSJ: Bolton’s analysis of the Pentagon data on the possible US attacks on Iran

WSJ: Bolton’s analysis of the Pentagon data on the possible US attacks on Iran NEW YORK, January 13. /TASS/. Assistant to the President for national security John Bolton had requested from the Pentagon after a mortar attack in September 2018 in downtown Baghdad, where places including the American Embassy, all White house information about the available Washington the possibilities of attacking Iran. This was reported in the Sunday newspaper The Wall Street Journal. According to sources, the request has caused serious concern in the military and in the state Department. “People were shocked,” said a former employee of the administration. “It is incomprehensible how lightly they treated the strikes on Iran,” he added, speaking of the approach to the issue of Bolton and the national security Council (NSC) at the White house. During the shelling, referred to in the “green zone” in Baghdad exploded three mortar shells, no casualties. The

The Russian foreign Ministry called the vague U.S. role in Russian-Japanese dialogue

The Russian foreign Ministry called the vague U.S. role in Russian-Japanese dialogue According to the official representative of the MFA of Russia Maria Zakharova, the negotiations between Moscow and Tokyo are “stacked” without the participation of Washington. PETROPAVLOVSK-KAMCHATSKY, January 13. /TASS/. The bilateral dialogue between Russia and Japan formed without the participation of the United States, so it is unclear why Japan needs the US support in the negotiations with Russia. This is the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova said in an interview to the program “Sunday evening” on TV channel “Russia-1” on Sunday. “This build in connection with the exercise of political will of the country’s bilateral dialogue suddenly reappears in the third. And, most interestingly, we hear… amazing and bizarre statements, which makes the Japanese side on the territory of the United States… that Japan is waiting for the support of the US, almost part

Zimbabwean President intends to discuss with Putin, military cooperation and trade

Zimbabwean President intends to discuss with Putin, military cooperation and trade MOSCOW, January 13. /TASS/. The President of Zimbabwe Mr Emmerson Mnangagwa in the course beginning on 14 Jan visit to Moscow, hopes to discuss with the Russian leader Vladimir Putin the development of bilateral relations in the field of security and trade. About it the correspondent of TASS reported on Sunday, the Ambassador of Zimbabwe in Moscow Mike Nicholas Sango. “The heads of state meeting will discuss the consolidation and deepening of bilateral relations in politics, Economics and security, — said Sango. — In addition, it is expected that they will exchange views on strengthening cooperation in the field of trade and investment, and identify ways of developing cooperation in other spheres”. Economy The Ambassador said that the economic agenda of the main theme is to attract investment to Zimbabwe, which will focus in areas such as energy, transport

Qatar and the United States agreed to expand the air base al-Udeid air base in Doha

Qatar and the United States agreed to expand the air base al-Udeid air base in Doha TASS, January 13. Qatar and the United States signed on Sunday an agreement to expand military air base al-Udeid air base in Doha. This was announced by U.S. Secretary of state Michael Pompeo at a joint press conference with foreign Minister of Qatar Mohammed bin Abdel Rahman al Thani. The broadcast was led by the TV channel Al Jazeera. “This base is very important to us and we are thankful to Qatar, that it places our forces at ourselves,” Pompeo said after signing a bilateral agreement on the expansion of the region’s largest US military base. The document was signed at the sidelines of Doha second strategic dialogue, the U.S. — Qatar. In late July, the defense Minister of Qatar, Khalid bin Mohammad al Attiyah in an interview with The Washington Post announced plans

Poroshenko said that nobody can stop Ukraine

Poroshenko said that nobody can stop Ukraine MOSCOW, 13 Jan — RIA Novosti. Ukrainian independence became stronger with the creation of the “Autocephalous” Church. This was written by the President of the country Petro Poroshenko on Twitter. “Our United Church became the spiritual Foundation of the Ukrainian state, We won our independence, but it is not the end but just the beginning, we still need unity. However, nobody is able to stop the Ukraine and the Ukrainians, who removed from himself the yoke of the Church of Moscow and the Moscow Empire,” he said. “Autocephalous” Church was founded on the “unification Council” in Kiev in December with the merger of two non-canonical Church structures, earlier in Ukraine. The head of the new Church was “Metropolitan” Epiphany Dumenko. The canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church refused to participate in this event. ROC called the canonical meaning of “Assembly” in Kiev is negligible, and

Japan create planes and electronic warfare to counter Russia

Japan create planes and electronic warfare to counter Russia The government of Japan has decided on the development of strike aircraft and electronic warfare that can incapacitate radars and communication systems of the enemy. On Sunday, January 13, according to the newspaper Yomiuri, citing officials. As noted, the main purpose of such aircraft is the ability to counter the armed forces of Russia and China if necessary. Japan already has the electronic counter, but they are defensive in nature and are designed to disable the guidance system launched ballistic missiles. Currently we are talking about the development of offensive strike aircraft. According to the newspaper, the first such machine, the armed forces of Japan will receive approximately 2027. At the end of December last year, Japan submitted a record-high defence budget by fiscal year 2019. The cost of security will grow by almost two percent to $ 47 billion of