In Indonesia the tsunami killed a member of a popular music group

In Indonesia the tsunami killed a member of a popular music group MOSCOW, Dec 23 — RIA Novosti. Tsunami in Indonesia, which killed 168 people hit the beach, where he performed with local musical group Seventeen, one member of the group was killed and several were missing, reports the newspaper Jakarta Post. 10фотографий10фотографий10фотографий According to the newspaper, Seventeen because of the disaster killed the bassist and road Manager of the band. It is noted that the group is still looking for four of their team members, including guitarist, drummer, vocalist and wife of another member of the team, which was missing. During the download an error has occurred. In the area affected by the tsunami, carried out search and rescue operation. Tsunami waves hit the coast of the Sunda Strait West of Indonesia on Saturday 21.27 local time (17.27 MSK). The number of tsunami victims has reached 168, 745 injured,

The number of victims of the tsunami in Indonesia increased to 222

The number of victims of the tsunami in Indonesia increased to 222 MOSCOW, Dec 23 — RIA Novosti. The number of tsunami victims on the coast of the Sunda Strait in Indonesia, has risen to 222, according to Agence France-Presse. 10фотографий10фотографий10фотографий Earlier it was reported about 168 killed and 745 injured and 30 missing. As reported the Agency with reference to the representative of the National Directorate on liquidation of consequences of natural disasters Indonesia, Sutopo Purvo Nugroho, “222 people were killed and 843 injured and 28 people were missing.” Driving past debris from the impact zone of the tsunami in #Anyer. Many local houses are damaged. Note also the weird color of the sea, never seen it like that. #Indonesia #Tsunami — Øystein L. Andersen (@OysteinLAnderse) 23 Dec 2018 He said that the death toll could rise. #UPDATE At least 43 people have been killed and nearly 600

Putin instructed to find out the causes of deaths at the mine in Solikamsk

Putin instructed to find out the causes of deaths at the mine in Solikamsk MOSCOW, Dec 23 — RIA Novosti. Russian President Vladimir Putin in connection with the accident at the mine in Perm region spoke on the phone with the Governor of the region Maxim Reshetnikov, Minister for emergency situations Jevgenijs Senichevym, reported the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. “The President listened to their presentations and instructed to take all necessary measures to assist victims and families of victims,” — said Peskov. During the download an error has occurred. In addition, the President instructed the investigating authorities to understand the reasons that led to the deaths of people, said the press Secretary of the head of state.

The number of victims of the tsunami in Indonesia rose to 168 people

The number of victims of the tsunami in Indonesia rose to 168 people MOSCOW, Dec 23 — RIA Novosti. The number of tsunami victims on the coast of the Sunda Strait West of Indonesia, has reached 168 people. About it reports Agence France Presse with reference to the representative of the National office for the elimination of consequences of natural disasters, Sutopo Purvo Nugroho. It clarifies the Agency, 745 people were injured, 30 missing. According to Sutopo Purvo Nugroho, as a result of the disaster destroyed hundreds of houses and buildings is evacuation of victims. Driving past debris from the impact zone of the tsunami in #Anyer. Many local houses are damaged. Note also the weird color of the sea, never seen it like that. #Indonesia #Tsunami — Øystein L. Andersen (@OysteinLAnderse) 23 Dec 2018 The tsunami struck Indonesia’s West coast on Saturday, at 21:27 local time (17:27 GMT),

Tsunami washed away from the musicians during the performance

Tsunami washed away from the musicians during the performance In Indonesia, the tsunami washed away musicians local rock group Seventeen, who at that moment on stage. The moment of impact of the disaster hit on the video published on the YouTube channel user Rizky Rifangga. The footage shows how the lead singer shouts into the microphone “We are Seventeen” (We are Seventeen), and in the next moment, the back wall is swept away by a wave. During the download an error has occurred. The tsunami hit the coast of the Sunda Strait in the West to Indonesia in the evening of 22 December. At the moment there are about 168 killed, 745 were injured. Hundreds of buildings destroyed.

