In Ukraine arrested the suspect in the establishment of a cyber network Avalanche

In Ukraine arrested the suspect in the establishment of a cyber network Avalanche A court in Ukraine has arrested Gennady Kapkanova, a suspect in the creation of a platform Avalanche, which infected computers, reported the press Secretary of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Ukraine Artem Shevchenko. On Monday, the press service of the National police of Ukraine reported about detention in Kiev the man, whom law enforcement authorities of 30 countries was wanted on suspicion in the organization of the platform, known as Avalanche, which is a daily infected worldwide up to half a million computers. “Sixty days of detention uncontested for the elusive Poltava hacker Gennady Kapkanova, the organizer of the international fraudulent cyber network “Avalanche” — there was no need for more than a year from the police to escape with a fake passport,” wrote Shevchenko on Twitter. The detainee is suspected of involvement in the Commission

Source: in Dagestan held a special operation on detention of drug dealers

Source: in Dagestan held a special operation on detention of drug dealers Law enforcement officers conducted a special operation on detention of drug dealers in the Dagestan Derbent, are searched, told RIA Novosti source in the power structures of the region. “Police officers carried out raids on more than 20 addresses in people who engaged in distribution and sale of drugs,” — said the Agency interlocutor. He added that the operation involved more than 100 law enforcement officers.

The fraudster received a suspended sentence for fraud in the construction of the East

The fraudster received a suspended sentence for fraud in the construction of the East The Blagoveshchensk city court has sentenced the swindler to two years imprisonment because he lied to the contractor, which should have been built for JSC “Russian space systems” building at the Vostochny cosmodrome, the press service of the court. As follows from the materials of the court, the man knew that in June 2015 the contractor has concluded with JSC “Russian space systems” contract for the construction, in a telephone conversation with the CEO of a construction company, he found that the advance payment the customer is not listed. Guilty because of their official position knew that the money the company will receive, but told the CEO of the contractor that might affect the situation. “Trump J. A. (convicted — ed.) proposed to transfer to its settlement account cash in the amount of one million rubles…

In Moscow denied the involvement of detachment “Russia” to “cocaine case”

In Moscow denied the involvement of detachment “Russia” to “cocaine case” Evidence that the plane special flight detachment (SLO) “Russia” is relevant to the investigation of the so-called “cocaine case” is untrue, the Board was provided to the mission by the Russian delegation, told RIA Novosti press-service of administration of the President of the Russian Federation. 8фотографий8фотографий8фотографий In the media it was previously reported that the photos from the criminal case on the disclosure of supply of drugs from Argentina to Russia have a picture of the side of the flight task force. According to press Secretary Manager of Elena Krylova, “the published data are not true, based only on some photos.” She noted that the plane LAYER is actually performing the flight to Argentina, but was granted for delivery of the Russian delegation. The plane carried out flight on a wide route, she added. We know that a visit

In Thailand, the police refused to release bloggers Alex Leslie and Cindy Fish bail

In Thailand, the police refused to release bloggers Alex Leslie and Cindy Fish bail The Thai Pattaya police refused to release on bail during the preliminary inquiry help Alexander and Anastasia Kirillova, Vashukevich, better known under the alias Alex Leslie and Anastasia Rybka. TASS reported on Tuesday a source in law enforcement bodies resort of Pattaya. “They tried to arrange bail, but was refused. Now out on bail detained only by court decision”, — said the Agency interlocutor. He also noted that, under local law, the hearing at which bloggers would be charged and dealt with the question of bail, to be held on February 27. Publication from the Nasty Fish ( Jan 20, 2018 at 4:00 PST During the download an error has occurred. Kirillov and Vashukevich and eight more detained together with them, charged Thai police in illegal labor activities in the territory of the Kingdom. Thai law

Prosecutors in South Korea requires 30 years in prison for ex-President Park Geun-Hye

