Russia appealed the decision of the ECHR in the case of Beslan

Russia appealed the decision of the ECHR in the case of Beslan

Moscow. July 13. INTERFAX.RU — Russia appealed to the European court of human rights (ECHR) decision in the case of the seizure in 2004 of the hostages in the Beslan school, said the press service of the Ministry of justice.

“The Ombudsman of the Russian Federation at the European court of human rights appealed against the ruling of the ECHR in the case “tagaeva and others against the Russian Federation” concerning the circumstances of the capture of armed terrorists September 1, 2004 hostages at school No. 1 in Beslan in North Ossetia,” — said in a statement posted on the Ministry’s website on Thursday.

“The request of Russian authorities to transfer the case to the Grand Chamber is based on the identified apparent contradictions in the practice of the ECtHR, formed according to similar circumstances in other countries of the Council of Europe, which in turn can be viewed as explicit application to Russia of double standards when evaluating the European Court of justice effective planning and control of rescue operations, as well as the use of force by members of special forces during counter-terrorism operations and the release of the hostages”, — is spoken in the message.

The ECHR ruled in April that Russia must pay a total of 2,955 million euros to the plaintiffs on the case of capture of hostages at school of Beslan in September 2004, and 88 thousand euros as compensation of legal costs and expenses.

The justice Ministry then said that does not agree with the decision and intends to appeal to the Grand chamber of the ECHR in the middle of summer.

The decision on compensation will take effect only after either of the ECHR will take a decision on the transfer of the appeal to the Grand chamber and the complaint will be reviewed or will not accept to appeal.

