The Kremlin Plans to reduce the U.S. diplomats in Russia yet

Photo: RIA Novosti Moscow does not yet have specific plans to bring the number of employees of the diplomatic corps of the USA in Russia and Russia in the United States to equality with the number of the Russian permanent representative to the UN, said the presidential aide Yuri Ushakov. “It was said from the beginning that we score our permanent mission there (in new York) that is a reserve for the future,” he said, stressing that while in this situation there are no concrete plans, reports RIA “Novosti”. We will remind, Moscow has not yet responded to the new “diplomatic sanctions” from the United States related to the closure of the Consulate General of Russia in San Francisco and the buildings of the trade missions in new York and Washington. We will add that Moscow has balanced the number of American and Russian diplomats, however, included in the number

The ROC has compared the situation with

In the Russian Orthodox Church urged the participants of the public debate around the film “Matilda” is not to simplify the situation, clearly choosing one of the parties, as was the situation with the controversial French magazine Charlie Hebdo, in the Church emphasize that although not advocate a ban of the picture, but not be on the side of those who defends the film. The statement of the head of the Department for external Church relations (DECR) Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, “in light of the growing public debate on the film “Matilda” released on Thursday of the Synodal Department of the Moscow Patriarchate on relations of the Church with society and the media. In his address, Metropolitan Hilarion said that during the preview he saw the movie “Matilda” at the invitation of the Director Alexey Uchitel. According to the DECR Chairman, the situation surrounding the film “Matilda”, “unfortunately, like the

Nebesa urged the United States to fulfill its part of UN security Council resolution on North Korea

© EPA-EFE/PETER FOLEY UN, September 16. /TASS/. Russia will carry out sanctions against the DPRK under the last resolution of the UN Security Council, but waiting for the US and political steps to resolve the crisis referred to in the document. This was stated to journalists on Friday, Russia’s permanent representative at the world organization Vassily Nebenzia at the end of an emergency meeting of the security Council.

Nebesa: Russia may not sign the Declaration trump the reform of the UN

Permanent representative to the UN, Vasily Nebenzia © Alexander Shcherbak/TASS UN, September 16. /TASS/. Permanent representative to the UN, Vasily Nebenzia not sure that Russia would sign the US-proposed Declaration on the reform of the world organization. He said this to journalists on Friday, answering a question from TASS about the attitude of the document, which is a condition for participation in the forum, which will be held in new York under the chairmanship of us President Donald trump on September 18. “I’m not sure we will sign this Declaration. Many of the ideas set out there, they are certainly important and are in line with proposals put forward, the Secretary-General, but the Declaration of reform of the United Nations will hold,” said the diplomat.

Poklonskaya revealed details of a meeting with the Teacher

Photo: RIA Novosti State Duma Deputy Natalya Poklonskaya told about his meeting with Director Alexei Uchitel after the appearance in the media, photos of them together. According to Poklonski, meeting with the Director took place on 12 June in the Kremlin on the occasion of the celebrations in honour of day of Russia. “Then the picture was taken by one of the guests, which is irrelevant to the journalists has. My question is, why does he our picture, he joked. Now I understand why. At that moment, he called himself paparazzi”, she said in conversation with The Deputy noted that the meeting with the Creator of the movie “Matilda” took place about half an hour. “He once again called me to look at the picture (“Matilda”. — RT), and I told him that I will not do that, because I have the conclusion of the examinations,” she said. As

The UN security Council accused North Korea’s provocative politics

The UN security Council accused North Korea’s provocative politics The UN security Council condemned North Korea carried out the launch of another ballistic missile. In closed session, September 15 members of the security Council called Pyongyang’s actions “highly provocative”, reports TASS. It was also stated about the need for the DPRK “to immediately show a sincere commitment to denuclearization through concrete actions.” The British permanent representative at the world organization Matthew Rycroft said that the security Council is not considering new sanctions against the DPRK. His French counterpart, Francois Delattre, in turn, pointed to the importance of “strength and unity” of the security Council to resolve the crisis on the Korean Peninsula by political means. The representative of Russia Vasily Nebenzia noted the need to stop the mutual threat. He added that Moscow will comply with the security Council sanctions against North Korea, but is waiting for US political steps

Stoltenberg plans to meet with Lavrov at the session of UN GA

Photo: Vegard Wivestad Groett/NTB Scanpix/Reuters NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said he plans to meet with the Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly, reports RIA “Novosti”. “I will meet with foreign Minister Lavrov at the meeting of the UN General Assembly next week. It is also part of the dialogue, which is part of NATO’s relations with Russia for many years and which I think is even more important now because we face more unpredictable and complex security situation”, — he said. According to him, he plans to discuss with the foreign Minister the situation in Ukraine and around the Crimea, which he called the main reason for the deterioration of relations between NATO and Russia. Earlier it was reported that the General staff had assured the NATO allies also exercises “West-2017” against third countries.

Poklonskaya met with the Teacher

The Deputy of the state Duma of the Russian Federation Natalia Poklonskaya met in Moscow with Alexei Uchitel, the Director of the film “Matilda”. This was reported on the official website of TASS in Facebook. The Agency published the image, depicting Poklonskaya and Teacher. Details of the meeting, the Agency failed. The scandal surrounding the film by Alexei Uchitel “Matilda” has been going on a year. The Deputy of the people’s protests against the release of the film in hire, and the Director, the Teacher accuses her of aiding terrorism. The movie “Matilda” tells about the relationship between the ballerina Matilda Kschessinska and the Russian Emperor Nicholas II.

In Kiev has accused Siemens of non-cooperation for the Russian market

In Kiev has accused Siemens of non-cooperation for the Russian market German concern Siemens has refused to supply equipment to Ukraine for modernizing the gas transportation system (GTS) of the country, in order not to lose the Russian market. This was stated by the head of “Naftogaz of Ukraine” Andrey KOBOLEV, transfers “Interfax”. “The first compressors are already brought in, it was the Siemens compressor portfolio. But then she called Siemens and was told that if we bring, then we will lose the Russian market”, — said the Manager. He did not specify when a contract was signed with the Germans. As a result, according to Kobolyev, “Naftogaz” had to buy equipment from an American General Electric. “In the morning I had a meeting in the “Ukrtransgaz”, which performs the transit of gas to European countries. The report they received said that the first seven [of goods] which form the

Zakharov: extension of EU sanctions against Russia came as no surprise

The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova © Sergey Maligawa/TASS YALTA, Republic of Crimea, September 15. /TASS/. The extension of European sanctions against several individuals and legal entities of the Russian Federation and South-East of Ukraine was not unexpected, the return of the Russian stop-list is also valid. This was at the briefing on Friday, said the official representative of the Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova.