The number of detainees in Paris reached 1550

The number of detainees in Paris reached 1550 PARIS, 9 Dec. /TASS/ — the Minister of internal Affairs of France Christophe Castaner recognized that 8 December was a “difficult and stressful” day. Наверх19фотографий19фотографий19фотографий The Minister of internal Affairs of France Christophe Castaner reported that the number detained during Saturday’s demonstrations in Paris exceeded 1550. The Minister said talking on the Champs-élysées with representatives of the units involved in the measures to restore order during demonstrations of the “yellow jackets.” The number of detainees has become a sort of record for Paris and exceeded currently 1550. Never before in Paris was not detained by law enforcement so many people. Just an hour earlier, speaking at operational headquarters of the interior Ministry, he said that across the country was delayed 1385 people, but noted that this number is bound to increase in the near future. The interior Minister of France said that

Discovered the main breeding grounds of corruption in Russia

Discovered the main breeding grounds of corruption in Russia In 2018, most cases of corruption were instituted against the police officers. About it told the official representative of the Investigative Committee of Russia Svetlana Petrenko, reports “Interfax”. Upstairs Criminal proceedings were brought 790 employees of bodies of internal Affairs. On the second place in the number of corruption crimes are deputies, 502 people of which came under investigation. The least violated the law the tax officers, persons involved in cases of bribery of steel 18 tax. Leader in the number of corruption crimes was the Chelyabinsk region, there is brought 639 cases. It is followed by the Republic of Tatarstan, where there are 459 production, and Moscow, with 421. Since the beginning of 2018 there were 25 thousand offences relating to bribery and bribery, which is 0.6 percent more than last year. December 9 is the international day against corruption.

In Chelyabinsk drunk schoolgirl Mercedes shot a police officer

In Chelyabinsk drunk schoolgirl Mercedes shot a police officer 15-year-old resident of Chelyabinsk was hit by a police officer. The investigation found that the girl was driving drunk, reports the press service of the interior Ministry in the region. Upstairs The girl was driving a Mercedes Benz. She crashed into a parked car Lifan, and then shot a police officer and a traffic sign. Prosecuted on the presence of minors in a state of alcoholic intoxication, and the use of violence against a representative of authorities. The Ministry reported that the police tried to hide the incident. In this I suspect a high-ranking officer from among the leadership of the city regiment DPS. The interior Ministry conducts official investigation, at which time a police officer suspended from duty.

In Paris on the day of the manifestation of “yellow jackets” detained 481 person

In Paris on the day of the manifestation of “yellow jackets” detained 481 person PARIS, 8 Dec. /TASS/ — the Prime Minister of France Edouard Philippe noted that in connection with the events of “taken special security measures”. Upstairs The police and gendarmerie detained in Paris on Saturday 481 the protester of which 211 detained. This was announced by the Prime Minister of France Edouard Philippe. He appeared on television from the interior Ministry building, where he held a meeting with interior Minister Christoph Kasara on the situation in Paris and in the whole country in a day of demonstrations of the “yellow jackets.” The Prime Minister stressed that in connection with the events mobilized a “very large force of law”, “adopted special security measures”. Currently on the Champs Elysees, the police actively delays the most aggressive of the demonstrators and the widespread use tear gas. The main events unfold

In Brussels clashed “yellow jackets” with the police

In Brussels clashed “yellow jackets” with the police Moscow. 8 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — the Situation is to protest the “yellow jackets” in Brussels escalated, the demonstrators tried to enter the “neutral zone” — a quarter of government institutions in the capital, blocked by security forces, over 100 participants (most before) were detained. Upstairs The first clash of protesters with the police occurred on the street Montoye, near the Brussels-based EU institutions. 500 “yellow jackets” moved along the street Lua in the direction of the Schuman square, where the main institutions of the EU, but were stopped by the police. Attempt to circumvent the cordon was not successful — all the surrounding streets were blocked. Then a group of protesters managed to overcome one of the police barrier, after which the collision occurred. The police flew bottles and other items. In response fired tear gas. We heard the sound of firecrackers.

