In Omsk started the rally for decent wages and the protection of rights of investors

In Omsk started the rally for decent wages and the protection of rights of investors The dialogue in the meeting attended by representatives of regional government and city administration. OMSK, on September 17. /Offset. TASS Alexey Petrov/. Rally for decent wages and the protection of rights of investors, organized by the Federation of Omsk trade unions, started in Omsk, the correspondent of TASS from the event. We are concerned by the ongoing wage cuts and tax increases, tariffs and other payments, which burden the people. We appeal to the government of Russia, deputies of the Duma, regional and municipal authorities, deputies of the city Council, urging them to pay attention to our problems.Orestes Obuhovskoi duties of the Chairman of the Federation of Omsk trade unions According to him, the meeting is devoted to the key problems hampering the development of the city. Is the low salaries of Omsk, the departure

Poroshenko has increased the military budget of Ukraine a billion dollars

Poroshenko has increased the military budget of Ukraine a billion dollars KIEV, 17 sen — news. The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko has signed the decree about the defence budget to 2018. The corresponding document was published on the website of the President. Thus enters into force the decision of the Council of national security and defense, which includes the cost of security and defense in 2018 at least five percent of GDP. Just at defensive ends in next year it is planned to allocate not less than 165,37 billion hryvnia (about $ 6.3 billion). It’s more than a billion dollars exceeds the defense spending in the current year, which amounted to 136 billion ($5.1 billion). The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on September 14 approved the draft budget for 2018 with a deficit of 2.4% of GDP and inflation of 7%. Parliament must approve the document. The budget for

Naryshkin has opened an exhibition in honor of the Soviet spy Kim Philby

Photo: Harold Clements / Getty Images Director of the foreign intelligence Service of Russia Sergei Naryshkin has opened an exhibition dedicated to the legendary Soviet spy Kim Philby, “Kim Philby intelligence and life.” On Friday, September 15, reports TASS. At the opening ceremony, Naryshkin said that Philby was “a man of amazing destiny and a top-class professional”. “Philby went down in history and was able to do much to the course of history changed in favor of goodness and justice. He is a great citizen of the world,” he said. The exhibition presents, in particular, declassified documents of the foreign intelligence Service based on the extracted Philby information. Materials presented to the public for the first time. The exhibition opened in the House of the Russian historical society and will run until 5 October. The exhibition is timed to the centenary of the creation of the all-Russian extraordinary Commission. It

The defense Ministry responded to the U.S.’s claims about the operations in Deir ezzor

The defense Ministry responded to the U.S.’s claims about the operations in Deir ezzor The coalition led by Washington have accused Moscow of attacking the opposition. Moscow. September 17. INTERFAX.RU — Russian combat aircraft in Syria causing surgical strikes, the United States was informed in advance about the boundaries of the military operation in the city of Deir ez-Zor,said on Sunday the official representative of the defense Ministry, major-General Igor Konashenkov. He commented on the statement by the Pentagon that following the shock suffered by the Syrian opposition. Russian VKS inflict pinpoint strikes only explored and confirmed through multiple channels targets in ISIS-controlled (banned in Russia) regions.Igor Contenciosului the representative of the defense Ministry “First of all, destroyed the firing points of terrorists from which leads a massive fire at Syrian troops,” — said the official representative of the defense Ministry. Konashenkov said that in the last few days on

A rally in defense of animals in Omsk gathered about 300 people

A rally in defense of animals in Omsk gathered about 300 people The organizers of the action advocated the extension of the concept of “cruelty to animals”. OMSK, on September 17. /TASS/. About 300 residents of Omsk took part in a rally in defense of animals in the framework of the nationwide “Law is needed now”, dedicated to the early adoption of the bill “About responsible treatment of animals”. TASS on Sunday, said the organizer of the rally in Omsk, the Director of the charity Fund of help to animals “Common world” Elena Alumina. During the download an error has occurred. “According to our estimates, the rally on September 16 was attended by over 300 people. The aim of the campaign is to attract the attention of higher authorities for the speedy consideration and adoption of the law. We individually each do not call, do not ask, the email will

