Beat the blogger in Gorky Park explained his actions self-defense

Beat the blogger in Gorky Park explained his actions self-defense According to him, Stas Dunkin grabbed him by the throat and began to threaten. Moscow. August 31. INTERFAX.RU Roots Makarov, accused of beating to death a blogger Stanislav Dumkina in Moscow’s Gorky Park, said that struck him, fearing an attack. He told about it on air of the program “Let them talk”. The young man filmed in the Park video, said that between his friends and the company Dumkina there was a conflict which nearly escalated into a fight, and at first they together with the blogger separate from its members. Then, some people decided to step back and figure out the relationship there, and Makarov, in his words, said Domkino to give them sort it out themselves. Then, as stated by Makarov, Dunkin suddenly grabbed him by the throat and began to threaten. According to him, he pushed the

People with premium gun

People with premium gun Umar Dzhabrailov became involved in the case on hooliganism in the hotel. According to sources, “b”, the time of the shooting that occurred late Tuesday night, no one saw or heard. Security Four seasons hotel, located on Okhotny Ryad, just a few hundred meters from the entrance to Red square, alarmed, he saw on the surveillance monitor, as the Elevator on the sixth floor is guest of the hotel, gun in hand. To catch the dangerous guest security do not dare, they called the police from a nearby Department, “China town” and offered the guards to deal with naked customer who stayed in room 633. The guest opened the door to the police. He was still holding the gun in the hand down the stem. However, when the guards demanded to surrender their weapons, for some reason, said that “without a fight”. Before the bloodshed, fortunately,

Due to flooding in Houston can blow up a chemical plant

Due to flooding in Houston can blow up a chemical plant Chemical plant in a flooded Houston in the next few days can catch fire or explode. 18фотографий18фотографий18фотографий Due to the heavy rains that followed the hurricane “Harvey”, at the company’s plant Arkema in Crosby is out of order cooling system chemicals. According to the company, to prevent a fire impossible. The Arkema plant stopped working on Friday, even before the hurricane. However, due to heavy rainfall — 102 cm — its territory was flooded and electricity supply were interrupted, the company said. Backup generators also flooded. The plant produces organic peroxides, and stored chemicals are dangerous at high temperatures. “Now substances can explode and cause a powerful fire, — quotes Reuters the head of the company Richard Rower. — High level of water and lack of electricity do not leave us any opportunity to prevent it”. The hurricane claimed

A group of tourists from Moscow lost in the time of alloy in Transbaikalia

A group of tourists from Moscow lost in the time of alloy in Transbaikalia Moscow. August 31. INTERFAX.RU — EMERCOM Helicopter Mi-8 from Irkutsk is sent to search for the group of Moscow tourists in Kalarsky district of Zabaykalsky Krai, which during the rafting on mountain rivers has not been in touch, the press service of EMERCOM in the region. “By helicopter rescuers will inspect the route in accordance with the head of a group of geographic objects that tourists were planning to visit”, — is spoken in the message. The route is almost 300 kilometers and it takes place in remote areas, where the work of rescuers from earth is extremely difficult. The group was registered in the district administration. Thanks to this well-known search area.

Police arrested impacting on people in the center of Moscow trucker

Police arrested impacting on people in the center of Moscow trucker The driver of the truck that hit two people in the center of Moscow, is detained. The victims were hospitalized. Earlier it was reported that the culprit fled the scene. In Moscow detained the driver of MAZ, which brought down two pedestrians in the centre of Moscow and disappeared from a scene, have informed RBC in the press service of the Moscow Department of MIA. According to the interlocutor of the Agency, the driver was caught in the area Kapotnya. “At 20:10 at Bolshoi Karetny pereulok, building 4, the accident occurred. The driver, driving a car MAZ, I made arrival on two pedestrians, the scene disappeared. Currently, the police detained a car with a driver in the district Kapotnya” — said the Agency. According to the interlocutor of RBC, pedestrians hospitalized. At the scene are the traffic police check,