The bodies of all the nine dead workers found in the mine in Solikamsk

The bodies of all the nine dead workers found in the mine in Solikamsk TASS, 23 Dec. Rescuers found the body of the ninth worker, who along with colleagues has been blocked and died because of the smoke in the mine in Solikamsk. This was reported to journalists on Sunday in the operational headquarters on the site of emergency. Earlier it was reported about the discovery of the bodies of eight victims of the incident at the mine “Uralkali”. “The ninth discovered in the same room where there were six [of the bodies in one group]” — said at the headquarters, adding that the recovery of the bodies on the surface has not yet begun. It helps to eliminate the last pockets of fire in the mine. On Saturday, about 10:04 GMT, there was smoke in the mine of the company “Uralkali”. Only the shaft had 17 people: eight of

The bodies of eight people were discovered in an emergency the mine in Solikamsk

The bodies of eight people were discovered in an emergency the mine in Solikamsk TASS, 23 Dec. Rescuers found the bodies of eight persons in the mine in Solikamsk, where on Saturday the accident occurred, told TASS in the press service of the government of Perm Krai. “Rescuers found two bodies on the first level, second level and third level — the bodies of six people,” — said the press service. Just mine was locked nine people. The press service said that rescuers are preparing for another descent. Work continues on the elimination of a separate heat sources in the mine. On Saturday, about 10:04 GMT, there was smoke in the mine of the company “Uralkali”. Only the shaft had 17 people: eight of them came to the surface, they were not injured. During the download an error has occurred.

The Governor of the Perm region said that the chances of rescue of miners in Solikamsk there

The Governor of the Perm region said that the chances of rescue of miners in Solikamsk there The Governor of the Perm edge Maxim Reshetnikov expressed his condolences to the families blocked in the mine in Solikamsk nine miners. He promised to give them “all possible assistance” and has “given orders to ministries.” “Everything possible was done to rescue 9 of the builders of the mine. Six attempts to get to stop and open fire. Rescuers say there is no chance. Fire fighting in the mine continues,” wrote Mr Reshetnikov in Instagram. Earlier it was reported that rescuers managed to get to the scene of the fire in the mine in Solikamsk, but to get to the intended location of the workers, the rescuers and failed. We will remind, according to preliminary data, the fire in the mine has arisen due to ongoing construction works. The fire began to spread

More than 20 people died in the tsunami in Indonesia

More than 20 people died in the tsunami in Indonesia MOSCOW, Dec 23 — RIA Novosti. At least 20 people were killed and 165 were injured in the tsunami that hit Sunday on the beaches off the coast of the Sunda Strait, according to the website of the National Directorate on liquidation of consequences of natural disasters Indonesia. According to rescuers, at 04.30 local time (00.30 GMT) two more people are unaccounted for, it is not excluded that the number of victims can increase. In late September off the coast of the Indonesian island of Sulawesi earthquake of a magnitude of 6.1, near the city of Palu. Later in the same area was recorded another earthquake of 7.4 magnitude and number of aftershocks. Pala was hit by the tsunami with a height of two meters. Victims of earthquakes and tsunami become more than 2 thousand people, more than 4.6 thousand

The rescuers reached the fire in the mine in Solikamsk

The rescuers reached the fire in the mine in Solikamsk TASS, 23 Dec. Rescuers the sixth attempt managed to get to the scene of the fire in the mine “Uralkali” in Solikamsk, where nine workers remained locked. This was reported TASS the press service of the Governor of the Perm region. “The rescuers the sixth attempt managed to get into the shaft,” — said the Agency interlocutor. According to the head of Department on public relations of OJSC “Uralkali” Andrei Sidorov, rescuers have not yet reached the area where can be blocked by the builders. “They are not far from this place, it is the sixth attempt,” said he TASS. Earlier it was reported that high temperature and heavy smoke prevented to carry out rescue work, they did not allow the rescuers to descend to the required depth, under the previous descent it was 10 meters from the fire. According