The helicopter Regardie explored the territory of mudslide in Kabardino-Balkaria

The helicopter Regardie explored the territory of mudslide in Kabardino-Balkaria MOSCOW, September 1 — RIA Novosti. Helicopter Mi-8 of Regardie explored the territory of Elbrus in Kabardino-Balkaria (KBR), where he descended powerful mudflow, have informed RIA of news in Department on interaction from mass media of Regardie. “The crew of the Mi-8 helicopter of the aviation detachment of special purpose Control Regardie Kabardino-Balkar Republic, the interdepartmental Commission on liquidation of consequences of emergency situations headed by the head of the region Yury M. Kokovin, air explored the territory of Elbrus, where descended powerful mudflow,” — said the Agency interlocutor. According to him, on a place employees of Regardie take part in liquidation of consequences of the floods. “A meeting of the coordination Council on elimination of consequences of emergency situations in its work took part the acting head of the Department of Regardie the region, Colonel Alexei Sergeev. On the

In Russia for cashing bitcoins arrested and face 7 years

In Russia for cashing bitcoins arrested and face 7 years In Kostroma has detained a criminal group which was engaged in cashing and other transactions with the cryptocurrency, which, in the opinion of the FSB fall under the category of illegal banking activities. Illegal currency exchange The case of the illegal operations, bitcoin is disclosed in Kostroma. What exactly was “illegal” operations is not specified. For virtual exchange service and the criminals have issued more than 300 banking and SIM cards to their relatives and acquaintances, through which subsequently carried out the exchange and transfer of cryptocurrency — explained in the police. This is the first case of its kind in the history of the region. How was the cash? The investigating authorities said that the defendants through accounts and accounts in the Internet, designed for dummies, illegally cashed more than 500 million rubles. They were charged with illegal banking

The police checks after the shooting in Yekaterinburg

The police checks after the shooting in Yekaterinburg According to local media reports, the incident injured one person. YEKATERINBURG, September 1./TASS/. Police started investigation after the shooting in Yekaterinburg, the information on victims is specified. On Friday told TASS in a press-group of the city Department of internal Affairs. According to local media reports, the incident injured one person. Near the place where the shooting happened is two kindergartens. “Today, residents reported a shooting in the street Soviet, near the house № 41. Now on the scene working law enforcement officers who organized a check on this fact. Information on victims becomes clear,” he told police.

Witness for the prosecution testified in the case Ulyukayev

Witness for the prosecution testified in the case Ulyukayev MOSCOW, September 1 — RIA Novosti. The former head of Ministry of economic development of Russia Alexei Ulyukayev never told Agency staff that “Rosneft” should not participate in the purchase of “Bashneft”, told the court the prosecution witness, the Director of corporate governance Department of the MAYOR Oksana Tarasyuk. “To me the speaker never discussed his opinion about the participation of “Rosneft” in the privatization of “Bashneft”. Other subordinate, he did not say that “Rosneft” it is necessary to exclude from applicants. We his opinion learned from the media,” said the witness. Earlier, Tarasyuk said in court that after reading about the position of the speaker in the media, was very surprised. Ulyukayev not guilty. He faces up to 15 years in prison. He became the first in the modern history of Russia, the Federal Minister arrested for corruption. Under version

In Kabardino-Balkaria, more than 500 tourists blocked due to landslide

In Kabardino-Balkaria, more than 500 tourists blocked due to landslide Due to vanishing of thread cut off was 27 tourist bases, blocked the Federal highway. Blocked among 133 foreigners. MOSCOW, September 1 — RIA Novosti. More than 500 people were cut off by mudslides, according to the revised data, in the mountains of Kabardino-Balkaria, told RIA Novosti a source in the emergency services of the region. Cut (rural) 27 tourist bases and 49 registered groups in which more than 500 people, including 133 foreigners. According to the authorities of Kabardino-Balkaria, a powerful mudslide came down from the slopes of the gorge Adyl-su. As reported by RIA Novosti in the emergency services of the Republic, about 30 tourist camps, which are 350, cut off, according to preliminary data, after the floods. In addition, due to heavy rains raised the water level in the river Baksan, in several places washed away the