Accused of beating blogger in Gorky Park was arrested for 1.5 months

Accused of beating blogger in Gorky Park was arrested for 1.5 months Roots Makarov will remain under arrest until October 13, the defense intends to appeal the decision. MOSCOW, August 30. /TASS/. Khamovnichesky court in Moscow to 13 Oct sanctioned the arrest of the son of the actor of the TV series “Interns” Korney Makarov, accused of beating to death a blogger Stanislav Dumkina in the Park. Gorky. About it the correspondent of TASS from the courtroom. “The petition of the investigation to meet, to elect against Makarova measure in the form of arrest for a period of 1 month and 14 days — until October 13,” announced the judge. Protection intends to appeal against this decision.

Umar Dzhabrailov was released on his own recognizance

Umar Dzhabrailov was released on his own recognizance Earlier it was reported about his arrest for the shooting near the Kremlin. Businessman and former Senator Umar Dzhabrailov, who was arrested for shooting in the center of Moscow, released under a recognizance not to leave. About this Agency city news “Moscow” said a source in law enforcement bodies. The investigator Dzhabrailov were released after the businessman was interrogated as a suspect, knows a source “Interfax”. Against it criminal case on hooliganism. Dzhabrailov was detained last night in the hotel for the firing of a premium gun, reported “Interfax”. The interior Ministry confirmed the fact of shooting at the hotel, but did not name the suspect. The interlocutor of RBC in the Ministry of interior said that Dzhabrailov saw the guards when he was in the Elevator with a gun in his hand. When police arrived knocked on the room of the

In Kiev kidnapped journalist of the First channel

In Kiev kidnapped journalist of the First channel MOSCOW, 30 Jul — RIA Novosti. A journalist of the First channel Anna Kurbatova was kidnapped in Kiev on Wednesday, RIA Novosti press-service channel. “Confirm (this info. — Approx. ed.)”, — said the Agency interlocutor. It is noted that the correspondent might delay the SBU. Earlier post about the kidnapping of the journalist appeared in the running line on TV channel “Russia 24”. The Kremlin has no information about the kidnapping Kurbatova, but will make every effort to clarify the situation, said press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. It became known yesterday that Kurbatova appeared in the database, the infamous Ukrainian site of the “Peacemaker”. Correspondent in recent years has been coverage of events in Ukraine. The last stories told about the Spanish expulsion of journalists from Kiev and about the parade in honor of independence Day in the Ukrainian capital

CNN showed the ruins of the capital of ISIS with drone

CNN showed the ruins of the capital of ISIS with drone CNN posted a video from the ruined capital of the terrorist group “Islamic state” — the Syrian city of raqqa. Footage posted on the website of the TV channel. CNN journalist managed to get into the city together with the Democratic forces of Syria (DSS) — the Union of Kurdish and Arab armed groups. Part of the Raqqa is already liberated from the jihadists, but the shooting there is still a threat. Estimates of DSS, the city still can’t get out about 20 thousand people. The number of militants opposing the liberators could reach a thousand. During the download an error has occurred. The assault on the city is from June. His capture is considered to be one of the main goals of the international antiterrorist coalition headed by USA, the leading military operations against extremists in Iraq and

Umar Dzhabrailov surrendered without a fight. Prominent businessman arrested for shooting in the Moscow hotel

Umar Dzhabrailov surrendered without a fight. Prominent businessman arrested for shooting in the Moscow hotel Former Senator from the Chechen Republic, a well-known businessman Umarov Dzhabrailov became the figurant of criminal case about hooliganism. The reason for this was the shooting that he for some unknown reason, until staged in a hotel room in the center of Moscow. On the eve of about 22:30 in the hotel “Four Sizes” on Okhotny Ryad on that alarm. Went to the scene along to the police, the security staff of the hotel showed a video from surveillance cameras in which a man with a gun in his hand standing in the Elevator, after which they proceeded together with the security guard to the sixth floor in room 633, where he lived a citizen, identified as Umar Dzhabrailov. Up to the sixth floor, a security officer pointed police to the door of the room,