FAN Prigogine addressed in the TFR for information about the murder of journalists in the Central African Republic

FAN Prigogine addressed in the TFR for information about the murder of journalists in the Central African Republic “Federal news Agency” (FAN) has published an open letter in which he asks the Investigative Committee of Russia (TFR) to disclose information related to the murder of Russian journalist Orhan Jemal, Alexander Rastorguev and Kirill Radchenko in the Central African Republic (CAR). “We ask the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation to request information from law enforcement CARS, to check the accuracy of the information disseminated in social networks and the media,” — said in an open letter. The FAN refers to the material published in “Novaya Gazeta”. In it Denis Korotkov analyzes the results of the investigation centre “Dossier” (the structure of Mikhail Khodorkovsky). According to the results of the investigation, to provide assistance to Russian journalists in the Central African Republic, beset by civil war, was a Martin, which the

Fire on the Playground in a Russian TTS extinguished without evacuation

Fire on the Playground in a Russian TTS extinguished without evacuation In Ulyanovsk, a fire in the area of children’s Playground, shopping center “Sozidatel” was extinguished without evacuation, writes “the Mouthpiece 73”. The news is accompanied by a video from the scene. On the recording heard the voices of children, in fact they are not. One of the witnesses, according to the newspaper, said that parents began to withdraw children on the street, when acrid smoke filled the hall. “Even the fire alarm has not worked,” he said. During the download an error has occurred. The incident, according to an eyewitness, occurred on Thursday, January 10, at 16:00 (15:00 GMT). On the website of the regional emergency management data about the incident no.

Forester of the Ministry of defense took bribes in debt

Forester of the Ministry of defense took bribes in debt Identified the scheme according to which land the military Department was at the disposal of businessmen. As it became known “Kommersant”, the Main military investigation Department of the investigative Committee of Russia (GVSU TFR) is investigating a criminal case against Ilya Tarasevich — chief specialist-expert of the Secretariat of Vice-Minister of defense of Russia. As a leading engineer FGKU “the Administration of forestry and environmental Sciences” (Whip) of the Ministry of defense, Mr. Tarasevich, according to the investigation, organized subdivision of the military Department who used them to landfills, logging and construction of cottage settlements. The accused Tarasevich States that he took no bribes, and money. Initially defendants in the criminal case initiated GVSU TFR under part 3 of article 285 and part 4 of article 159 of the criminal code (abuse of office and fraud in especially large size),

Patients with pneumonia kept in corridors in a hospital in Omsk

Patients with pneumonia kept in corridors in a hospital in Omsk One of the hospitals in Omsk was full. We are talking about the unit-2 in corridors where patients are diagnosed with “pneumonia”. On the critical situation written by the inhabitants of the city in one of social networks. On published photos can be seen in the corridor of the medical unit beds, which are placed on patients. The photographer claims that the patients were getting better, especially written refusal of admission in order to free up space in wards for elderly and critically ill patients. IA “Город55” notes that the situation could arise due to the officials who made the decision on the reduction of several pulmonology departments in Omsk. At the end of 2018, it was reported that in Omsk on 1 March 2019 promise to be commissioned a hospital-unfinished, which was supposed to open in 2016.

Investigators in Barnaul has stopped criminal case against Motunau

Investigators in Barnaul has stopped criminal case against Motunau BARNAUL, 11 Feb — RIA Novosti. Investigators closed the criminal case against the Barnaul student Mary Motunau previously accused of extremism because of the images in the social network “Vkontakte”, reported RIA of news in SUS’k region. Matuska a few years ago kept in his page in the social network photos, are interested in law enforcement. Were filed two criminal cases: on excitation of hatred, enmity, humiliation and violation of the right to freedom of conscience and religion. The girl faced up to five years of imprisonment. In October, the court in Barnaul returned it for further investigation to the Prosecutor. After receiving permission Motuza went to Moscow, and then went to Kiev. However, she noted in her Twitter account that will not ask Ukraine for political asylum. Currently Matuska lives in Lithuania. “The criminal case against Maria Motunau terminated in

