Pregnant sister of the businessman from the list Titova was released from jail

Pregnant sister of the businessman from the list Titova was released from jail The Rostov regional court changed the measure of restraint to the accountant of the company “Alyans-agro” Anastasia Kamburova, which is accused of laundering approximately 96 million RUB together with his brother, had fled abroad by businessman Alexei Kuznetsov. The court, after an appeal for protection, which stated that pregnant girls and needed her care, decided to take her under house arrest. Earlier, on 16 February, the court of first instance decided to conclude Kamburova into custody due to the fact that the girl could communicate with his brother, Kuznetsov, who is now in Federal search. The Kuznetsov is ready to return to Russia entrepreneurs. This list of business Ombudsman Boris Titov gave Vladimir Putin on 7 February. Nikita Korolev, Rostov-on-don

In Moscow detained a Polish nationalist political talk show

In Moscow detained a Polish nationalist political talk show In the apartment of the scientist Tomas Maracucha found letters and letters from the commanders of the Ukrainian nationalist battalions. A frequent guest of Russian TV programmes and political talk shows, the citizen of Poland Tomasz Maracucha detained in Moscow. In a rented apartment, where a Polish nationalist, the police raided. According to a source in power structures, the scientist discovered the symbolism and diplomas from the Ukrainian nationalist battalions. The court will decide the question of the deportation of Maracucha from Russia. During the download an error has occurred. About the search in the apartment of Mateychuk became known in the afternoon of 27 Feb. TV channel “REN-TV” showed a video from the event. A number of publications relates the visit of the police to “journalist from Poznan” the case for extremist 282-th article of the criminal code. We are

In Dagestan, reported about a possible escape from the country Minister Kazibekova

In Dagestan, reported about a possible escape from the country Minister Kazibekova Moscow. 27 Feb. INTERFAX.RU — Acting Minister of architecture and housing of Dagestan Ibrahim Kasibekov, in whose house on Tuesday was searched, not found at the place of residence or workplace, informed the Agency “Interfax” informed source. “According to some reports, Kazibekov left the Republic. Supposedly it can be in Ukraine. This information is specified”, — said the Agency interlocutor. Earlier in the press service of the interior Ministry, the Agency reported that the searches in the house Kazibekova and his Ministry was conducted in the framework of investigation of criminal cases under articles of the criminal code “fraud committed by an organized group or in especially large size” and “misappropriation or embezzlement committed by an organized group or in especially large size”. An informed source explained that, according to preliminary data, Kazibekov in collusion with the former

The defendant in the “cocaine business” has never worked in the Russian Embassy in Germany

The defendant in the “cocaine business” has never worked in the Russian Embassy in Germany MOSCOW, 27 Jun — RIA Novosti. Suspected of organizing drug smuggling from Argentina Andrei Kovalchuk has never worked in the Russian Embassy in Berlin, reported the press attache of the Russian Embassy Denis Mikerin. Earlier that Kovalchuk, a former employee of the Russian Embassy, said a number of media. “I can responsibly say that, according to our data, A. Kovalchuk the Russian Embassy in Germany has never worked,” wrote Mikerin on his page in Facebook. The Argentine authorities earlier reported that during a joint operation of special services of Russia and Argentina managed to stop the delivery to Moscow of 389 kilograms of cocaine and arrest in Argentina a few people, including members of the local police and a native of Russia. Bags of drugs found in the territory of the Russian Embassy, and about

“Apparently, the cargo was imported by the official car of the former technical employee of the Embassy”

“Apparently, the cargo was imported by the official car of the former technical employee of the Embassy” There are new details of the history of the discovery of cocaine in the territory of the Russian Embassy in Argentina. On Monday, the Tver court of Moscow has specified the names of the three defendants in the case about illegal trafficking and the smuggling of drugs from country to country. As it turned out, Vladimir Kalmykov, Istimara Khudzhamov and Ali Aslanov in custody since December last year, and in the early weeks of the term of arrest was extended. Information that the Russian and Argentine security forces stopped the supply of nearly 400 kg of cocaine from Argentina to Russia, appeared in the media on February 22. Bags of drugs found in the territory of the Russian Embassy in Buenos Aires. The investigation was conducted over the years. A situation in interview

Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia has stopped selling through the Internet 345 kg of drugs

Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia has stopped selling through the Internet 345 kg of drugs The official representative of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia Irina Wolf announced the arrest of a major gang which operated in several Russian regions. “Suppressed the activity of an online store, to carry out the implementation of bulk synthetic drugs” — are the words of Mrs. Wolf on the Agency’s website. In Moscow, Novosibirsk and Chelyabinsk regions and the Khabarovsk territory the police liquidated four drug laboratories that have produced 20 to 100 kg of synthetic drugs a week. Instituted 19 criminal cases, seized more than 345 kg “synthetics” and about 500 kg of various chemicals used in the manufacture of drugs. In the case of figures 27 detainees, 23 of whom are remanded in custody, and four — in the form of recognizance not to leave.

The killer of Russian journalist found in the Ukrainian army

The killer of Russian journalist found in the Ukrainian army The investigative Committee of Russia (SKR) has established the organizer of murder of the operator “First channel” Anatoly Clan, who was shot in 2014 in the Donetsk region. He was a Lieutenant Colonel of armed forces of Ukraine Nikolay Malamen. Officer charged in absentia, he will soon be declared wanted. The Department on investigation of crimes involving the use of prohibited means and methods of warfare, the TFR in absentia brought accusation in the Commission of a crime under part 3 of article 33, paragraph “b”, “e”, “f”, “l” of part 2 of article 105 of the criminal code (organization of murder of the person in connection with the exercise of his official activity, committed publicly dangerous method, by a group of persons on preliminary arrangement, on motives of political hatred) commander of division of the Donetsk anti-aircraft missile regiment

In Europe because of the extreme cold and snow killed 10 people

In Europe because of the extreme cold and snow killed 10 people In Europe on Tuesday remains abnormally cold weather with snowfalls, reported by the Western media. Now in Berlin: Berlin: -4° 50% 762 mm Hg. article 4 m/s 20фотографий20фотографий20фотографий UK So, meteorological service of great Britain has warned about the “amber” level of danger, which means that the weather can be life-threatening. In some parts of the UK is expected to 40 cm of snow. Weather conditions caused the cancellation of hundreds of trains and dozens of flights in the UK, reports Sky News. So, British Airways has announced the cancellation of 68 flights from Heathrow and Gatwick. Loukoster easyJet warns passengers of possible cancellations of flights, and Ryanair has already cancelled a few dozen flights. In addition, because of the accidents that periodically block the highway throughout the UK. France For the most part of territory of France

Millions of theft detained the leaders of the Ministry of energy DNR

Millions of theft detained the leaders of the Ministry of energy DNR Law enforcement bodies of the self-proclaimed Donetsk national Republic (DND) arrested the 22 officials, including the Minister of energy and coal Eduard Golenko. “It is established that the Minister of coal and energy Donetsk national Republic Golenko E. I. for the purpose of illegal personal gain has created an organized criminal group whose members, under the guise of delivery commodity-material values and services have made the theft of funds of state enterprises controlled by the Ministry of coal and energy DND”, — stated in the statement of the interior Ministry of the breakaway Republic. Police estimated DNI, from January 2017, the detainees kidnapped from controlled enterprises more than 100 million rubles. 17 officials arrested.

In Kaluga, opened a case about the desecration of the dead

In Kaluga, opened a case about the desecration of the dead A criminal case of abuse of the deceased and his grave opened in Kaluga, where unknown dug up the coffin with the body of a man, said on Tuesday the regional Prosecutor’s office. Yesterday it was reported that the police of Kaluga asked the relatives of the deceased men. According to them, an unknown individual dug up from the grave, the coffin with the body of the deceased. According to police, the man was buried 22 Feb. The incident occurred on the territory of the cemetery located near the village of Nekrasovo. Video from the scene of the incident hit the social networks and caused a wide resonance. “Given the evidence, 26 February the investigation Department № 1 Moi of Russia for the Kaluga criminal case under paragraph “a” of part 2 of article 244 (Violation of bodies died