Sun admitted extremist movement “Barrage” Vyacheslav Maltsev

Sun admitted extremist movement “Barrage” Vyacheslav Maltsev MOSCOW, Feb 28 — RAPSI, Nikita Shiryaev. The Supreme court (SC) of the Russian Federation declared extremist the interregional public movement “Artillery”, which was headed by wanted Vyacheslav Maltsev, the correspondent RAPSI from the courtroom. “Satisfaction of the appeal complaint to the decision of Krasnoyarsk regional court on recognition of the movement “Barrage” extremist organization to deny,” said the presiding judge. In support of the complaint, Igor Lifanov representing the interests Maltsev, stated that the “Barrage” in fact never existed. “The movement existed only in the virtual space. It was a personal initiative of citizens, no directives from Maltsev members of the movement have not received,” — said Lifanov. Prosecutor Tatyana Lazareva asked to leave the court decision of first instance unchanged. “The movement “Barrage” has a permanent name and symbols, as well as head motion that was put before the members of

FSB stopped the activities of an underground weapons shop with the symbols of the “artillery barrage”

FSB stopped the activities of an underground weapons shop with the symbols of the “artillery barrage” Russian FSB reports on the suppression of activity of members of a regional criminal group involved in illicit trafficking of weapons in the Central Federal district, exemption, including merchandise with the symbols of extremist organizations “Artillery”. “On 27 February in Kaluga arrested the organizer of a specified criminal activity and his three accomplices. As a result of the activities of the illicit seizure of 27 firearms, over a hundred of major parts and components thereof, nine improvised explosive devices, 3.5 kg of explosives, more than 200 cartridges of various calibre, the adaptation for silent and flameless shooting,” — said “Interfax” on Wednesday in TSOs FSB. It also noted that were seized literature and leaflets unconstitutional content attributes with the symbols of extremist organizations “Artillery”. In addition, according to the secret service stopped the activity

The crew of the US Navy aircraft was blinded and frozen in the air

The crew of the US Navy aircraft was blinded and frozen in the air The crew of the U.S. Navy EA-18G Growler in flight suffered severe frostbite and lost visibility during the flight, writes Defense News. The incident occurred due to a failure of the system of temperature control in the cockpit. The temperature dropped to -30°C, the cabin filled fog, the devices were covered with ice. At this point the aircraft was at a height of more than 7.5 km in 90 kilometers from Seattle. According to the newspaper, the aircraft was headed from Washington state to base China lake in California. The crew managed to cancel the flight to the destination and return to base Whidbey-Aylen. See also: Old aircraft, icing as the cause of the disaster. Why are we afraid to fly

The lawyer of the defendant was “cocaine business” said it was a provocation of the American special services

The lawyer of the defendant was “cocaine business” said it was a provocation of the American special services According zherebenkova, cocaine was planted by Argentine police with the participation of the USA to discredit the Embassy. 8фотографий8фотографий8фотографий The alleged organizer of the so-called cocaine case, Andrei Kovalchuk convinced that the drug appeared in school of the Russian Embassy in Argentina as a result of provocation, organized by the local police and American secret services, reported to “Interfax” on Wednesday, his lawyer Vladimir Zherebenkov. “Kovalchuk is convinced that the drugs were planted by Argentine police while participating in this provocation of the American special services to discredit the Russian diplomatic mission”, — he said. According to the lawyer, his client insists that discovered in twelve suitcases were coffee, alcohol, personal items and gifts. Thus, he argues, the suitcases were much lighter than at the time of detection of cocaine. According to

The investigation leading Solovki. Instituted a new “restorers”

The investigation leading Solovki. Instituted a new “restorers” As it became known “Kommersant”, the Investigative Committee, the Prosecutor General’s office and the audit chamber launched a comprehensive audit of the use of billions of roubles allocated to the Ministry of culture on preservation of cultural heritage of the Solovetsky archipelago. To deal with violations of the UNESCO-protected objects, the government instructed by President Vladimir Putin. Thus, an investigation of the TFR has revealed embezzlement of about RUB 20 million under government contracts can be a continuation of the scandalous “case of restorers”, which featured government officials and contractors of the Ministry of culture. A new “restorers” were instituted under part 4 of article 159 of the criminal code (fraud in especially large size) according to the results Prosecutor’s check in Solovki, confirmed to “Kommersant”, the TFR, refusing to give details of the investigation. According to “Kommersant”, this is only part

