Family from Russia who disappeared in Turkey, arrested while trying to enter Syria

Family from Russia who disappeared in Turkey, arrested while trying to enter Syria Family missing in Turkey, was detained at the border while trying to illegally enter Syria, reports RT. The inhabitant of the Saratov region Svetlana Utkina with two children and her boyfriend were detained by law enforcement agencies of Turkey and sent to immigration jail in the city of Antakya. Family accused of intention to join the radical groups operating in Syria. At the moment the Russian Embassy verifies information about the detention. “We have asked the competent authorities to confirm the whereabouts of the Russian citizens and to deport them to Russia and not to a third country”, — TASS quoted the acting press Secretary diplomatic mission Alexander Leshukov. Russian family ceased to go on air from Turkey a month ago, the former husband of Svetlana that fraud took with them their common daughter, Lisa, to organize

The Embassy of the Russian Federation checks the information about the detention of Russians in Turkey

The Embassy of the Russian Federation checks the information about the detention of Russians in Turkey According to unconfirmed reports, they were arrested while trying to infiltrate into Syria. ANKARA, July 13. /TASS/. The Russian Embassy in Ankara verifies information about the detention of two Russian citizens on the territory of Turkey. This was announced on Thursday, TASS reported acting press Secretary of the Russian Embassy in Ankara Alexander Leshukov. “We confirm that we were approached by the relatives of the missing on the territory of Turkey citizens of the Russian Federation. According to unconfirmed reports, Svetlana Utkina and her husband Eugene Kochari was arrested in Hatte while trying to enter the territory of Syria, — said the Agency interlocutor. — With minor children”. “We have asked the competent authorities to confirm the whereabouts of the Russian citizens and to deport them to Russia, and not in a third country,”

In the Sverdlovsk region collapsed on mine

In the Sverdlovsk region collapsed on mine YEKATERINBURG, July 13 — RIA Novosti. The collapse of rock occurred on Thursday in the mine of Novo-Kalinskaya in the Sverdlovsk region, under the rubble is a man, said on Thursday GUMCHS on Sverdlovsk area. “In the mine of Novo-Kalinskaya in the Northern Ural city district conducted rescue operation. At 20.45 local time (18.45 MSK) received a message about the collapse of the rock at around -950. According to preliminary information, under blockages there is work”, — stated in the message. Seven rescuers got to the emergency area where currently using spetsinstrumenta made the rubble to retrieve the victim. Mine is operating normally, the evacuation of employees was not required. The causes of the incident will establish a special Commission, said GUMCHS. The head a press-services GUMCHS on Sverdlovsk area Natalia Zyryanov has told RIA Novosti that there is no information about the

The company “Doctor Web” announced that malicious code on the portal

The company “Doctor Web” announced that malicious code on the portal MOSCOW, July 13 — RIA Novosti. The specialists of “Doctor Web” found on the portal of state services of Russia potentially malicious code, according to a statement on the company website. Code embedded on the website persons unknown, forcing the user’s browser to contact one of the domain addresses registered to an unknown private person. These addresses specialists of “Doctor Web” found at least fifteen. The owners of these domains can at any time to place malicious code to infect your visitors ‘ computers or steal their personal information. It is reported that information has been passed to our technical support website. “Doctor Web” recommends that the portal users to exercise caution. The press service of the Ministry of communications reported Agency city news “Moscow” that a potential threat to liquidate in the near future. “There are no

Russia appealed the decision of the ECHR in the case of Beslan

Russia appealed the decision of the ECHR in the case of Beslan Moscow. July 13. INTERFAX.RU — Russia appealed to the European court of human rights (ECHR) decision in the case of the seizure in 2004 of the hostages in the Beslan school, said the press service of the Ministry of justice. “The Ombudsman of the Russian Federation at the European court of human rights appealed against the ruling of the ECHR in the case “tagaeva and others against the Russian Federation” concerning the circumstances of the capture of armed terrorists September 1, 2004 hostages at school No. 1 in Beslan in North Ossetia,” — said in a statement posted on the Ministry’s website on Thursday. “The request of Russian authorities to transfer the case to the Grand Chamber is based on the identified apparent contradictions in the practice of the ECtHR, formed according to similar circumstances in other countries