In the Caribbean thousands of people stuck on the ship due to a virus

In the Caribbean thousands of people stuck on the ship due to a virus MOSCOW, January 10 — RIA Novosti. Passengers of one of the largest cruise ships can’t leave the ship because of the norovirus, reports the Daily Express. The ship is called Oasis of the Seas, owned by Royal Carribean, is moored in the port of Falmouth in Jamaica. At 167 passengers was diagnosed with a disease of the gastrointestinal tract. All on Board the ship is about nine thousand people. The doctors had forbidden them to leave the ship. As stated by the representative of the company, carried out a cruise, doctors provide assistance to victims on Board the ship. Also on the ship delivered additional medications in case of spread of the virus.

A court in Paris has sentenced Turkey to three years of imprisonment

A court in Paris has sentenced Turkey to three years of imprisonment A French court has sentenced a Russian artist-actionist Peter Pavlensky to two years of probation and a year of real imprisonment. On Thursday, January 10, reports REN TV. It is noted that the artist was free to leave the courthouse due to the fact that he had already spent 11 months in prison Fleury-Merozhis. Also freed was the wife Pavlensky Oksana Shalygina. During the meeting Pavlensky shouted, stumping around with a microphone. For this reason, the artist declined his translator. As a result, the meeting had to be interrupted. Pavlensky and his civil wife Oksana Shalygina detained October 16, 2017 for the arson of the entrance to the building of the Bank of France in Paris. The Russian and his wife accused in arson with the purpose of causing damage to property, endangering the lives of the people.

Center “Dossier”: the journalists in the Central African Republic was watched by the policeman, which is associated with the structures of Prigogine

Center “Dossier”: the journalists in the Central African Republic was watched by the policeman, which is associated with the structures of Prigogine Policeman Emmanuel Tragende, Kuopio from the Central African Republic, which is allegedly linked with businessman Yevgeny Prigozhin, suspected of involvement in the murder of Russian journalists. On 10 January, reports the TV channel “Rain”, citing sources in the center of the “Dossier”. “Dossier” reviewed information about calls from the phone, Kuopio and found that all three of the day, while journalists were in the CAR, the policeman was nearby (across the street or at least in the same area). However, he kept in constant communication with the driver of the Russians Bienvenu of Duwayma. According to the center, Duocam also worked in the gendarmerie. From 28 to 30 July men called up 47 times. “File” suggests that this speaks of an organized RAID. “Novaya Gazeta” notes that Kuopio

Police in Norway released the surveillance video taken the day of the kidnapping of the wife of a millionaire

Police in Norway released the surveillance video taken the day of the kidnapping of the wife of a millionaire Moscow. January 10. INTERFAX.RU Norwegian police in the investigation of the case about abduction of the wife of a millionaire for ransom are looking for possible witnesses to the crime, said on Thursday the Agency Associated Press. Police have released two videos from surveillance cameras, dated October 31, outside the office of a businessman Tom Hagen. Presumably, this was the day missing 68-year-old Anna-Elisabeth Falkevik Hagen. The footage records on the three persons got. One of them was walking down the road and then suddenly turned around and went back. Earlier it was reported that the kidnappers made the demand to pay them $10.3 million in the cryptocurrency, Monero in exchange for the liberation of women.

The fall of Russian military satellite caught on video

The fall of Russian military satellite caught on video Camera FOX during the broadcast of the cricket match in New Zealand has filmed the moment of the death of the Russian satellite “Cosmos-2430”. During the download an error has occurred. The camera was on video 5 Jan. Then the local media mistook it for a meteor or space debris, but on 10 January the command of the aerospace defense of North America said that it was a Russian military satellite “Kosmos-2430”. RIA Novosti with reference to the VCS reported that the machine was worn out and on 5 January the planning was de-orbited and burned up in the atmosphere at an altitude of about 100 kilometers. “Cosmos-2430” was part of the system of missile attack warning “the Eye” and was launched in 2007 from the Plesetsk cosmodrome. It is assumed that communication with the satellite was lost in 2012-2014 due