The Norwegians took alarm for the outbreak of war with Russia

The Norwegians took alarm for the outbreak of war with Russia In the Norwegian town of vadsø, which is near the Russian border, triggering the alarm signal. It alarmed residents felt that the offensive began on the part of Russia. This publication reports NRK. The signal was heard at 23:50 local time, it is unknown why the alarm went off. According to the Director of the local police, Jan-Olav of Salberga, some of the locals felt that the war began. The relevant telephone calls were reported to the police several times. Recall that a similar case occurred in January in the U.S. state of Hawaii. Then the locals got a warning about the missile threat. In the text it was stated that what is happening is not a training exercise.

Hacking the Cisco equipment has led to failures in the popular sites of the Runet

Hacking the Cisco equipment has led to failures in the popular sites of the Runet Moscow. 7 APR. INTERFAX.RU — Unknown hackers attacked switches products Cisco, which led to mass failures of the Internet, said on Saturday the press service of “Kaspersky Lab”. “According to our sources, now there is a massive attack on the switch (the switch model Catalyst switch — if) Cisco, which are used in data centers almost everywhere”, — stated in the message. According to “Kaspersky Lab”, an as yet unknown hacker group exploits a vulnerability in a program called Cisco Smart Install Client to obtain the ability to execute arbitrary code on the device. “Attackers can overwrite the system image Cisco IOS and change the configuration file, leaving the message “Do not mess with our elections” (“do Not interfere in our elections”),” added the company. The attack whole data centers become unavailable, which leads to

The crew of the ship “Nord” was released.

The crew of the ship “Nord” was released. The representative of the Kerch named after 1 May, owns arrested in Ukraine fishing boat “Nord”, Anna Sheveleva reported that the crew no longer held and was released, reports RIA “Novosti”. “The team, with the exception of the captain, is on the loose. Now they are all in Mariupol. But they still need the 10th to appear for questioning in the SBU in that case, captain,” said Shevelev. Earlier it was reported that a court in Mariupol has taken the decision to impose on the crew arrested in Ukraine the Crimean fishing vessel “Nord” administrative penalties. Ukrainian frontier guards detained the Russian fishing vessel “Nord” with 10 crew members on March 25. Management of FSB of Crimea has opened a case under article “hijacking an aircraft, sea vessel or railway rolling stock”. March 30 Ukrainian court arrested the vessel “Nord”.

The number of flooded areas in the Volgograd region during the night increased

The number of flooded areas in the Volgograd region during the night increased VOLGOGRAD, April 7. /TASS/. The number of settlements affected by the floods in the Volgograd region, last night has not increased and is 47 farms and villages, reported the press service of the regional Glaucus Ministry of emergency situations of Russia. “In the nine municipal districts of the Volgograd region the number of victims of flooding of settlements as of 08:00 MSK is 47, the same number they had at 22:00 GMT on 6 April,” — said TASS head of the press service of EMERCOM in the Volgograd region Dmitry Ulanov. He said that in these partially flooded 47 localities were 2 282 pridvorovyh site, 408 households, which are home to 2 of 178 people, including 413 children. To accommodate people whose homes were affected by the floods, launched eight temporary accommodation centers (TACs) with a total

Became known the cause of the fire with five dead in Ussuriysk

Became known the cause of the fire with five dead in Ussuriysk Moscow. 7 APR. INTERFAX.RU — a Fire in an apartment house in Primorye Ussuriysk, which killed six people, according to preliminary data, began with a burning outlet. “According to preliminary data, has lit up the outlet from which to charge mobile phone”, — told “Interfax” the senior assistant administrator of management SKR across Primorski Krai the Aurora Roman. In turn, the press service of EMERCOM in the Primorsky territory reported that the fire was extinguished almost 3.5 hours. The message on a fire in an apartment house located on the street Artemovskaya, arrived early on Saturday morning, 5:46 local time (22:46 Friday GMT). Firefighters arrived at the scene within eight minutes. In one of the rooms of the apartment was burning furniture and objects. “Using a link of gas and smoke protective service, engulfed in smoke and flames