The number of victims of the hurricane “Harvey” in the US has reached 44

The number of victims of the hurricane “Harvey” in the US has reached 44 Moscow. September 1. INTERFAX.RU up To 44 people has increased the number of victims of the hurricane “Harvey” in the us state of Texas, reported in the local media on Friday. 18фотографий18фотографий18фотографий Earlier it was reported 39 fatalities. About 19 people are still missing. Rescuers do not exclude that the number of victims can increase still. As a result of the hurricane more than 1 million people were forced to leave their homes. Damaged and destroyed tens of thousands of homes. It is expected that the President of the United States Donald trump, who visited earlier this week, the victim from the elements of Texas, will once again travel to the state. In addition, the American leader has promised to allocate $1 million from its own funds to assist people affected by “Harvey”.

In Iran overturned bus with Schoolgirls.

In Iran overturned bus with Schoolgirls. MOSCOW, September 1 — RIA Novosti. The bus overturned in Iran, killed at least 12 people, another 33 were injured, reports Xinhua news Agency citing local media. The incident occurred in the Fars province in the South of the country. It is reported that the bus was carrying Schoolgirls from the neighbouring province Hormozgan.

Yamal four guards died, poisoned by alcohol-containing products

Yamal four guards died, poisoned by alcohol-containing products KHANTY-MANSIYSK, September 1 — RIA Novosti. Four of the workers died on the Yamal Peninsula, as expected, due to the use of alcohol-containing liquid, prosecuted, reported RIA Novosti news Agency in regional investigatory management SK the Russian Federation. It is noted that the bodies of two men were discovered in a beam car-town belonging to the company “yamaltransstroy” and located at the station Kara Yamal region. The next day in the outpatient clinic, located in the nearby village of Bovanenkovo, died two men. According to investigators, their death was caused by poisoning with unknown poison “due to the combined use of alcohol-containing liquid”. “Currently on the scene working investigative team, inspected the scene, identified and questioned witnesses, appointed a forensic examination. Sets the entity involved in marketing alcohol,” — said the Agency. Criminal case instituted under article “causing death by negligence to

In the US areas affected by hurricane “Harvey”, threatens invasion of mosquitoes

In the US areas affected by hurricane “Harvey”, threatens invasion of mosquitoes MOSCOW, September 1 — RIA Novosti. Areas in the USA affected by the devastating hurricane “Harvey”, threatens invasion of mosquitoes and the resurgence of diseases that carry blood-sucking insects, experts said. 18фотографий18фотографий18фотографий The doctor-parasitologist, John Lee said that although the floods will wash off the mass of the insect, they will quickly recover their population due to the abundance of pockets of standing water. In the next two weeks, is expected explosive growth in the number of mosquitoes that will persist for a month or two, reports the associated Press. The specialist noted that this phenomenon may be accompanied by a surge of diseases that are transmitted by mosquitoes: the Yellow Nile fever and encephalitis. It is not excluded outbreaks of other dangerous diseases — zika virus and dengue fever. At least 39 people were killed, tens of

Saudi Arabia lost the Russian pilgrim

Saudi Arabia lost the Russian pilgrim MAKKAH, 31 Aug — RIA Novosti. Muslim pilgrims from the Russian delegation got lost after climbing mount Arafat near Mecca in Saudi Arabia and are not contacted, informed RIA Novosti the coordinators of the group on the spot. Pilgrims from Dagestan at the age of about 63 years died early Thursday to mount Arafat. Standing on the mountain is one of the key moments of Hajj. Other members of the delegation went to the mountain later and turned back to the sunset, as previously discussed. As at 22.30 local time, the old pilgrim never showed up. His phone is unavailable. “We got the security services and police too. Perhaps they will tell us information about it by morning,” — told RIA Novosti coordinator of the group of Ali. Friends of the men said that he spoke one of the languages spoken in Pakistan. “Maybe