The FSB’s three arrived to Argentina in connection with the “cocaine case”

The FSB’s three arrived to Argentina in connection with the “cocaine case” Employees of FSB of Russia came three times to Argentina and exchanges with Argentine colleagues information about the work of a criminal group that tried to bring in Russia, cocaine from Argentina, said the Minister of security of Argentina Patricia Bullrich RT. “It was verified operation. Imagine that employees of the Federal security service of Russia came to Argentina three times. We exchanged information about how the organization worked in Argentina, in Russia,” — said Bullrich. According to her, the smuggling was preparing a shipment of cocaine worth almost 60 million euros. “Achieved mutual trust allowed them to eliminate the criminal organization. Done joint work has given us great confidence. For us all this opens a very large door and a window to work with Russia”, — said Bullrich. The Argentine authorities earlier reported that during a joint

The foreign Ministry called arise in the media version of “cocaine case” speculation

The foreign Ministry called arise in the media version of “cocaine case” speculation Deputy foreign Minister of Russia Sergey Ryabkov believes that the last stuffing around the situation with “cocaine business” connected with the intention to tarnish relations between Russia and Argentina. 9фотографий9фотографий9фотографий “Invention and manufacture of all the details that cluttered this situation, people are doing that charged initially on seeking out the negative and inventing fables, by and large, focused on the denigration of productive and largely unprecedented cooperation that made possible the disclosure of the circumstances of this high profile case,” said Ryabkov. Earlier in mass media appeared information that the photograph of the criminal case on the disclosure of supply of drugs from Argentina to Russia came on Board the special flight detachment “Russia”. “No distractions of recent days, which we have seen, have no relation to the real case in terms of all the speculation

SK confirmed the case against the Deputy head of the interior Ministry in Krasnoyarsk

SK confirmed the case against the Deputy head of the interior Ministry in Krasnoyarsk Investigators opened a criminal case about excess of powers of office during the construction of the insulator in relation to the Deputy head of the interior Ministry in the Krasnoyarsk territory Alexander Kuznetsov and the former Deputy chief of the rear of the interior Ministry Andrei Peruchini, told RIA Novosti the official representative of the regional Glaucus SK Olga Shamanic. Earlier, the RIA Novosti source in law enforcement bodies of the region reported on the searches taking place in the Department of internal Affairs across Krasnoyarsk region. The occasion was a criminal case of abuse of office brought against the Deputy head of a Central Board Alexander Kuznetsov and the former Deputy chief of the rear of Andrew of Petroseni, the source said. “In the case of the Deputy chief of gumvd of Russia in Krasnoyarsk

The source said about the searches in the office of internal Affairs for Krasnoyarsk Krai

The source said about the searches in the office of internal Affairs for Krasnoyarsk Krai KRASNOYARSK/MOSCOW, Feb 28 — RIA Novosti. The demonstrations in the Department of internal Affairs across Krasnoyarsk region, told RIA Novosti on Wednesday morning, a source in law enforcement bodies of the region. The occasion was a criminal case of abuse of office brought against the Deputy head of a Central Board Alexander Kuznetsov and the former Deputy chief of the rear of Andrew of Petroseni, the source said. The searches are in the offices, he added. According to the source, Kuznetsov and PetroChina in late 2012 signed the act on the implementation of works on construction of the detention facility in Norilsk on 200 million roubles, although the work, according to preliminary data, was performed on only 10 million, and an object, according to the source, was never built. In regional investigatory management the situation

In the US, 11 people at a military base felt ill after opening letters

In the US, 11 people at a military base felt ill after opening letters Three people were hospitalized. NEW YORK, February 28. /TASS/. Eleven people at a military base in Arlington (Virginia) felt bad after it was opened a suspicious email. This was reported Tuesday on Twitter the local fire service. She States that the letter was discovered in one of the administrative buildings, three people were hospitalized in stable condition. Earlier, CNN reported that three soldiers allegedly burned his hands, including one of them a nosebleed. In place of the departed members of the FBI to investigate. Arlington is close to Washington. To honor: why women dangerous to serve in NATO