Prosecutors in South Korea requires 30 years in prison for ex-President Park Geun-Hye Prosecutors in South Korea requires for ex-President Park Geun-Hye, who was arrested in April last year on charges of corruption, imprisonment for a term of 30 years, reports Yonhap news Agency. Corruption scandal in South Korea erupted in October 2016, when in a press there were messages about getting a large South Korean corporations, including Samsung, support for the government in exchange for large sums of money in the funds created by Choi sung-SIL — a friend of ex-President Park Geun-Hye. Not occupying public office, she interfered in the Affairs of the presidential administration and received the benefit of using high. Park Geun-Hye was arrested in April 2017. She was indicted on 18 counts, including corruption, bribery, abuse of power, as well as in the disclosure of government information. Park Geun-Hye was ousted from government 10 March

Involved in a “cocaine business” was the former head of the center for legal services, and unemployed

Involved in a “cocaine business” was the former head of the center for legal services, and unemployed Two of the arrested defendants in the so-called “cocaine case” — Vladimir Kalmykov and Istimer Khudzhamov worked with companies from Moscow, one was unemployed, reported “Interfax” on Tuesday informed source. 7фотографий7фотографий7фотографий “Kalmykov is a former General Director of LLC “Center of legal services” Khudzhamov, former sales Manager of one of the capital of companies engaged in wholesale sales. Third person involved — Ali Abanow — the number of unemployed”, — said the Agency interlocutor. As it became known yesterday, in December 2017, the Tver court of Moscow arrested Ali Abyanova, Vladimir Kalmykov and Istimara Khudzhamov. In custody they will be kept until at least mid-April. Another person involved — the alleged organizer of the smuggling of cocaine Andrey Kovalchuk arrested in absentia, according to the FSB, he is hiding in Germany. It was

In Papua New Guinea, the earthquake killed more than 30 people

In Papua New Guinea, the earthquake killed more than 30 people MOSCOW, 27 Jun — RIA Novosti. The earthquake of magnitude 7.5 Papua New Guinea killed more than 30 people, reports the Post Courier newspaper, citing authorities. Earlier it was reported about ten victims. Affected more than 300 people and damaged many buildings. As the head of community health services Joseph Birisi on the road and the river came down landslides, destroying and damaging buildings. In the provinces of hela and southern Highlands power supply is broken. The disaster also led to disruption of flights. In suffered from earthquake regions sent rescue teams and the military. According to the U.S. Geological survey (USGS), earthquakes have been recorded in the 03.44 Monday local time (20.44 GMT on Sunday) at 89 kilometers South-West from the town of Porgera. The earthquake lies at a depth of 35 kilometers.

In the Perm region in the fire killed six people

In the Perm region in the fire killed six people MOSCOW, 27 Jun — RIA Novosti. Six people, including three minors, were killed in a fire in a hostel in Perm region, a criminal case, according to the website of the regional investigation Department of the RF IC. “The night of 27 February 2018 in the dormitory located on the street 50 years VLKSM city Chusovoy, there was a fire. In the result, six people were killed: a woman, two men and three teenage children. Four residents of the house admitted to hospital”, — is spoken in the message. It is noted that a criminal case under article “causing of death on imprudence to two and more persons”. According to the Agency, at the scene, inspection bodies, in which visible traces of violent death were found. “Establish all the circumstances of the incident, including the causes and conditions that led

The Russian Embassy in Argentina commented, “coke thing”

The Russian Embassy in Argentina commented, “coke thing” MOSCOW, 26 Feb — RIA Novosti. Reports that Secretary of the Russian security Council Nikolai Patrushev flew to Argentina “razrulivaniye” of the situation found in Russian Embassy drugs, may cause only a smile, said the diplomatic mission on Monday. The Argentine authorities earlier reported that during a joint operation of special services of Russia and Argentina managed to stop the delivery to Moscow of 389 kilograms of cocaine and arrest in Argentina a few people, including employee of the Argentine police, and a native of Russia. Bags of drugs found in the territory of the Russian Embassy, and about the discovery of the Argentine police told Russian diplomats. “Those who are familiar with the planning periods during state visits of such level (the message that the purpose of the visit of Patrushev was “fiddling” of the situation in the Embassy) can only