In the UAE, a local resident saved two lost in the desert of tourists

In the UAE, a local resident saved two lost in the desert of tourists DUBAI, 12 Aug — RIA Novosti. A resident of the UAE from the Sharjah saved two lost in the desert of European tourists, said on Saturday the UAE news Agency WAM. According to the Agency, the tourists were on the verge of death from exhaustion and thirst, when they were accidentally discovered by a resident of the UAE, which provided them with first aid and shelter in their home. It is noted that the scene is far from large settlements. In summer, the temperature in the UAE with in excess of 40 degrees Celsius. Rescued the tourists, the UAE has received official commendation from the police of the Emirate of Sharjah. The nationality of the tourists were not disclosed.

As a result of the collision of a car into a crowd in the Charlottesville man died

As a result of the collision of a car into a crowd in the Charlottesville man died MOSCOW, 12 Aug — RIA Novosti. One person was killed and 19 others injured as a result of the collision of a car into people in the us city of Charlottesville (Virginia), reports the associated Press, citing doctors. Earlier it was reported about six victims and one dead. A representative of the medical center of the University of Virginia and Angela Taylor, the Agency has confirmed the death of one man. Previously, Virginia was introduced a state of emergency — due to clashes with far-right in Charlottesville, which had previously suffered at least eight people. Supporters of right-wing protested against the authorities ‘ plans to remove from the “emancipation Park” a monument to Confederate General during the Civil war, Robert E. Lee. The first clashes between protesters and their opponents, and the arrests

Media reported about the fall of an Elevator with six people in Chelyabinsk

Media reported about the fall of an Elevator with six people in Chelyabinsk In Chelyabinsk in a residential building fell Elevator, in which were six people, including a pregnant woman. About it reports a local portal “the First regional” with reference to eyewitnesses. According to the report, the incident occurred in a multistory building on top prospect. A participant of the event told that the Elevator was descending from the 19th floor, and when he drove up to the third floor, “accelerated sharply” and began to fall. According to him, he “snapped”. Witness reported that the Elevator was stuck and the door wouldn’t open. Then stopped working ventilation, he said. “We gasped. 15 minutes later we were helped to get out”, — finished his story the interlocutor of the edition. As noted, “regional”, no one is in the bodice “not seriously injured”. According to the publication, the 26-storey building in

The evacuated Kaliningrad airport “Khrabrovo”

The evacuated Kaliningrad airport “Khrabrovo” KALININGRAD, August 12 — RIA Novosti. Visitors to Kaliningrad Khrabrovo airport was evacuated, told RIA Novosti on Saturday, a source in law enforcement bodies. “Visitors, all passengers were evacuated from the building,” — said the Agency interlocutor. RIA Novosti does not yet have official comment from the Ministry of internal Affairs in the region. #Khrabrovo. For more than 2 hours flight delay. All passengers evacuated from aircraft to station square from the street. — Natali (@Natali_Forever_) 12 Aug 2017 During the download an error has occurred. According to the Agency, it was reported that the terminal building is mined. Evacuated the entire airport Khrabrovo, incl.passed the special control. All were taken on Privokzal.area. None of the flight does not take off. In – luck — Vladimir Milov (@v_milov) 12 Aug 2017 During the download an error has occurred.

As a result of arrival of the unknown at the crowd in Charlottesville, one person died

As a result of arrival of the unknown at the crowd in Charlottesville, one person died TASS, August 12. One person was killed as a result of the collision of a car into a crowd of protesters in the center of Charlottesville (Virginia), where continuing unrest and clashes with far-right activists. This was reported on Saturday, mayor Mike Signer in his Twitter. “I’m amazed that one life lost. Call on all honest people to go home,” he wrote. As reported by the portal BuzzFeed with reference to law enforcement bodies, the man who was driving the car, was detained. At the same time, police in Charlottesville collided with three cars, injuring people. “Police and Charlottesville police, Virginia at the scene of the collision of three cars at the intersection of water street and 4th street in the city centre. Reported several casualties. People need to disperse, to allow the ambulance

