Of everyday corruption will gain an economic lesson

Of everyday corruption will gain an economic lesson The Ministry of economic development conducted a study about “everyday” corruption. Commissioned by the Department sociologists should identify the average size of bribes and the volume of the market of “everyday” corruption. Experts believe that such studies do not affect the real situation in the fight against corruption. The Agency also is interested in how citizens are satisfied with the work of state authorities and local self-government. The economy Ministry announced two tenders for conducting sociological research. 20 million rubles. the Ministry is ready to allocate the Russian state social University (RSSU) to study how citizens satisfied with the quality of public and municipal services. The Ministry cited the decree of President Vladimir Putin of 7 may 2012 according to which “by 2018, it is necessary to ensure achievement of satisfaction of citizens by quality of providing the state and municipal services

Judges might receive their hospitals and sanatoriums

Judges might receive their hospitals and sanatoriums The armed forces have developed a bill providing for the establishment of special medical establishments for the employees of the judicial system. Judges and their family members can receive medical care in special hospitals and sanatoriums. The bill will be discussed at the meeting of the Plenum of the Supreme court on 3 October. Authorization to create such institutions will receive the judicial Department in sun: he deals with the financial support of the work of the courts. If the document is supported by the participants of the meeting, it may be submitted to the state Duma before the end of the year. The Supreme court plans to expand the powers of the judicial Department, which deals with the financing and organization of the work of the courts in Russia, the agenda of the meeting of the Plenum of the RF armed forces,

Russia will not leave unanswered the adoption in Canada of the “Law name of Sergei Magnitsky”

© Vitaly Timkivi/TASS OTTAWA, 3 Oct. /Offset. TASS Daniel Studnev/. The intention of the Parliament of Canada to adopt the “Law name of Sergei Magnitsky” is a blatant interference in the internal Affairs of Russia will not remain unanswered. On Monday the correspondent of TASS reported the press Secretary of the Russian Embassy in Ottawa Kirill Kalinin.

Izvestia: Yaroshenko said that is discriminated against in an American prison

Photographic reproduction of Russian pilot Konstantin Yaroshenko from the personal archive of his mother Lyubov Yaroshenko © Valery Matytsin/TASS MOSCOW, 3 Oct. /TASS/. Convicted in the U.S. of Russian pilot Konstantin Yaroshenko reported that constantly discriminated against in the conclusion. So, told Russian newspaper “Izvestia”, it has not made the Orthodox priest and was denied a meeting with friends.

Poroshenko ordered to submit Russia to the court for a bridge to Crimea

Photo: RIA Novosti The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko ordered to submit Russia to the court for causing “environmental damage” in the construction of a bridge to Crimea. This was reported by press Secretary of the President Svyatoslav Tsegolko wrote on his Twitter page. “I would like to study the issue associated with the disaster, which was caused by the construction of the Kerch bridge, and prepared the corresponding claim to the relevant international organizations”, — quotes Poroshenko his press service. In what the court wanted to complain Poroshenko, Tsegolko said. “Isolation” Blocking the Strait of Kerch during the construction of the bridge in the Crimea, in fact, Russia has condemned Ukraine for insulation, said earlier the Deputy Minister on the issues of the temporarily occupied territories and internally displaced persons of Ukraine Georgy Tuka. “Now the matter is investigated. By such actions Russia violates all international norms. She actually

Ryabkov has no plans to abandon the channel talks with Shannon

Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Ryabkov © Yury Mashkov/TASS MOSCOW, 3 Oct. /TASS/. Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergei Ryabkov said that his talks on sensitive issues of bilateral relations with the US Deputy Secretary of state Thomas Shannon will be continued and the interest in this format of the dialogue is on both sides. Date and place of the next meeting has not been determined, but it will definitely be held soon, said the diplomat in interview to the newspaper “Izvestia”.

The Ministry of defence advised Kiev to dismiss the head of the Ukrainian General staff

Photo: RIA Novosti The official representative of the Ministry of defense of Russia Igor Konashenkov advised the Kiev authorities dismiss the chief of the General staff of Ukraine Viktor Muzhenko as incompetent. So the Russian major-General responded to the statement Muzhenko that Moscow has withdrawn from Belarus, not all the troops involved in the exercises “West-2017”. Words Konashenkov on Saturday, September 30, leads “Interfax”. “As to Russian forces participating in joint strategic exercises “West-2017″, everyone returned to the places of permanent deployment”, — said Konashenkov. According to him, the statements of chief of General staff about the “hidden” Russian troops in Belarus demonstrate incompetent. “Absolute non-possession of operational conditions on the removal of hundreds of kilometers from the capital of their own country and imagination about the number of troops stationed there is cause for immediate dismissal of the chief of the General staff,” — said Konashenkov. Earlier in an

The foreign Ministry thanked the CIA “for the support and promotion of Russian language”

The foreign Ministry thanked the CIA “for the support and promotion of Russian language” The Russian foreign Ministry thanked the CIA “for the support and promotion of Russian language”. This is stated in the official Twitter of Ministry of foreign Affairs. Earlier on September 29, the CIA has published on his Twitter page the announcement of the recruitment of employees with the U.S. citizenship and knowledge of the Russian language. Thanks to @CIA for the support and promotion of the Russian language. Why did you hide this for so many years? Ready to help with recommendations and experts pic.twitter.com/YXaxrKMKLf — Russian foreign Ministry ?? (@MID_RF) October 2, 2017 During the download an error has occurred. “You speak Russian? You are a US citizen and have a College degree? Are you interested in national security? Your skills are needed here”, — stated in the message. To the Declaration of the attached

The Duma will consider the reduction of the Christmas holidays

The Duma will consider the reduction of the Christmas holidays Duma faction identified priority bills to be considered by the lower house in the autumn. About the need to prepare the list of the faction agreed with the speaker of the Duma Vyacheslav Volodin at a plenary meeting in September. Several deputies from the opposition then complained that the initiatives of their factions or not put for review, or permanently transferred. At the end of September the Duma Council decided that each faction in each session will identify four of their most important initiatives that should be considered by the house. In the current list of 16 priority three bills on the introduction of a progressive income tax. Less holidays The list of important initiatives of the Communist party entered a bill to reduce the Christmas holidays. Document submitted at the end of September, offers 31 Dec, 1, 2 and

The Prosecutor General of Ukraine explained the explosions near Vinnitsa

MOSCOW, 30 Sep — RIA Novosti. The Prosecutor General of Ukraine Yuriy Lutsenko said that the cause of the explosion at the ammunition depots near Vinnitsa was “sabotage” by Russia. Video of the speech Lutsenko on air of TV channel “inter” published on Facebook by his press Secretary Larisa Sargan. “We tend to think that all the recent bombings are part of the military actions of the Russian Federation. We see some signs of sabotage”, — Lutsenko declared, expressing the view that the explosion can be caused by the inherent trigger. Ukrainian Prosecutor General also said that the explosions at the ammunition depots in Balakleya that occurred in March of this year, happened because of the Russian drone, which allegedly dropped thermobaric warheads. His version of Lutsenko did not substantiate. Saboteurs were not Earlier, the chief military Prosecutor of Ukraine Anatoly Matios has denied reports that the explosions in military