The woman blew to death during takeoff in the Caribbean

The woman blew to death during takeoff in the Caribbean New Zealand tourist killed on the island of Saint Martin in the Caribbean sea, watching the takeoff from the international airport of Princess Juliana, where ships are forced to fly over the heads of tourists due to the small length of the runway. According to local police, 57-year-old woman was watching the takeoff of the aircraft, holding on to the fence of the airport, but it blew strong air stream from the engines of the Boeing 737. NewsIn the San Francisco Manager, has prevented a collision five aircraft According to local media reports, a tourist fell and hit his head on the concrete structure. The woman was quickly taken to the hospital, but to save her failed. The Caribbean island of Saint Martin (or Sint Maarten) is divided into two approximately equal parts between France and the Netherlands. Princess Juliana

In the port of Tokyo found a deadly fire ants

In the port of Tokyo found a deadly fire ants TOKYO, July 13 — RIA Novosti, Yekaterina Plyasunova. The Ministry of the environment of Japan said on Thursday that arrived in the capital port of the container was discovered more than 100 red fire ants, which is considered one of the most dangerous in the world. According to the Agency Kyodo, in addition to the ants in the container of eggs, larvae and pupae. The ants were immediately destroyed. Currently, experts are trying to determine whether the container formic uterus. Information about where and when it is in Tokyo port arrived shipment of dangerous insects, not yet. This is not the first case when arriving in the country find containers of red fire ants. Earlier red fire ants was discovered in arrived in the port of Nagoya’s container from China. In may, the insects were found in the port of

Established suspects in the murder of Russian tourists in Abkhazia

Established suspects in the murder of Russian tourists in Abkhazia Moscow. July 13. INTERFAX.RU law Enforcement bodies of Abkhazia investigating the attack on the Russian tourists and the murder of one of them, tested them against 20 people, reports on Thursday a press-service Ministry of internal Affairs of Abkhazia. “As a result investigative-expeditious actions it is established suspected of committing the crime, but in the interests of the investigation their details have not been disclosed,” — said in the message. On the eve of two criminals in masks, armed with firearms and cold weapons, made at the mouth of the river Apsta assaulting a group of tourists from Moscow. Boars that received multiple stab wounds to the chest, later died at the hospital. According to the Prosecutor General of Abkhazia, the attackers kidnapped the wife men, their children and another woman were with them. Later stolen was released. The interior

Case solved: how to investigate the murder of Boris Nemtsov

Case solved: how to investigate the murder of Boris Nemtsov The Moscow district military court sentenced five defendants in the murder case of Boris Nemtsov to terms ranging from 11 to 20 years in a strict regime colony. TASS recalls the details of the criminal case. Politician Boris Nemtsov killed in the center of Moscow on the night of February 28, 2015. After 11 months, the Investigative Committee announced the case of completion of the investigation. 2. 9 Jun 2017 a jury delivered its verdict. Were convicted all five defendants: Zaur Dadayev, Anzor and Shadid Gubareva, Temirlan Eskerkhanov, Khamzat. 13 July 2017, the Moscow regional military court on the basis of the jury’s verdict ordered the accused’s sentence. How the murder occurred Boris Nemtsov was shot dead in Moscow on the Bolshoy Moskvoretsky bridge. According to preliminary data, he shot several times from a passing car. At the murder scene

Alexei Ulyukayev extended house arrest

Alexei Ulyukayev extended house arrest The arrest was extended until August 15. MOSCOW, July 13. /TASS/. Basmanny court of Moscow extended until August 15 the house arrest of the former head of Ministry of economic development Alexei Ulyukayev in a criminal case about receiving a bribe of $2 million, reports the correspondent of TASS. “The petition of the investigation to satisfy, to extend the measure until August 15,” — announced the decision of the judge. During the meeting, the investigator reported that the speaker and his defense has actually completed familiarization with the case materials, but said its results for three dimensional motions, the resolution of which requires additional time. “After allowing the petitions, the records should be transferred to Prosecutor’s office for drawing up and approval of the indictment”, — said the investigator, adding that the timing of the transfer of the case to the court in connection with