In the South of Poland overturned a passenger bus

In the South of Poland overturned a passenger bus A passenger bus EN route from Warsaw to Rzeszow, flew into a ditch and overturned. The incident resulted in 28 people were injured, according to Polish Radio RFM. According to the newspaper, a bus flew into a ditch once hooked a roadside lamp. Only the car were 85 people. Currently, the causes of the accident are established, however, as the newspaper notes, it is known that the 58-year-old driver of the car was sober. One of the witnesses told the radio station that the passengers before the crash heard a “cotton” on the side of the bus, where the driver of the night had replaced the wheel. On a place of incident arrived 15 ambulances and a rescue helicopter. Earlier in Turkey in an accident with a passenger bus killed five people. The bus overturned in provinciei Samsun, affected a total

More than 30 people became victims of floods and landslides in Nepal

More than 30 people became victims of floods and landslides in Nepal According to the representative of the interior Ministry, the disaster also caused serious material damage. TASS, August 12. More than 30 people were killed last night in Nepal in floods and landslides that resulted hit the country with heavy rain. On Saturday, Reuters reports with reference to the authorities of that state. Confirmed the death of over 30 people. However, we are more focused on saving the survivors, rather than on collecting details about the dead.The representative of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Nepal He also noted that the number of victims may increase, and that the disaster has caused serious material damage. Local authorities have organized in schools and office buildings temporary shelters for people who were forced to leave their homes. A rescue team consisting of military, police and local residents have blocked the rescue

The UN security carrier after landing the drone on the deck of his

The UN security carrier after landing the drone on the deck of his In Britain, an Amateur photographer was able to quietly put my quadrocopter DJI Phantom on the deck of the new aircraft carrier of the Navy of Britain. Now the country’s defense Ministry will strengthen measures for the protection of the ship. The UK Ministry of defence will reconsider the approach to security measures after an Amateur drone quietly sat on the flight deck of the new carrier and the largest British ship “Queen Elizabeth”. It is reported Bi-bi-si. The incident occurred in Invergordon in the Highlands. One of the photographers group Black Isle Images takes pictures and video of an aircraft carrier as long as he docked in Invergordon last month. One day in July, when the drone once again went to remove the ship, a strong wind picked up, and since the drone has sensors that

In North-Eastern China evacuated more than 700 people from over the dam

In North-Eastern China evacuated more than 700 people from over the dam BEIJING, 12 Aug — RIA Novosti, Anna was Raccogli. More than 700 residents of a village in Yueyang County in the northeastern Chinese province of Hunan were evacuated due to the dam breach, said on Saturday, Xinhua news Agency. It is noted that a dam break occurred due to the ongoing heavy rains and resultant landslides. According to local authorities, descended landslides led to the blockage podobravshij channels of the dam, and because of the strong water pressure of the dam wall was destroyed. Dozens of houses in the village, located below the dam, were flooded. Thanks to prompt evacuation of the victims and victims managed to be avoided.

The number of victims of collision of trains in Egypt has risen to 49

The number of victims of collision of trains in Egypt has risen to 49 As a result of collision of trains in the Egyptian city of Alexandria killed 49 people, according to TV channel Al Arabiya. Earlier it was reported about 36 dead. According to the channel, in addition to the 49 killed, 179 people were injured. Collision of trains occurred near the station Horse, which is located between Alexandria and Cairo. As reported by the Egyptian state Agency Mena, one of the trains was traveling from Cairo to Alexandria, the other was bound from Port said to Alexandria. According to the Agency, ONA, the General Prosecutor of Egypt Nabil Ahmed Sadek instructed to immediately start the investigation of the accident. He also ordered prosecutors to go to the scene of the incident. #EgyptWatch رئيس الوزراء يتابع تداعيات حادث تصادم قطاري الإسكندرية #egypt #مصر — Egypt Watch ®