Dvorkovich spoke about the work on introduction

Photo: RIA Novosti The government of Russia in November will prepare a draft resolution providing for the phased introduction of the requirements of “Spring package” for the storage of user traffic, told reporters Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich. “Now the lawyers have confirmed that we can do it by the rules of government resolution, no amendments to the law, we are now discussing. In the near future are preparing the documents, in my opinion, there is a deadline — November,” — said Dvorkovich. A package of anti-terrorism laws signed by the President in July of 2016, requires operators and Internet companies for up to six months to store information about the content of the conversations and correspondence of the users, including photos, video and audio files to provide them on request of the security services. The rate of storage of user traffic shall enter into force from 1 July 2018.

Putin instructed to equalize the effectiveness of GPS and GLONASS

Putin instructed to equalize the effectiveness of GPS and GLONASS MOSCOW, 19 Sep — RIA Novosti. Russian President Vladimir Putin at the meeting of the Commission for military-industrial complex has set the task to equalize the effectiveness of GPS and GLONASS by 2020 to reach competitive performance, said Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin. “The emphasis the President put on GLONASS. He believes that it is imperative today to go on an equal footing with the Americans position: GPS and GLONASS should be equal in power,” — said Rogozin on the results of the meeting of the Commission. Vice Prime Minister also noted that while the Russian system is two times lower than the us, but, he said, to go out on competitive indicators by 2020 succeed, due to the launch of new vehicles. In addition, Rogozin stressed that the import substitution in the field of electronics plays an important role

Dzhabarov urged to study the information on the allocation of US $500 million for defense of Ukraine

First Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs Vladimir Jabbarov © Anton novoderezhkin/TASS MOSCOW, September 19. /TASS/. We need to learn that the U.S. Senate is allegedly approved the allocation of $500 million to support Ukraine in the sphere of defence and security, it is possible that Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko expanded this data could exaggerate the amount. This was stated on Tuesday by TASS first Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs Vladimir Jabbarov. “Frankly, [the President] could tell a lie. Mr. Poroshenko before he could come up with some things and thinking. As for the fact of allocate more funds to defense and security of Ukraine], of course, you need to study this alarming fact,” said the Senator. The politician believes that in case of separation of the money of the United States, Ukraine will direct them against its own citizens in

For the campaign Putin will prepare a package of reforms

Photo: TASS Russian President Vladimir Putin will offer to your possible fourth term the new reforms, their preparation has reportedly engaged a team of the President. On it informs “the Newspaper.ru” with reference to informed sources close to the Kremlin. According to one of interlocutors of the edition, reform, in particular, will affect the fight against corruption, education and health. In addition, they can raise issues of strengthening of positions of Russia in the world, freedom, and “new opportunities” for the Russians. Source “Newspapers.ru” has declared that such topics were selected on the basis of opinion polls. According to another companion publication, the preparation of a “package of reforms in different spheres” engaged in “a number of departments and institutions cooperating with the Russian leadership”. Presumably, Putin will tell about reforms in the framework of his election campaign. According to “Gazeta.ru”, economic reform is coordinated by the assistant to the

In new York ended with the meeting of Lavrov and Tillerson

Photo: RIA Novosti The negotiations of foreign Minister of Russia Sergey Lavrov and U.S. Secretary of state ended Rex Tillerson, Tillerson has abandoned the Russian permanent mission at the UN in new York. The foreign Ministers of the two countries spoke for about 45 minutes. Both Ministers arrived in new York on the 72nd session of the UN General Assembly. Earlier, Lavrov and Tillerson met in Bonn, Hamburg, Moscow, Washington and Manila. It was expected that the main topics of discussion will be areas of de-escalation in Syria (including the latest, the fourth in Idlib, the creation of which was announced on the eve of Lavrov’s visit to new York), the Ukrainian crisis and the possibility of sending peacekeepers to the country, UN, missile launches, North Korea and bilateral issues.

USA and Ukraine have not supported the Russian plan for peacekeepers in the Donbass

Photo: RIA Novosti The US and Ukraine refused to work with the text of the Russian draft resolution on placement in the Donbass UN peacekeepers. TASS said Russia’s permanent representative to the UN, Vasily Nebenzia. “This project has already been discussed in the framework of the Security Council. Kiev and Washington said that hereafter they are not willing to work, they will have substantive comments. Perhaps Kyiv will present an alternative draft”, — the diplomat noted. However, he assured that Russia will continue work on the document. “We have it under the cloth is not laid, we will continue to promote, when suitable conditions occur,” — said Nebenzia.

In the state Duma commented on the threat to the United States to destroy the DPRK

The Deputy Chairman of the Duma Committee on international Affairs Alexei chepa, RT, commenting on the words of the American Ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley about the destruction of the DPRK, said that the training of diplomats in the U.S. leaves much to be desired. “All the same declarations only push the DPRK leadership to certain actions. They today it is the only form of protection. Of course, we condemn their nuclear test and strongly urge that the only possible way of resolving this problem is not a threat, not the placement of weapons in neighboring DPRK territories, and negotiations. But, unfortunately, the level of some American officials, especially those engaged in diplomatic work leaves much to be desired”, — said the Deputy. Previously, Haley made a statement that if Pyongyang continues to behave “recklessly”, and the US will have to defend themselves, then North Korea will be destroyed.

Tillerson and Lavrov will meet in new York in a few hours

Photo: RIA Novosti U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson and Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov will hold a meeting in new York on Sunday night (Monday GMT), officials said. “The Secretary of state meets with foreign Minister of Russia Sergey Lavrov at the Russian mission in new York,” — said in a release sent to RIA Novosti updated the chart Tillerson. It says that the meeting will take place at 21.00 (04.00 Moscow time on Monday).

Shamanov commented on the words Haley about the possible destruction of the DPRK

Photo: AP Photo / Ahn Young-joon The head of the Duma Committee on defense Vladimir Shamanov (“United Russia”) called irresponsible statement by the American Ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley about the possible destruction of the DPRK. Earlier on Sunday, Haley said that the United States has exhausted the opportunity to resolve the North Korean problem in the framework of the United Nations. She noted that if the DPRK will threaten the security of the United States and its allies, it will be destroyed. “I think it’s a cry from the heart. Because differently you will not name. Because if you take America, (ed.) America, of course, available. But to do that I think that it will take additional efforts, and, above all, the consent of the world community. They’re not going to live on another planet. So I think that this is tantamount to the irresponsible statement of a