Six people died in a stampede in Italian nightclub

Six people died in a stampede in Italian nightclub TASS, 8 Dec — As reported by the TV channel Rai News, among them five minors. Upstairs Five juveniles — three girls and two young men and a woman were killed in the stampede, which occurred on the night of Saturday in the club of the city of Corinaldo in the province of Ancona in Italy. This was reported by the TV channel Rai News, citing the head of the police Department. #Corinaldo (AN) #8dic 1:00, squadre #vigilidelfuoco impegnate nel soccorso in una discoteca. Forse per la dispersione di una sostanza urticante, ragazzi fuggono per il panico calpestandosi. Purtroppo Sei quelli deceduti, decine feriti — Vigili del Fuoco (@emergenzavvf) 8 Dec 2018 According to him, the deceased woman accompanied her daughter to a concert in a nightclub. As said the representative of police, as a result of the stampede injured

Advertising Russian mayonnaise caused a scandal in Georgia

Advertising Russian mayonnaise caused a scandal in Georgia Advertising Russian mayonnaise “Sloboda”, pictures of which appeared in the journal City, turned into a scandal in Georgia, due to her starring in three heads of the press services of the Georgian authorities. Upstairs Press Secretary of the Ministry of defence Nino Tolordava, the administration of the President of the ECA, Mishveladze and services tax Khatia, moistsrapishvili are the heroines of new year headings of the journal, sponsored by the Russian company. The publication of photographs of a woman and the product placed in the magazine and on his page on the social network Facebook. Users reacted negatively to the article. Due to people’s anger they had to remove it. Later the women said they did not know about the advertising side of the shooting, and felt that “Sloboda” is a Ukrainian brand, the TV channel “360”. However, the editor and founder

The representative of the “yellow jackets” urged not to protest in Paris

The representative of the “yellow jackets” urged not to protest in Paris MOSCOW, 7 Dec — RIA Novosti. The representative of the “yellow jackets” kristov of Chalencon urged the participants not to protest in Paris, as it “definitely” will lead to casualties. Наверх19фотографий19фотографий19фотографий Earlier the interior Minister of France Christophe Castaner stated that, in his opinion, to the protest on Saturday will be several thousand people. To ensure security for Saturday protest will be mobilized more than 89 thousand employees of law enforcement agencies, the Paris — about 8 thousand. “We no longer need to protest in Paris. If there are protests in Paris, will definitely be the victim. We’re not here to make a revolution,” said of Chalencon RIA Novosti. Of chalencon said that if Saturday’s demonstration “end badly”, it would be tantamount to political death the President of France Emmanuel Makron. “We do not want the overthrow of

New photos of banquets Tsepovyaz was attributed to the “crab period”

New photos of banquets Tsepovyaz was attributed to the “crab period” New photos of life in the colony of the participant “gangs tsapkov” Vyacheslav Tsepovyaz, who was sentenced to 20 years, are “crab period” of 2015, when was the photo taken with the crabs. On Friday, December 7, the Deputy Director of Federal service of execution of punishments (FSIN) Valery Maksimenko has informed the radio station “Moscow speaking”. Upstairs According to Maksimenko, new pictures are just for 2015. “Just want to sell them not together, one, two. This is an old series”, — he said. The representative of the Federal penitentiary service also said that according to the old pictures have already been checking and people, which was flawed, has already been dismissed — but if necessary, they will be found and punished. Earlier media has published a video with new shots, which show Vyacheslav Tsepovyaz. The photos Tsepovyaz sitting

The Czech Republic has uncovered a Russian spy network

The Czech Republic has uncovered a Russian spy network Czech Republic to 2018 revealed and eliminated, the intelligence network of the Russian security services. This was reported by Michal Koudelka — Director of the Czech security and information (SBI), working in counterintelligence and counter-terrorism. His words leads portal iDNES. Upstairs Koudelka said that his Ministry was incredibly successful period of cooperation with local security forces and foreign institutions. For example, in the beginning of this year we informed who is required by law, that we successfully managed to destroy the intelligence network of one of the Russian intelligence services operating on our territory, and completely paralyze its activities.Michal Modelsdirect security and information Czech Republic Director of SBI added that over the past five years, the service has not allowed to operate dozens of Russian and Chinese spies. It did, in particular, on the quiet, that is, forcing them to leave