In Latvia published a guide on revealing spies

In Latvia published a guide on revealing spies Latvian security services have advised officials to avoid contact with the familiar, too friendly and curious of foreigners. Moscow. September 17. INTERFAX.RU — security Police (SP) Latvia for the first time posted on its website recommendations for officials of state and municipal institutions on how to recognize spies: officials advise extreme vigilance to treat the leading over-familiar to foreigners. As pointed out by the police, employees of foreign intelligence services might try to direct the conversation to topics outside of work, to try to continue the contact in an informal setting and after hours, to ask you to provide information for personal needs, to offer information or assistance on business issues in exchange for services. In this regard, the Latvian secret service recommends that you pay special attention to foreigners, who are clearly familiar and friendly, trying to move quickly on an

The Minister of defence of Poland held the front line from the waters of Norway to the Black sea

Photo: Reuters The Minister of defence of Poland Anthony Macierewicz believes that the joint exercises “West-2017” Russia and Belarus are “training the Western front.” “We are not dealing with the Russian-Belarusian exercises in Belarus, and with the training of the entire West front, when viewed from the point of view of Moscow, stretching from Finland and the waters of Norway to the South of the Black sea”, — RIA “news” interview of Makarevicha Agency PAP. The head of the Polish military Department stated that the invitation to the teachings of the Polish observers does not diminish the concerns of Warsaw. “The amount of training troops is much higher than 100 thousand, it is not 12.7 thousand, according to the Belarusian side,” — said Macierewicz. Earlier, the defense Ministry denied the statement of Germany about the alleged 100 thousand Russian military involved in the exercises “West-2017”. At the same time, commander

The CEC explained the low turnout in the elections to the state Duma a weak activity of the parties

Photo: RIA Novosti MOSCOW, September 15. /TASS/. The turnout in by-elections to the state Duma on Kingisepp and Bryansk single-mandate districts was low due to the inactive of the campaign, pursued by the candidates and the nominating party. This opinion was expressed on Friday the Deputy Chairman of the CEC of the Russian Federation Nikolay Bulaev. During the meeting, CEC member of the Commission Boris Ebzeev wondered why the by-election was low voter turnout. “The turnout for the elections of the Deputy of the State Duma seems extremely low and I would say unacceptable,” he said. According to the electoral Commission of the Leningrad oblast, the voter turnout in the Kingisepp district made up of 24.62%, in the Bryansk district, as previously reported, the turnout was about 36%. According to ebzeeva, so low turnout in the Leningrad region is “the most convincing proof that our society is not yet politically

Lavrov was asked to intervene in the situation around the car Park at the U.S. Embassy

Photo: RIA Novosti State Duma Deputy from the LDPR faction Yaroslav Nilov will receive the Russian foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, in connection with the situation around the car Park at the U.S. Embassy in Moscow. Earlier, the administrator of the Moscow Parking space reported that Parking at the American Embassy in Moscow became available to all due to the acute shortage of Parking spaces. Road signs, allowing American and British diplomats to leave cars at the side of the roadway, at the initiative of the traffic police also removed near the U.S. Consulate General in Yekaterinburg and Vladivostok. In St.-Petersburg on a place of illegal Parking at American diobject the road markings showing pedestrian crossing and the possibility of reversal for cars. “I will submit to the Minister of foreign Affairs Lavrov’s letter and hope that, maybe, after these steps the Department of transportation a little to their senses,” —

Merkel said that in politics, as in football, everyone wants to get their

Merkel said that in politics, as in football, everyone wants to get their The German Chancellor also noted that one of the features of the policy is that “in the morning go to the office of the Chancellor and do not know what can happen until the evening and you need to react.” BERLIN, 17 September. /Offset. TASS Vyacheslav Filippov/. German Chancellor Angela Merkel said that in politics, as in football, courtesy’t help, but everyone wants to succeed. She stated this in an interview with the newspaper Bild am Sonntag. Merkel answered the questions of the former captain of the German football Philipp Lahm in the series “Stars meet with leading politicians”. It’s like soccer: your opponent in Borussia Dortmund can be a nice person. But when Bayern plays against Borussia Dortmund, courtesy of no help, justly and in accordance with the rules, but I want to get your share.