September 19, Lavrov will meet with Tillerson and Johnson

Photo: RIA Novosti The Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov, who heads the Russian delegation at the session of the UN General Assembly, 19 September, plans to meet with his British and American colleagues Boris Johnson and Rex Tillerson. It is reported by RIA “Novosti” with reference to the Russian delegation. “The Minister is scheduled bilateral contacts planned meeting with U.S. Secretary of state Tillerson, the head of the British Ministry of foreign Affairs Johnson, (head of EU diplomacy) Federica Mogherini, (Palestinian President) Mahmoud Abbas,” he told the delegation. Also the head of the Russian foreign Ministry intend to participate in a working lunch at the invitation of the UN Secretary General Antonio Gutteres. Additionally, on September 19 he will meet with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and foreign Ministers of Hungary, Somalia, Bolivia and Peter Siyarto, Hassan Ali Khaire and Fernando Wanokuni.

Prime Minister of Spain thinks of Catalonia justified

Prime Minister of Spain thinks of Catalonia justified TASS, September 20. The Prime Minister of Spain, Mariano Rajoy considers the actions of the Spanish authorities in Catalonia justified. This was announced on Wednesday, the Agency EFE. “It is logical that the state should respond, said Rajoy. — In the world there is not a single democratic state that would agree that taking these people: they were warned, they knew that the referendum could not be held because it is a violation of state sovereignty. If Spain will not fulfill the law, it will lead to injustice, tyranny and the rule of law is strong, that we cannot accept in any form”. On Wednesday morning the civil guard of Spain after the searches in the offices of several departments of the government of the Autonomous region were detained 12 people, including head of the economic and tax agencies of Catalonia and

Pamfilova told about the defects of the municipal filter

Pamfilova told about the defects of the municipal filter MOSCOW, September 20 — RIA Novosti. The number of candidates who could compete in the elections of heads of regions, did not take part in them due to defects of the municipal filter, the shortcomings of this mechanism will be a topic for discussion at the round table of the CEC, said the Minister, Ella Pamfilova. Municipal filter a certain number of signatures of deputies of municipal formations of the region, which needs to collect the gubernatorial candidate for the elections. “We see the disadvantages of the election of the highest officials of constituent entities of the Russian Federation the notorious municipal filter in the current form, due to defects whose ballots were not included a number of respected candidates who could compete in the elections”, — Pamfilova said at the CEC session on Wednesday. She noted that this issue was

In government buildings of Catalonia have searched

In government buildings of Catalonia have searched Moscow. September 20. INTERFAX.RU — Spanish Police conducts searches in the Catalan government offices in connection with the preparation by the authorities of the Autonomous region to hold a referendum on self-determination, according to the newspaper El Pais. According to the publication, searches are held in the buildings of the Catalan institutions in charge of economy, foreign Affairs, employment and social issues, as well as in the building of the government of Catalonia. At the end of last week, the mayors of more than 700 towns in Catalonia went on the March in Barcelona demanding to allow a referendum on self-determination scheduled for October 1. The decision on the referendum adopted by the government of Catalonia unilaterally after a number of unsuccessful attempts to agree on voting with the Central government in Madrid. Earlier, Prosecutor General of Spain, josé Manuel Maza, said that

Volodin: first meeting of the Duma deputies are absent only for legitimate reasons

Speaker of the state Duma of the Russian Federation Vyacheslav Volodin © Anna Isakova/photo Department of the state Duma of the Russian Federation/TASS MOSCOW, September 20. /TASS/. The Duma plenary session on Wednesday, September 20, was marked by the fact that it was the first in which no MPs absent without a valid reason. This drew the attention of house speaker Vyacheslav Volodin congratulated colleagues with this new success in the struggle for discipline and responsible attitude to work.

The US has offered Russia to discuss the future of Deir ez-Zor

Photo: TC “Star” According to media reports, the United States intends to propose to the Russian side the agreement on the division of areas of responsibility in Deir ez-Zor. United States of America has offered Russia to hold a meeting to discuss the future of the Syrian city of Deir ez-Zor, reported RIA Novosti citing its own diplomatic source close to the situation. According to the Agency, the United States intends to propose to the Russian side the agreement on the division of areas of responsibility in the city, and the Russian Federation, allegedly already prepared a preliminary response to the proposal for this reason. They (the Americans approx. ed.) said this week let’s meet, agree, including about Deir-ez-Zor. We’re talking about the division of areas of responsibility, — said the Agency interlocutor. The eighteenth of September it became known that troops of Syrian government troops, reinforced by units of

Lavrov at the UN General Assembly will hold meetings with the foreign Ministers of Venezuela, Brazil and Cuba

Photo: RIA Novosti UN, September 18. /TASS/. The Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly will hold meetings with foreign Ministers of Brazil, Venezuela and Cuba, and will participate in a Ministerial meeting of the CELAC (Community of Latin American and Caribbean States). On Monday TASS reported the head of the Latin American Department of the foreign Ministry Alexander Shchetinin. “Our direction from the Minister scheduled about a dozen meetings — said Shchetinin. — Met with the foreign Minister of Ecuador, will also be Mexico, Bolivia, Venezuela, Cuba, will be a Ministerial meeting of CELAC”. The diplomat also informed that on the sidelines of the UNGA, the Russian side plans to sign visa-free agreements with Grenada and St Kitts. “On September 20 is scheduled to meet with foreign Minister of Brazil, it will be very important will be the signing of

Kosachev: Russia’s presidential election and the 2018 world Cup will be subject to outside influence

Photo: RIA Novosti Both most important events in Russia in the next year presidential elections and the world Cup definitely will be the object of “external activity”, said the head of the international Committee of the Federation Council Konstantin Kosachev. Earlier, ex-speaker of the Georgian Parliament Nino Burjanadze in an interview with “Nezavisimaya Gazeta” said that the former President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili at the international level is “a major element of the project, which is controlled by the CIA.” The purpose of the project, she said, is to create Russia serious problems in 2018, in particular to take away from the world Cup and to exert influence on presidential elections. “It’s hard to deny that the two most important events in Russia next year — elections (of the President) and the 2018 world Cup — will definitely external activity,” — said RIA Novosti, Kosachev. Moreover, the format can be

The administration trump’s plans to simplify the rules of the export of us small arms

The administration trump’s plans to simplify the rules of the export of us small arms The administration of U.S. President Donald trump plans to revise export rules for U.S. producers of small arms, reports Reuters, citing its own sources. According to them, changing the rules will lead to simplification of paperwork and regulatory costs, the increase in exports of small arms and the creation of new jobs. Critics of the initiative, which include both legislators and experts on arms control, noted that any easing of export rules could make powerful weapons more affordable to criminal gangs. It is noted that changes to legislation may be introduced this fall and start working in the first half of next year.

In the Duma left of deputies-truants

In the Duma left of deputies-truants Moscow. September 20. INTERFAX.RU — Plenary session of the state Duma on Wednesday became the first to record the absence of members only for good reasons, said the Chairman of the lower house of the Parliament of the Russian Federation Vyacheslav Volodin. “Colleagues, we, in fact, probably the first plenary session, when we are absent (MPs — if) only for good reasons: business trips, in the composition of delegations under the authority of the members of the Duma Council or are in the hospital,” — said Volodin Wednesday opening plenary session. The head of the Duma Committee on rules Olga Savastianova noted at the beginning of “planarchy” that in accordance with the documents in the hall must be present 422 MP, which was confirmed as a result of the registration. Previously, when providing such information to Savastianova it was reported that some parliamentarians do