Six people died in a fire in Primorye

Six people died in a fire in Primorye According to preliminary data, the cause of the fire was a short circuit. TASS, 7 APR. Six people, including a child, were killed in a fire in the city of Ussuriysk Primorsky Krai. TASS reported on Saturday, the senior assistant administrator of regional management SK the Russian Federation the Aurora Roman. “As a result of fire in the city of Ussuriysk killed four women and one child. Later in hospital the victim died in the fire man,” said Roman. A criminal case on causing death by negligence. According to preliminary data, the cause of the fire was a short circuit in the wiring, the Ministry reported.

Regardie found 575 violations in the work of the security Firms guarding the shopping center and schools

Regardie found 575 violations in the work of the security Firms guarding the shopping center and schools Regardie checked 930 of Private security companies guarding shopping centers and schools, and found 575 violations. “The work on elimination of the revealed violations is on personal control of the heads of territorial bodies of Regardie”, — quotes “RIA Novosti” the message of Regardie. On the nature of violations are not reported. “Control activities activities of private security organizations dealing with security on objects with mass stay of people, continue”, — said the Agency. Recall Regardie start checking the PSC on March 28 after a fire in the Kemerovo TC “Winter cherry”, which killed 64 people. Earlier head SKR Alexander Bastrykin has informed that a security officer Kemerovo TC “Winter cherry” is not included operating a warning system. Before the alarm system was not working for almost a week. Fellow chop was detained

The court of Kherson arrested the captain of the Russian vessel “Nord”

The court of Kherson arrested the captain of the Russian vessel “Nord” KYIV, April 6. /TASS/. Captain detained in Ukraine, the Russian seiner “Nord” Vladimir Gorbenko according to the decision of Kherson city court remanded in custody for two months, with the possibility of bail. About it the correspondent of TASS said the representative of the Russian Consulate in Ukraine. “Detention for two months with the possibility of bail”, — he announced the court’s decision. The representative of Consulate General of Russia in Odessa. announced that the protection of the captain intends to appeal the decision of the Kherson city court for his arrest for 60 days. “We (the diplomats — approx. TASS) discussed with lawyers the situation around the decision of the court. The lawyers said they will appeal,” — he said and added that “the Deposit will be made today.” As explained to the correspondent of TASS reported

The crew of the “Nord” select nationality

The crew of the “Nord” select nationality Fishermen will be judged depending on their recognition as Russians or Ukrainians. Interlocutors “” close to the foreign Ministry and the presidential administration of Ukraine, stated that the consideration of the case about allegedly illegal border crossing of the Russian ship “North” will be associated with the “recognition or non-recognition of documents” issued in the Crimea and Sevastopol, which Kiev considers its sovereign territory. Thus, the Ukrainian government faced a choice: to consider fishermen with Russian passports issued in Kerch, the Russians or Ukrainians. The second option can significantly mitigate the punishment of the captain of the vessel and completely exonerate the crew members, so their families from the Crimea were allowed to bring the passports of the defendants in the Ukrainian court. Friday Kherson city court will continue to consider the case of the crew was in the Crimea fishing boat “Nord”,

Penny chips for GLONASS have led to a multimillion-dollar business. Suspected of fraud yet

Penny chips for GLONASS have led to a multimillion-dollar business. Suspected of fraud yet As it became known “Kommersant”, the TFR began investigating a major embezzlement defense Ministry, allocated for the establishment of the ground segment of GLONASS complex. In criminal case materials it is not installed yet the employees working in the JSC “Information satellite systems named after Reshetnev” (ISS) and scientific center of applied electrodynamics (NCPA). According to the TFR, when the execution of the contract for the purchase of 200 chips was spent 84,8 mln. at their real value of about 500 rubles. According to “Kommersant”, the criminal case of embezzlement of funds of the defense Ministry is in production of the Main Department on investigation of especially important cases of the Investigative Committee, and its operational support are conducted by the staff of the FSB. The plot of the investigation is connected with the execution of